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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR House rabbit going hyper becauze of new hamster

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    • Mushy
      1 posts Send Private Message

        My girlfriend has a house rabbit. The rabbit was always chilled and aloof. Just got on with things liked to be left alone. When my gf was alone with the rabbit its a bit more hyper and runs about more. I assumed it was just rnot comfortable around me as we have not been going out long.

        So for christmas my gf got a hamster. I stayed last night and the rabbit was going mental. He ran i circles the whole night. He kwpt jumping on couches. He was biting my feet. He was pawi g and scratching my feet.

        When we went to bed he kept runni g into the living roo. Sprinting to the bedroom jumping on the bed then jumping off and doing this until 3:30am. My gf closed the bedroom door but he kept bumping into it and scratching it so we let him back in.

        It was going the most crazy when the hamster was runni g in its wheel. My gf says the rabbit looks at the hamster and stomps his feet.

      • GlennTheLionhead
        364 posts Send Private Message

          That’s fairly normal behaviour for an excited rabbit however they don’t tend to do this all night…. it sounds like it could be time to get the rabbit spayed or neutered. My Glenn had similar behaviour when he hit puberty and it would continue literally all night long until we put him to bed! The rabbit might be seeing the hamster as a play buddy or sussing it out and perhaps that’s why it reacts around the hamster. I would say if the bunny is not neutered it is more to do with that than the hamster! They tend to hit maturity anywhere from 3-7 months, most people say 3-5 but Glenn didn’t hit puberty properly till 7 months old!
          If the rabbit is already neutered it may just be that it is comfortable in its surroundings and trust you both more now so is showing that with excitement…. rabbit are very sociable and don’t tend to like being left alone, they can take month to build trust and a bond so it may have just been more nervy than wanting to be left alone. Also the scent of the hamster could be causing a response in the rabbit which should gradually die down as he gets used to it.
          With that said being that active all night long for a neutered rabbit it possibly a bit excessive and I would seek vet advice if he is neutered and this continues for a while! Every rabbit just like people are entitled to a bit of a hyper day now and again

        • GlennTheLionhead
          364 posts Send Private Message

            That’s fairly normal behaviour for an excited rabbit however they don’t tend to do this all night…. it sounds like it could be time to get the rabbit spayed or neutered. My Glenn had similar behaviour when he hit puberty and it would continue literally all night long until we put him to bed! The rabbit might be seeing the hamster as a play buddy or sussing it out and perhaps that’s why it reacts around the hamster. I would say if the bunny is not neutered it is more to do with that than the hamster! They tend to hit maturity anywhere from 3-7 months, most people say 3-5 but Glenn didn’t hit puberty properly till 7 months old!
            If the rabbit is already neutered it may just be that it is comfortable in its surroundings and trust you both more now so is showing that with excitement…. rabbit are very sociable and don’t tend to like being left alone, they can take month to build trust and a bond so it may have just been more nervy than wanting to be left alone. Also the scent of the hamster could be causing a response in the rabbit which should gradually die down as he gets used to it.
            With that said being that active all night long for a neutered rabbit it possibly a bit excessive and I would seek vet advice if he is neutered and this continues for a while! Every rabbit just like people are entitled to a bit of a hyper day now and again

          • GlennTheLionhead
            364 posts Send Private Message

              That’s fairly normal behaviour for an excited rabbit however they don’t tend to do this all night…. it sounds like it could be time to get the rabbit spayed or neutered. My Glenn had similar behaviour when he hit puberty and it would continue literally all night long until we put him to bed! The rabbit might be seeing the hamster as a play buddy or sussing it out and perhaps that’s why it reacts around the hamster. I would say if the bunny is not neutered it is more to do with that than the hamster! They tend to hit maturity anywhere from 3-7 months, most people say 3-5 but Glenn didn’t hit puberty properly till 7 months old!
              If the rabbit is already neutered it may just be that it is comfortable in its surroundings and trust you both more now so is showing that with excitement…. rabbit are very sociable and don’t tend to like being left alone, they can take month to build trust and a bond so it may have just been more nervy than wanting to be left alone. Also the scent of the hamster could be causing a response in the rabbit which should gradually die down as he gets used to it.
              With that said being that active all night long for a neutered rabbit it possibly a bit excessive and I would seek vet advice if he is neutered and this continues for a while! Every rabbit just like people are entitled to a bit of a hyper day now and again

            • GlennTheLionhead
              364 posts Send Private Message

                Sorry don’t know why that posted 3 times

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            Forum BEHAVIOR House rabbit going hyper becauze of new hamster