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Forum BEHAVIOR Netherland Temperament

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    • Elliriyanna
      588 posts Send Private Message

        I stumbled across netherland dwarfs while just browsing and am curious what these little ones are like? I know personality varies between individuals but hearing from owners always helps? 

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I have a Nethie and he’s approximately 5 years old.

          For the most part, he’s very outgoing and friendly. He loves to be petted. He is funny too in that he can also be a bit of a grumpy growler sometimes – mainly in the morning. He goes up and down the stairs. When he comes downstairs he jumps up on “his” ottoman which I have dubbed his “pet-a-stool” to be petted.

          He will eat veggies from my hand when he’s not growling at them…don’t know why he can be temperamental in the morning when I give him his veggies but he is.

          He jumps up on the bed to be petted as well and lately has been lounging at the bottom of the bed at night.

          I really do enjoy him alot.

          I think also Netherland Dwarfs are prone to dental problems – Bobby was dumped at a Guinea Pig rescue probably because he was not eating – he lost all his lower left molars due the dental abscess and I have to take him approximately every 3 months for a dental trim and exam.

        • Elliriyanna
          588 posts Send Private Message

            I think I have heard most small rabbits are prone to that.

            My concern other than temperament is size. I am getting a 4 lb Holland lop and I don’t know that a 2-2.5 lb bun would be the best buddy for him

            ( I spay and neuter all possible pets, The only ones who are not are my reptiles and they are all housed individually)

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              Size really doesn’t matter in bonding rabbits. However it might be a good idea to go ahead with the Holland Lop, get him/her altered and allow him/her to pick her own friend.

              As far as a Nethie and a Holland Lop if you do go that route…the size again is not a problem – it could be the bonding that is a problem (but that is the case with any 2 rabbits regardless of breed). Of course, you might get lucky and they fall in love at first sight…it can happen :~) but no guarantee.

              Also keep in mind that Holland Lops are also susceptible to dental problems because of their smushed up faces.

            • Elliriyanna
              588 posts Send Private Message

                The plan is get him, Get him altered around september ( anniversary present) He is only 14 weeks right now.

                Then we will see about a second rabbit. I am in no rush. Plus it can be hard to find small breeds here so I have to work out how to even get one.

                I do know about their potential dental issues.

                I would love to hear from more netherland owners.

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  Hopefully more will answer. My Nethie is 1.5 pounds.

                • LBJ10
                  16942 posts Send Private Message

                    I have a Holland and a Jersey wooly, so a similar breed combination there (nethie + angora is how they developed the Jersey wooly). The typical stereotype associated with Hollands is that they are laid back. Leopold fits the stereotype, but I really think it has a lot to do with the fact that he can’t hear anything. I know there are definitely individuals out there that are no so laid back. Anyway, it works well with my pair because Wooly is more hesitant about things and he can be a bit excitable at times. I think Leopold helps balance him out. Wooly really is a sweet bunny though. He tries to have an attitude when you do something he really doesn’t like, but he always just ends up looking cute. When he is annoyed, he will put his teeth on you but he never bites down. He will also thump in disapproval, but he will immediately forgive you when treats are involved.

                  • Elliriyanna
                    588 posts Send Private Message

                      The boy I am getting is from great lines. Its the netherland I am more worried about general personality, What age should I look for if I get a second? I will be neutering him

                    • LBJ10
                      16942 posts Send Private Message

                        The best way to go about it is to let the current bun pick their own friend. Age usually doesn’t matter too much as long as everyone is spayed/neutered at the time of bonding. The only thing I would maybe consider is energy level when looking for a match.

                        From what I have heard, nethies tend to be more energetic and diva-ish. Look up Billy Bunny (The Real Energizer Bunny) on YouTube. LOL He is a good example of the stereotype. But it’s just a stereotype, it’s not going to be true for all nethies. If personality is really important to you, my suggestion is to adopt an adult bunny that is already spayed/neutered. The way a bunny acts as a baby means very little when it comes to what their adult personalities will be. The only way to choose a bunny based on personality is to get an adult. Hopefully that helps some.

                      • Elliriyanna
                        588 posts Send Private Message

                          Well netherlands are not easy to find here especially already altered, I would have to pick my own bun then neuter and try to introduce.

                          When I start looking maybe I can find one from good lines that just didn’t end up being the show bunny they had hoped ( My holland was chosen not to show because his ears are long, a rather endearing thing to me) Even he wasn’t easy to find.

                          I considered rescues but the main one here is not one I would consider.

                        • LBJ10
                          16942 posts Send Private Message

                            And you can totally do it that way. Lot’s of people do. But it’s like Forrest Gump would say about a box of chocolates. I just wanted you to know that picking out an adult bunny is the only way you will know for sure what their personality is like.

                            As far as bonding goes, I lucked out. I brought Wooly home not knowing what would happen. But it was love at first sight and my boys have been inseparable ever since. Other people have had different bonding experiences though.

                          • Elliriyanna
                            588 posts Send Private Message

                              I would LOVE to adopt an adult and take my little one to pick it out. But I just don’t know how that would be possible. Taking him with me to pick a baby would be a bit silly.

                            • gingerg
                              123 posts Send Private Message

                                I have a six-month-old Netherland Dwarf. He’s very energetic; he’s constantly doing zoomies and binkies and, unlike my other rabbits, enjoys tossing things. He’s also sweet and adorable; he grooms me a lot and tolerates much more in terms of petting and handling than my other rabbits do. However, he’s not yet big enough to be neutered and is just coming into his sexual maturity, so I’m not sure this is the same rabbit I’ll have in another six months.

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                            Forum BEHAVIOR Netherland Temperament