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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Pee & Poop everywhere+Jumps on my bed?

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    • senatcha93
      90 posts Send Private Message

        I got my baby dwarf rabbit(7 weeks old, free-range) on Sunday afternoon and it is a true delight! I do not know the gender yet maybe you can help me out if I state its behavior. It has peed on me twice already, and thrice on the bed – each time I change the sheets. Plus it poops everywhere despite being potty trained or so it seems. It basically knows where its toilet at and it goes in there, however I still find a lot of poop scattered around the place. So annoying! I love to have him on the bed because it sleeps with his limbs stretched out and it seems to really enjoy it. Sadly I can’t do so as of now because it pees and poops and bites little holes in the bedding although I have already given him apple tree branches(It doesn’t chew on them, idk why, it prefers the cardboard box). Is it maybe a boy? I think he marks the place that smells of me. If so I will get him neutered when he is older.

        I am SO tired because he has kept me up all night. Running around on the bed, me trying not to hurt him so I stayed in the same position almost the whole time, constantly putting him down… I can’t block the bedI don’t know how to get him off of it. Well, when he jumps on it I make a sharp sound, clap and chase him off. But he seems to have accustomed to it already since it doesn’t bother him anymore. I really don’t want him to feel anything other than love towards me. So I just lift him up and put him down. Now my wish is that he goes up there for cuddling/sleeping when I am there and allow him to, but stays away when I don’t. Please help?

      • Muchelle
        1141 posts Send Private Message

          It might be a good choice to give it a nicely sized x-pen (or any other kind of tall, metal, movable pen) to stay in for the night or when you’re not around to prevent him not only from peeing your bed, but also from chewing fabrics and other things that might be harmful for him.

          Poop scattered and peeing on you and your things might be him/her marking the territory (not a gender-specific behaviour, sadly. Do you have pics of its privates?). It probably is because the bun adjusting to the enviroinment and it could subside once it’s used to the new territory, or maybe it’s older and already has hormones kicking in?

        • sarahthegemini
          5584 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By senatcha93 on 4/06/2017 3:32 AM

            I got my baby dwarf rabbit(7 weeks old, free-range) on Sunday afternoon and it is a true delight! I do not know the gender yet maybe you can help me out if I state its behavior. It has peed on me twice already, and thrice on the bed – each time I change the sheets. Plus it poops everywhere despite being potty trained or so it seems. It basically knows where its toilet at and it goes in there, however I still find a lot of poop scattered around the place. So annoying! I love to have him on the bed because it sleeps with his limbs stretched out and it seems to really enjoy it. Sadly I can’t do so as of now because it pees and poops and bites little holes in the bedding although I have already given him apple tree branches(It doesn’t chew on them, idk why, it prefers the cardboard box). Is it maybe a boy? I think he marks the place that smells of me. If so I will get him neutered when he is older.

            I am SO tired because he has kept me up all night. Running around on the bed, me trying not to hurt him so I stayed in the same position almost the whole time, constantly putting him down… I can’t block the bedI don’t know how to get him off of it. Well, when he jumps on it I make a sharp sound, clap and chase him off. But he seems to have accustomed to it already since it doesn’t bother him anymore. I really don’t want him to feel anything other than love towards me. So I just lift him up and put him down. Now my wish is that he goes up there for cuddling/sleeping when I am there and allow him to, but stays away when I don’t. Please help?

            He’s only 7 weeks old. He’s bound to have accidents, not to mention a lot of bunnies just love peeing on bedding. 

          • Bam
            16905 posts Send Private Message

              There’s no good way to keep a bun off the bed unless you can block it off. Could you cage him at night and keep the cage outside your room so he doesn’t disturb you (sleep is important)?

            • senatcha93
              90 posts Send Private Message

                I haven’t been able to take a photo but it looks more defined than it was a week ago. I am 90% sure it is a girl now because it has a little slit. Then again I wonder if the peeing and pooping will stop once she gets older like you mentioned. Like how old? Also a few hours have past since I began “training” and she only jumped up a couple of times on my bed. I always scolded her and down she was. I think she got it now. At least I hope she did lol. I shouldn’t get her spayed for this matter right? She is such a sweet  little bunny and I don’t want to lose her because of some annoying pee and poop.

              • sarahthegemini
                5584 posts Send Private Message

                  Posted By senatcha93 on 4/06/2017 10:38 AM

                  I haven’t been able to take a photo but it looks more defined than it was a week ago. I am 90% sure it is a girl now because it has a little slit. Then again I wonder if the peeing and pooping will stop once she gets older like you mentioned. Like how old? Also a few hours have past since I began “training” and she only jumped up a couple of times on my bed. I always scolded her and down she was. I think she got it now. At least I hope she did lol. I shouldn’t get her spayed for this matter right? She is such a sweet  little bunny and I don’t want to lose her because of some annoying pee and poop.

                  She should be spayed for health reasons. 

                • Muchelle
                  1141 posts Send Private Message

                    Females should always be spayed to reduce the chance of developing cancer to their reproductive organs A good vet will minimize the risks involved with anesthesia + surgery, so don’t worry about that, you’ll have plenty of time to talk about it on your next routine vet visit.

                    Keep up with the training, she’ll eventually get that she’s not welcome on the bed.

                  • SeeShmemilyPlay
                    201 posts Send Private Message

                      She technically isn’t even old enough to be weaned yet, so I attribute this to baby behavior. Once she gets a bit older (in a few weeks) she’ll get the hang of the litter box.

                    • Lupin
                      31 posts Send Private Message

                        Well, when he jumps on it I make a sharp sound, clap and chase him off. But he seems to have accustomed to it already since it doesn’t bother him anymore. I really don’t want him to feel anything other than love towards me. So I just lift him up and put him down. Now my wish is that he goes up there for cuddling/sleeping when I am there and allow him to, but stays away when I don’t. Please help?

                        I don’t know if she can tell the difference to go up the bed if you’re there, and not to if you’re not there. She may be less confused if the bed is either allowed or off limits. If you don’t want her there, you could annoy her (like ruffling her body in an annoying way instead of scaring her by clapping) until she hops off the bed by herself. I do this consistently to Bill and he doesn’t stay on the bed for more than 5 minutes, even when I’m not around. He doesn’t seem to be angry, as he just hops on again to say hi if he wants some attention, then he hops off. If she doesn’t think its an interesting/comfortable place, she’ll seek somewhere else to rest. But bunnies all have different personalities, so it can be hard to tell what works.

                      • senatcha93
                        90 posts Send Private Message

                          Oh never mind actually! She still doesn’t get it. She jumps on my bed and pees on it(esp. at night when I am asleep and won’t notice) I’m dumbfounded and sick of doing laundry.

                        • cinnybun2015
                          570 posts Send Private Message

                            Spaying is always a good idea, and once she is old enough, it can help curb hormones that cause her to mark her territory (using pee & poop).
                            As others have said, I would recommend setting up an Xpen in your room to put your bun in during the night so she can’t pee, poop, and disturb you while you’re sleeping.
                            Also- how many litterboxes do you have? If you only have 1, I would recommend getting a couple more so that she definitely gets the idea that the litterbox is where she needs to poop & pee.

                          • sarahthegemini
                            5584 posts Send Private Message

                              Well she’s not going to understand that she can only go on your bed at certain times. Either block it off or put a big blanket or something on it so if she pees, you only have to wash the blanket.

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                          Forum BEHAVIOR Pee & Poop everywhere+Jumps on my bed?