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Forum THE LOUNGE How do you store bulk hay?

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    • MoxieMeadows
      5375 posts Send Private Message

        Since we moved nearly 2 years ago (has it really been that long?!), I’ve been having to buy little bags of hay you find in the pet section. Not only is that method a lot more expensive, it gets tiring driving 45 minutes one way at least twice a week for just hay! 

        So, I want to start buying hay in bulk again (really only a standard bale). But my question is, how do I store it and make it look okay, this house we moved into has no closets to hide it. I don’t know if any of you remember (some of the older members might), but in our old house I had a huge closet, that instead of clothes, I stored multiple bales of hay in. 

        Any way, any ideas? My room is already small, especially with Moxie’s space, my bed, fish tank and dresser, so I don’t like the ideas of having large storage bins in there…Any thoughts or ideas? Cool DIY’s? 

      • Azerane
        4688 posts Send Private Message

          I buy by the bale and keep my hay in a wooden blanket box. I’ve got the box outside because I my husband is allergic to hay but it works nicely and it looks good

          I bought one second hand and drilled a couple of holes in the sides and back that I put little vent covers on so that it could breathe, and I also put a seal around the lid to stop various insect life getting in. It’s easily a solution that could be kept inside because it’s just a piece of furniture and you can put stuff on it when you’re not using it (or use it as a seat if it’s sturdy enough).

          Edit: Just read you don’t want something that take up a lot of space… I have no idea in that case Maybe a giant under bed storage bin?

        • LongEaredLions
          4482 posts Send Private Message

            Personally, I store a bale of hay in two large trash cans on my deck. This method probably wouldn’t be great if you live in a humid place as you don’t want the sealed hay to get moldy.
            The local rescue uses a deck box to store hay. You could probably get a nice looking one of those.

          • LongEaredLions
            4482 posts Send Private Message

              And yes, I remember your hay closet. Good times.

            • MoxieMeadows
              5375 posts Send Private Message

                The hay closet was so awesome! If I had friends over and they wanted to borrow something, they’d be so confused to open up my closet and see tons of hay! ha ha

              • longhairmike
                1069 posts Send Private Message

                  i get the 50lb boxes and just slide it under the overhang of the kitchen island, i keep an empty litterbox in the hay box which i fill and then walk over to transfer to the individual litterboxes

                • Roberta
                  4355 posts Send Private Message

                    I have 2 storage benches I use as banquets in the kitchen either side of the table.

                  • Bam
                    16901 posts Send Private Message

                      That is a beautiful storage bench, Roberta! So pretty AND practical!

                      I’m sorry to say I store my bulk hay in an ugly, thick, blue plastic sack that is open so humidity won’t get caught inside. It’s practical, but ugly, so I’m not recommending it. I normally don’t buy hay in bulk, but it was a one-time offer of some really, really good hay so I couldn’t not buy it.

                    • jerseygirl
                      22345 posts Send Private Message

                        Tell your parents you need a new bed! 

                      • jerseygirl
                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                          I keep mine in a plastic storage chest like you see for patios or garden. Or in my car boot if Im lazy. The box is in my shed & I fill up a linen hamper so I have some in the house. 

                        • Azerane
                          4688 posts Send Private Message

                            Lol! Jersey sometimes I leave mine in the car boot too long but then every time I get in the car I start sneezing because of how hay-infused the whole care gets

                          • jerseygirl
                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh bummer! Hayfever? I love the smell. So sweet. My nephew thought my car smelled like tea last time he got in. I have since taken it to my storage box though.
                              What type of hay do you get?

                            • Azerane
                              4688 posts Send Private Message

                                I love the smell of hay too, it just causes allergies sometimes. I usually get meadow hay, but the quality tends to vary a lot so I only buy it when it’s nice and grassy/stalky. Sometimes it can have a lot of clover or lucerne in it. When it’s not great I tend to get oaten instead (although then I have to pick the oat seed heads out, I don’t like feeding them).

                              • Little Binky Feet
                                3 posts Send Private Message

                                  Hi Everyone   This will be my second ‘out of the blue’ post. I really should introduce myself and my Buns properly. Anyway I just wanted to share my hay storage solution as well.


                                   Here is the upright bale half used with Baxter on top.


                                   Baxter’s old pen (he is free range now) with an almost full hay bale in the rack. The whole thing is built out of cheap kiln dried pine and has wheels. It was pretty easy to make with minimal tools (hand saw and power drill) and almost zero carpentry skills. The hay bag is just cheap cotton from the fabric store which didn’t take long to sew.


                                • Bam
                                  16901 posts Send Private Message

                                    Little Binky Feet, that looks really nice! Bun seems to approve too =)

                                  • MoxieMeadows
                                    5375 posts Send Private Message

                                      Jersey, don’t tempt me, you know I’m crazy like that ha ha! A hay bed? How cool would that be!

                                    • MoxieMeadows
                                      5375 posts Send Private Message

                                        Little Binky Feet- That looks so cool! I love all of your set ups!

                                      • MoxieMeadows
                                        5375 posts Send Private Message

                                          So I bought the hay, now I just need to figure out where to store it, ha ha! I just love the smell of hay. On the ride home, I said that they really need to invent a cologne that smells like hay. Hay smells sooo good.

                                          Maybe I’ll just throw a blanket over the bale of hay and people will just think it’s a designer seat? lol, I’m joking…(maybe)

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22345 posts Send Private Message

                                            Moxie, Look!

                                          • MoxieMeadows
                                            5375 posts Send Private Message

                                              Oh my gosh, is that for real?

                                            • MoxieMeadows
                                              5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                It is! OMG, I found it on Amazon. When I get a boyfriend, I am making him wear this sometimes.

                                              • jerseygirl
                                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Tis for men and women. Or there are 2 versions. idk

                                                  Found a perume oil called Hay Ride also. 

                                                  But really, if you’re going to store a whole bale in your room, you could just roll in that everyday to get a light fragrance.

                                                • MoxieMeadows
                                                  5375 posts Send Private Message


                                                  • LongEaredLions
                                                    4482 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I mean my bunnies do it and they typically smell pretty nice….so….

                                                    • MoxieMeadows
                                                      5375 posts Send Private Message


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                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE How do you store bulk hay?