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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Pet store tales

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    • sarabelle
      145 posts Send Private Message

        So, I went t one of the two local pet shops where I live(Not pet smart or Pet co), I met a really nice lady who is the owner. She actually knew a lot about rabbits and what was cool to me, is that she doesn’t just sell animals to sell like many pet stores around my area does. She refuses to sell rabbits on Easter, and she has experience with rabbits, she also recommended me  a few vets to go to, when I get Zeke fixed. She also takes the rabbits to the vet to get checked out when they come from the breeders and she keeps them in non-wired bottom cages and on paper-based bedding.

        But what was really cool, like me the lady had suffered from depression and social anxiety and having animals had broken her out of, to where she can talk and carry on conversations with people. Anyway, that’s my little tale of the week. I also got some really decently priced things. I found a twig tunnel for 7 bucks, which surprised the heck out of me. And she carries Oxbow and other amazing products for pets! Needles to say, I found a new pet shop.

      • cinnybun2015
        570 posts Send Private Message

          That’s great! I have to go to a pet store today to get hay for Chom and also stock up on some toys for him. The only problem is that I always get so sad when I leave that pet shop… rabbits are kept in a large aquarium, possibly cedar shavings. I saw two rabbits fighting one time and I immediately alerted a woman who worked there, who said they would “work it out.” It broke my heart to see such ignorant care for rabbits. I always wish I could take them all home and give them better places to live… and besides, the rabbits are so young! Far too young to be separated from their mothers. I could go to a different pet shop but it’s in such a busy part of the city.

        • sarabelle
          145 posts Send Private Message

            That’s sad, she keeps each rabbit in separate cages. Yeah, the other pet store has like 5 rabbits kept in a wire bottom cage and they have guinea pigs on a cage with a high level cage. They keep syrian hamsters together; which you shouldn’t do. But, yeah I hate how some pet stores don’t take care of their rabbits. And after Zeke gets fixed I might get another rabbit for a companion, but we don’t have shelters around here within a 100 mile radius. So, my only options are pet stores.

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              It’s nice you’ve had a good experience at a pet store. I’ve always had bad experiences from animal-selling pet stores. My beloved Olivia was from a pet store. I say “pet store rescue” because of the terrible condition and housing she was in. Thankfully, the last pet store that sold rabbits and small animals just went out of business so my City is now free of stores that sell animals. Only supplies. That makes me happy.

            • LBJ10
              16942 posts Send Private Message

                Just the feed store sells bunnies here. All of the small petstores closed. Well except for the puppy mill store. They are the only ones left. We have Petsmart and Petco. They sell hamsters and nice and fish.

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh, LBJ, I forgot about our new Petsmart. They sell Gpigs, hamsters, rats and small birds. They are all super clean the few times I went in, however. I just hate the idea that anyone can walk into a pet store and buy a pet, no questions asked.

                • sarabelle
                  145 posts Send Private Message

                    The closest Petsmart/Petco is about an hour and a half from me, I live in a small rural area. The local farm supply store does sell rabbits around Easter time, which breaks my heart. But, I wish more pet stores would have a “no rabbit” on Easter policy, because of one impulse buy can effect a poor creature’s life for permanent.

                  • Timber
                    55 posts Send Private Message

                      A stop by one of our local pet stores was what led us to adopt Timber from our city animal shelter. I had been wanting a pet for the household, but I’m allergic to cats and, although I love dogs, I didn’t feel like a dog was appropriate for us. We were out and about and stopped by to look at the fish and other animals. I was also secretly considering a hamster or guinea pig. Maybe a rat. Then I saw the bunnies. Oh, the bunnies! They are cute and cuddly and easy to care for! (So I was assuming at the time!) They had two beautiful rex bunnies (or maybe mini rex) in a cage with a wire bottom. I really hope they have enough turnover that they won’t be there long. I’ll be sad if I go back and see them there in that cage. 

                      Anyway, I told the kids we should research bunnies and see if that was an option for us. I happened upon our city shelter’s page that recommended the website for more bunny info. They had three bunnies in the shelter at the time. (I had no idea that our shelter adopted bunnies!) We read all we could. We realized that our preconceptions of bunnies and how to care for them was totally wrong! We thought about it and decided we were up to the challenge, which we realized could very well last until they (my kids) are out of the house. We convinced my husband we could deal with it (it was a HARD sell) and showed him the adorable pics on the shelter’s website. The next Monday, we went by to spend some time with the bunnies at the shelter and see if the one we wanted (Timber) was right for us. The shelter had each bunny in it’s own nice, big ex-pen away from the cats and dogs. Very well taken care of. (And they spay/neuter all animals before they are adopted out.) What a difference from what you see in pet stores. All three were at the shelter less than two months before being adopted.

                      The other store in town that I know has rabbits (I’ve never seen them at Petco) is Earl May. Their cages are too small, but at least they aren’t wire bottomed. Again, I hope they aren’t there too long.

                    • sarabelle
                      145 posts Send Private Message

                        That’s awful, that you’re allergic to dogs and cats, I have one of each. My cat Slade was a rescue, I found in a bush where I use to go to college at; he had been shot in the eye with a bb gun. My dog is a rescue, the guinea pigs my parents have; Cheech and Chong are both rescues. But for some strange reason, I can never find a rescue rabbit, even checking on facebook; and I’m glad you rescued your rabbit, Timber. I just wish when I get my second bunny, it will be a rescue. But I would be rescuing a second bunny from a “spur” of the moment situation, from parents getting little kids who don’t want the rabbit after a month. 

                      • cinnybun2015
                        570 posts Send Private Message

                          So I had to go to the pet shop today… two black buns, bigger than the rest, separated because they were “aggressive” and being sold for only twenty dollars. They were in a TINY cage. I felt so bad… but I simply couldn’t bring them home… not two. Anyways, I’m sad now, hoping they’ll get bought by a good family, probably won’t however… no one even paused to glance at them.

                        • Timber
                          55 posts Send Private Message

                            Only allergic to cats, thankfully, not dogs! If we ever got a friend for Timber, it would certainly be another rescue. In fact, I think that Timber was at the shelter was a big factor in my husband agreeing to the bunny It’ll be a while before he will warm up to a bunny friend, though. He found bunny hair on his lunch container today Currently, my shelter has no bunnies, but 3 guinea pigs. Reminds me of the ones we had when I was a kid
                            Maybe around April/May there will be more to rescue. Unfortunately. The guy at our shelter said they tend to see people giving up Easter bunnies.

                          • sarabelle
                            145 posts Send Private Message

                              Yeah, Well, I wish you luck in getting a new bunny, and you’re lucky to have a shelter near by. Like I’ve said, the nearest shelter is within 100 or more miles, there is one around 40 miles that maybe gets a bunny once every six or so months, but that’s a hit and miss. Maybe there will be the right moment when I get another rabbit. But for now, I’m happy with zeke @timber

                              Yeah, I hope they do go to a good home, where someone will love and take care of them, instead of being in a small little cage. In fact, you can get a decent x-pen or dog crate for about the same price you buy a “too small” pet store cage, where I live. Heck, even thrift stores and auctions have old x pens and cages where I live. Yeah…the Easter bunny thing is a win/lose when it comes to things. Did they even have a list of what breed the rabbit is or did it say. “rabbit” on the sign with 20 bucks written on it? @cinnybun.

                            • cinnybun2015
                              570 posts Send Private Message

                                It said “Bunnies- Only $20!” on the sign…. Very sad right now for those poor buns.

                              • sarabelle
                                145 posts Send Private Message

                                  My dad got Zeke for 20 dollars, and the pet store worker told him that Zeke’s breed only got 4-7 pounds turns to find out, females get 6-9lbs and males can get up to 12lbs….The fact that the last time we went in there to get fish for my dad’s tank they had all those poor rabbits because they didn’t “sell” corralled in a small cage, the size of medium “suitable” for guinea pig cages….

                                • Azerane
                                  4688 posts Send Private Message

                                    That’s the main problem with pet stores here. While the major chains generally don’t sell cats or dogs anymore and often have adoptable cats from the local rescue there, most of them still sell rabbits of guinea pigs. Fortunately one has quite large cages. But I mainly feel bad because most people don’t know what’s involved in a rabbit and the pet store certainly isn’t going to tell them unfortunately.

                                    Anyway, good pet store tales… I do like one of my newer local ones. Only rescue cats to adopt (I always play with them and pet them through the bars), no dogs, from memory no rabbits or birds either, only fish. They need a larger range of bunny products, but they do sell Burgess. Ever since I got Bandit, I’ve had this desire to open a specialist store like an aquarium store but for rabbits (and probably guinea pigs since they’re reasonably similar).

                                  • Sleepy
                                    190 posts Send Private Message

                                      Save our first one (we bought him from a farmer), our buns have been pet store buns and it’s pretty terrible to realize in hindsight how horrible the store was for some of them them. Things like stocking only pellets (and bad ones at that) or keeping buns in too small enclosures, which gives people the idea they can just buy a small cage for their bunnies for the rest of their lives.

                                      On a positive note, though, the pet store we go to now we’ve had positive experiences with and regularly shop there, even if they sell exotic animals like buns and pigs. They actually have information packets available, stock Oxbox and other good supplies, and some of their staff members are actually rabbit owners so it’s easy to chat them up and get advice. They also work closely with one of the pet shelters in the city so they’ll keep and show off animals from the shelter, and they also work to prevent people from dumping pets. So when you adopt from them, they do a mini-questionaire to be sure you understand or can provide for the pet and they have you sign an agreement to bring the pet to them if you can’t care for them anymore rather than dump them at a shelter.

                                    • Q8bunny
                                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                                        Bunnies have it rough here in Kuwait. I have yet to come across a shop that takes adequate care of them. I’ve tried offering suggestions to the in-house vet and manager of our biggest store but they are duly ignored every time. Sadly it’s the only store that sells Chewie’s Oxbow pellets and hay so I’m a repeat customer with repeat heartbreak. I want to take all the bunnies home with me every time I’m in there. And this is the store that’s nicest to buns.

                                      • Azerane
                                        4688 posts Send Private Message

                                          I hate that, when you don’t like shopping somewhere but have no choice.

                                        • Gina.Jenny
                                          2244 posts Send Private Message

                                            Posted By Timber on 6/30/2016 3:02 PM

                                            Only allergic to cats, thankfully, not dogs! If we ever got a friend for Timber, it would certainly be another rescue. In fact, I think that Timber was at the shelter was a big factor in my husband agreeing to the bunny It’ll be a while before he will warm up to a bunny friend, though. He found bunny hair on his lunch container today Currently, my shelter has no bunnies, but 3 guinea pigs. Reminds me of the ones we had when I was a kid
                                            Maybe around April/May there will be more to rescue. Unfortunately. The guy at our shelter said they tend to see people giving up Easter bunnies.

                                            Three of our buns are rescued strays. Given none of them were full grown when they were caught, last June (Gina and Podge) and July (Jenny), they were probably all three bought as cute Easter baby buns, then dumped.

                                            This year, Pets at Home did not sell any rabbits over the Easter weekend, so hopefully, that will have saved lots of buns in the UK from being bought then dumped. Pets at Home have taken in and rehomed stray rabbits for at least four years. I guess if someone really has to dump a rabbit, its better they leave them in the relative safety of a box outside a pet shop door, where they will be found and looked after, than setting them loose to survive as best they can.

                                          • sarabelle
                                            145 posts Send Private Message

                                              Doing this on mobile, since a certain bunny is lounging on my laptop case and won’t move.
                                              @Azerane: that’s cool that you found one good pet store. That’s an awesome idea, opening up a specialty store!

                                              @Sleepy, Yeah, unfortunately living in a rural area, a lot of people eat rabbits and even post on Facebook or Craig’s list for bunnies for meat. But, I’m glad that you have a pet store that at least checks to see if people have the know how to keep rabbits.
                                              @Q8bunny: I’m sorry to hear about that no one will listen to you. Yeah, it’s a hit and miss with rabbit stores. I have the same feeling when I see other bunnies in duress, and I have to remind myself that this isn’t 101 Dalmatians, rabbit edition.

                                              @That’s so cool that you rescued some abandoned buns, not cool the owners Ser them free. That’s good that pets at home don’t sell them on Easter, and that the re-home rabbits.

                                            • sarabelle
                                              145 posts Send Private Message

                                                Doing this on mobile, since a certain bunny is lounging on my laptop case and won’t move.
                                                @Azerane: that’s cool that you found one good pet store. That’s an awesome idea, opening up a specialty store!

                                                @Sleepy, Yeah, unfortunately living in a rural area, a lot of people eat rabbits and even post on Facebook or Craig’s list for bunnies for meat. But, I’m glad that you have a pet store that at least checks to see if people have the know how to keep rabbits.
                                                @Q8bunny: I’m sorry to hear about that no one will listen to you. Yeah, it’s a hit and miss with rabbit stores. I have the same feeling when I see other bunnies in duress, and I have to remind myself that this isn’t 101 Dalmatians, rabbit edition.

                                                @That’s so cool that you rescued some abandoned buns, not cool the owners Ser them free. That’s good that pets at home don’t sell them on Easter, and that the re-home rabbits.

                                              • cinnybun2015
                                                570 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Ugh… I really need some advice about these black buns. I don’t think they’re bonded, but they’re being sold together. I just can’t STAND to see them in that cage. I hope they won’t go to a bad home… I’ve been thinking all day about them and wondering if I should adopt them. They seem in such dire need. Argh. Help!!

                                                • Gina.Jenny
                                                  2244 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Tough choice there. If you are worried about them fighting, could you maybe consider taking one, so at least they wont stay stuck together, fighting? Can you afford one or both, and how would having either or both work in the bunny set up you have already?

                                                    Years ago, Pets at Home had a sleek handsome black boy bun who’d been handed in to them, and they were looking for a home ‘with an experienced bunny owner’. We had our first bunny at that point, and so weren’t overly experienced, plus the bunny we had was highly territorial and had the free run of the house any time we were home, and it wouldn’t have been fair on her. I really regretted leaving him though, but when I went back, he’d gone, and I just had to hope he’d gone to a good home.

                                                    A couple of months ago, two older girl buns who’d been in a hutch next to Podge all through last winter needed a home, and I really wanted to take them, but couldn’t afford two more bunnies, with the increased likelihood of vet bills due to their age on top of the four buns and two piggies we already have. Thankfully they did get rehomed about a month later, and are hopefully now in a good home.

                                                  • cinnybun2015
                                                    570 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I don’t think I can afford two. You’re right, taking one would solve the fighting problem…

                                                      Maybe after the weekend I’ll call them back and see if they still have the buns. Then I’ll make a decision…

                                                    • sarabelle
                                                      145 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I guess coming up with this little post, has spurred something of the moment. I hope the little bunny gets adopted by you Cinny. If I lived near you, i’d take the other one. Are they larger or small rabbits?

                                                      • Azerane
                                                        4688 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Cinnybun, I suppose talking to the store about housing them separately wouldn’t do much good? But it’s worth a shot trying to explain to them why the rabbits are acting that way and how they can prevent it.

                                                        • cinnybun2015
                                                          570 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Hmm, true Azerane. I suppose I could try… and they are in SUCH a small cage.

                                                            I don’t know if I’m able to adopt unfortunately. I don’t know if I’m ready or if I have finances… like I said I’ll decide over the weekend… they are larger rabbits sarabelle, black and probably a mix, look healthy, already getting big. If I can’t I sincerely hope the pet store will consider housing them separately. I’m very torn about what to do right now.

                                                          • cinnybun2015
                                                            570 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Besides, I’m almost 100% certain the rabbits aren’t spayed/neutered. I don’t know if they’re male or female, I decided not to have the pet store counter clerk check (besides, she’d likely get it wrong, pet shops don’t sex rabbits very well) and I believe they might both be male. I know one of them is, as the clerk kept referring to the rabbits as “he.” But that might not be true either. Like I said I’m very torn between two choices right now and I may not be able to help these rabbits, though I will try to educate this pet shop. Hopefully I can do something…

                                                            • Azerane
                                                              4688 posts Send Private Message

                                                                You can only do what you can. Getting a rabbit from a pet store just to save it from the conditions it is in is generally not the right answer, because they’ve still made the sale. Talk to them about it and see what they say, make suggestions in a way that it makes things better for them. Such as separating the rabbits will make them less agressive, so they’ll be easier to sell. If they’re not inclined to listen and their store is busy, you could make a loud fuss so everyone else hears how poorly they’re treating their animals too

                                                              • cinnybun2015
                                                                570 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Azerane- agreed, yes, it generally isn’t the right answer… I’m away for the weekend, so I think I’ll try to go back there next week and if the rabbits are still there, talk to the people. Hopefully I can do something to help.

                                                                • cinnybun2015
                                                                  570 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    All right. I know this chat has kind of ended, but I think I’m going back next week… this week is just too busy… I’ll let you know how it goes. I think I’ll alert the store helpers if the rabbits are still there.

                                                                  • deathloveshispizza
                                                                    5 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Ignorant pet store owners make me so sad. Today I saw 10+ hermit crabs in a 10 gallon tank, far too small for them. I also saw 6+ dwarf rabbits in a tiny cage. They seemed to be sort of aggressive with each other and had barely any space.

                                                                      Good luck with the pet store, cinnybun!

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                                                                  Forum THE LOUNGE Pet store tales