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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A New rabbit hasn’t pooped, should I be worried?

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    • lily2521
      69 posts Send Private Message

        we got our new bun yesterday, a 2 year old male lop, I was told he’s neutered
        and litter trained.

        We’ve had him for about 16 hours now, since we picked
        him up from the shelter. So far, in that time, he hasn’t pooped. He did pee in
        his hutch after we got him home, so I put his litter box right into that corner
        (his former family said he was litter trained).

        But regardless of the litter box, he hasn’t pooped at all, in or outside of the litter box.  Should I be worried that we
        haven’t seen a poop from him yet? He’s been eating hay, and drinking, so I know
        he’s taking in some food and water.

      • Bam
        16904 posts Send Private Message

          Yes, you need to contact a vet. Your bunny may be in stasis, which is a life-threatening condition.
          Try and get hold of a vet an meanwhile give the bunny a gentle tummy massage because that can help get things moving!

        • lily2521
          69 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By bam on 7/26/2015 7:54 AM

            Yes, you need to contact a vet. Your bunny may be in stasis, which is a life-threatening condition.
            Try and get hold of a vet an meanwhile give the bunny a gentle tummy massage because that can help get things moving!

            Thanks for the quick reply.  He’s been playful and eating/drinking this morning, so I’m happy to see that, but don’t know why he hasn’t pooped.  He did poop yesterday when we picked him up from the shelter, but hasn’t since. 

          • lily2521
            69 posts Send Private Message

              I did get ahold of a vet that are open 24 hours and can see rabbits, thanks for the advice, I hope our new guy is okay.

            • Bam
              16904 posts Send Private Message

                Sending him lots of vibes (((((new guy)))))

              • lily2521
                69 posts Send Private Message

                  The place we got him from we don’t think were feeding him properly, so we’re starting slow with pellets and just offering mainly hay at this point. We haven’t introduced any veggies yet because we don’t think they were feeding him any, we think his main diet where we had adopted him from was pellets supplemented with hay instead of the other way around, so I’m wondering if that might be messing with his system too

                • Tessie
                  1231 posts Send Private Message

                    Has he pooped yet?

                  • Bam
                    16904 posts Send Private Message

                      Any radical change in diet (even if it’s from a bad diet to a healthy one) can cause tummy trouble. The rabbit may also not quite understand that it should fill up on hay, and so eats less and drinks less. This would be quite ok in a dog, but bunnies’ tummies must never get empty.

                    • lily2521
                      69 posts Send Private Message

                        Right as we were getting ready to take him in he finally pooped! Thanks to everyone here for the quick responses, I was pretty worried!

                      • LBJ10
                        16950 posts Send Private Message

                          If he finally pooped, I would think that it was mostly stress-related. Does he seem to be settling in okay now? If he’s pooping now, then he isn’t in any immediate danger. It would be a good idea to set up an appointment with a bunny vet though. It’s a good idea to have a new bunny checked out anyway to make sure everything is okay.

                        • lily2521
                          69 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By LBJ10 on 7/26/2015 12:25 PM

                            If he finally pooped, I would think that it was mostly stress-related. Does he seem to be settling in okay now? If he’s pooping now, then he isn’t in any immediate danger. It would be a good idea to set up an appointment with a bunny vet though. It’s a good idea to have a new bunny checked out anyway to make sure everything is okay.

                            He seems to be settling in nicely, other than the poop scare.  He’s been eating hay and drinking water.  We opened his hutch door and set up the x-pen just to see if he’d come out and explore, which he has done.  He’s playful and loves toys, he’s taken to they hay in the toilet paper roll.  The poop he did was in his litter box (yay!) but I think he took the box and flung it around a bit. 

                            We do have a vet appointment set up for him on Friday, I am going to call them tomorrow when they’re open to see if we can get him in sooner, mainly because of the diet and us not knowing what to do right now, we are supplying lots of hay, but we don’t know what to do with pellets and veggies, because the place that had him was mainly feeding him pellets, with a little hay, no greens, they were giving carrots and papaya, and I think they were giving him more than they should have.  So we don’t know what greens he’s had in the past, and I’ve offered a very small amount of pellets but he hasn’t eaten them, which I’m okay with, because he’s been eating his hay, which I know is most important.

                          • Bam
                            16904 posts Send Private Message

                              Yay for poop!!!

                              They do tend to like flinging stuff around! My bunny Bam flings his litter-box when he wants me to hurry up getting him his supper =)

                              You can give him empty toilet-paper rolls to fling, that’s often appreciated.

                              You’re very right about hay, hay is THE most important thing for a bun!

                            • lily2521
                              69 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By bam on 7/26/2015 1:40 PM

                                Yay for poop!!!

                                They do tend to like flinging stuff around! My bunny Bam flings his litter-box when he wants me to hurry up getting him his supper =)

                                You can give him empty toilet-paper rolls to fling, that’s often appreciated.

                                You’re very right about hay, hay is THE most important thing for a bun!

                                Yeah I was surprised when I went to pick him up yesterday at their responses to my questions about his diet.  I asked what kind of veggies/greens they were giving him, doesn’t sound like any.  The bag of pellets they gave me, says right on the bag that it can be given as a staple of their diet, and it even said on the bag it can be given without hay!  I couldn’t believe what I was reading!  So I think that’s what they were doing, mostly pellets, with small amounts of hay, and carrots and papaya.  So hopefully within a week or two, and with our vet’s help I can get his diet back in order to where it should be.

                              • Bam
                                16904 posts Send Private Message

                                  That sounds great!
                                  Sadly, I think the pellet-only diet is meant for live-stock rabbits, so they’ll plump up fast. Show-rabbits too often get too rich food, because it’s not important how they do in the long run. That’s of course very different from how we want to care for our pet-bunnies.

                                  A shelter perhaps thinks hay is messy (it is!), otherwise I don’t know why they wouldn’t base their bunnies’ diet on hay, since hay is really cheap if you buy it in bales.

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                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A New rabbit hasn’t pooped, should I be worried?