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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A *NOTHING HAPPENED* Can a tarantula bite kill my bunny?

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    • NunusOwner
      25 posts Send Private Message

        So I keep about 30 different species of Ts, all of them are venomous. I keep a close lid on all of them and I lever let one escape before… But it’s possible that one day an accident will happen.

        I know their venom is enough to take down mice, but not nearly enough to take down humans. How dangerous are they to bunnies?

        Edit: I’m dedicating a small room with a closed door to Ts so there is very little chance they would ever encounter my bunny. Just so we’re clear before you guys flame me for being irresponsible.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I have no idea – I’m not sure I’ve ever heard another member mention owning tarantula’s either – do you have a tarantula forum that you can post your question to? That is probably going to be your best bet with this question.

        • NunusOwner
          25 posts Send Private Message

            Posted By Sarita on 1/26/2015 1:25 PM

            I have no idea – I’m not sure I’ve ever heard another member mention owning tarantula’s either – do you have a tarantula forum that you can post your question to? That is probably going to be your best bet with this question.

            Yeah, I guess they don’t mix very well…

            After breeding mice as a food item to my snakes and simultaneously keeping hamsters I guess I’m a little jaded.

          • Beka27
            16016 posts Send Private Message

              They might not be able to “take down” rabbits completely, but i would think they could cause some serious damage, possibly paralysis? I really don’t know enough about this as it’s never come up before. I like Sarita’s idea to check a forum that knows more about tarantulas or contact your vet.

            • LBJ10
              16945 posts Send Private Message

                All spiders are venomous, some more than others. Venom is going to vary between species and it sounds like you have a lot so it would be difficult for someone to give a definitive answer. I did find this that might be helpful:
                It sounds like even providing supportive care may be difficult given the properties of spider venom.

              • JackRabbit
                5451 posts Send Private Message

                  I can’t really give any advice (I do not do spiders, period!) but wanted to thank you for starting your topic with “nothing happened”. I wish my son would do that!

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    I think I read that Tarantula’s aren’t very venomous. But that being said obviously you don’t want this to ever ever happen.

                    I’d talk to your vet about steps you could take to ensure it doesn’t happen, what to do if it did etc. But ideally you’d have 3 or more degrees of separation between bunnies and spiders so it doesn’t ever happen.

                  • Megabunny
                    2041 posts Send Private Message

                      Venemous tarantulas???
                      And people wonder why we like rabbits?? Guess ya gotta be a spider person.?

                    • MoxieMeadows
                      5375 posts Send Private Message

                        Even if the tarantula couldn’t *kill* your rabbit, I would assume it’s bite could cause serious harm and discomfort. I would just do my best to avoid the situation. My dog got bit by a little spider and had a large bump (about the size of 2-3 quarters) for a week or two. I wouldn’t want to imagine what a huge tarantula could do to a little bunny. Although it sounds like you’re doing a great job taking care of your bun and your spiders! (although I’m not really a “spider” person. )

                      • LongEaredLions
                        4482 posts Send Private Message

                          I am with JR, thanks for adding “nothing happened.” Saves us all a moment of panic!
                          I have no idea what would happen if a rabbit were to be bit, but good for you for doing research now as opposed to later. I think I would just be extra careful that nobunny or nospider (that doesn’t sound as good as “nobunny?”) escapes to somewhere they shouldn’t be? I would also ask your vet what the best course of action would be if your bun was bitten, and maybe write it out and leave it near where bunny is kept, just in case.
                          I have never decided if I love tarantulas or would be terrified of them? I think I would be ok with one of the “fuzzier” types, but who knows?

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A *NOTHING HAPPENED* Can a tarantula bite kill my bunny?