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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Rabbit not concentrating?

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    • MGHo2003
      27 posts Send Private Message

        My rabbit Honeybunny is not concentrating on me when I try and train him. Every little thing he sees he has to go and investigate it and he leaves me with a handful of raisons in my hand! Please help me and he is a netherland dwarf.

                                                                                            Help me!!!

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          How old is your rabbit and what are you trying to train him to do.

          Rabbits don’t really train and concentrate the same as we do and honestly just based on what you said, this is typical rabbit behavior.

        • MGHo2003
          27 posts Send Private Message

            He is about 7 months old and I’m trying to make him come to me when I call his name.

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              Okay, I think you need to remember that rabbits don’t have the same attention span as humans do – they usually have the mentality of a 3 year old and they just aren’t going to concentrate.

              I believe you have the right idea but you may expecting too much too soon. The best way to do this is to try to get him back into his enclosure at bedtime with the raisins and that MAY help him learn his name as well. It’s very natural for rabbits to want to explore when they are out – that’s what rabbits do and that is what makes them so much fun…letting them explore.

            • Hazel
              2587 posts Send Private Message

                All of my rabbits knew to come on command. The command was the crinkling of the treat bag. So yes, they can learn to come when called but as Sarita said, you have to be patient. Maybe he’s not crazy for raisins? Have you tried any other treats?

              • LBJ10
                16942 posts Send Private Message

                  Yes, try to find something that motivates him a little more. Mine like banana a lot. We joke that Leopold is naners for naners. Hehe!

                • MGHo2003
                  27 posts Send Private Message

                    Ya maybe you guys are right and yes, LBJ10 I have tried ‘other treats like apples and carrots, but maybe I should try banana I never knew rabbits could eat banana so I’ll give it a try . And Hazel what treats are inside the treat bag?

                  • MoveDiagonally
                    2361 posts Send Private Message

                      Check out the list and article here:

                      Lots of good info about bunny digestion, diet, and a safe fruits and veggies list. Remember not to feed too many treats

                    • MGHo2003
                      27 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks MD!

                      • Peony
                        216 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By MGHo2003 on 12/24/2013 02:49 AM

                          Ya maybe you guys are right and yes, LBJ10 I have tried ‘other treats like apples and carrots, but maybe I should try banana I never knew rabbits could eat banana so I’ll give it a try . And Hazel what treats are inside the treat bag?

                          I would go with this. It just sounds like you did not find a high enough likable treat, When I call my rabbit and she ignores me I blow on the banana in her direction so she smells it. She somewhat comes when called but has not gotten it down yet. My rabbit also likes the Papaya Fruit Enzyme. My rabbit really goes nuts for bananas so I did not really have to experiment. When you have your rabbit just bolt to you like bunny 500 speed, you know you found the right treat.

                        • MGHo2003
                          27 posts Send Private Message

                            Ok thanks Peony I will try that. Btw I love your photo!

                          • Peony
                            216 posts Send Private Message

                              Hehe thanks, I took it with her on the top floor of her hutch. She does that a lot on the top floor, like she is looking at me (Sees me easily from there while I am on my bed)

                              Also Peony come is getting a lot better responses, she even did it when I was trying to call her out in the hallway this morning. (No treat)

                              I also tried apple just to see if she would eat it and nop she did not even eat it. She would even come to leafy greens so that is another thing you can try. I have no clue with pellets but they can be used as treats too (Not supposed to give a lot to adult rabbits) but with my rabbit going absolutely nuts for bananas and can bolt for leafy greens and the Papaya Fruit Enzyme, I really do not need to try anything else.

                              You can try Papaya Fruit Enzyme as a treat since it is said to help with hair digestion. Even if some say it don’t help much as far as the hair thing, she likes it as a lot so it is a good treat regardless. The shelter gave me a pill for her to try since they said it would not be good to sell me a bottle if she was not going to eat it. It took her a bit to eat it, it seemed like she was uninterested at first but  they did sell me a bottle since she ate it. So the first time I fed her a pill at home, I was shocked how fast she wanted it, seems like she really never had it before and found out she liked it a lot at the shelter. So it might take some time for your rabbit to try something new but wow when they find out they like something a lot….

                            • MGHo2003
                              27 posts Send Private Message

                                Ok thanks for that suggestion Peony! i am quite new at this bunny thing. But I found this website and it has changed my life! Now my Honeybunny is seriously happy. I also wanted to know what breed is Peony? If you are wandering what breed my bunny is he is a Netherlands Dwarf ! And, how old is Peony? I also heard that rabbits can eat tamtoes, is that true? Sorry about all this typing!

                              • Peony
                                216 posts Send Private Message

                                  She is a rescue bunny so there is that some mystery, the find a pet website just listed her as purebred lionhead (Kinda hard since that breed was from the result of crossing a miniature Swiss Fox and a Belgian dwarf?) so got me. I asked the shelter about that and thier responce was basically that, since the breed came out from mixing breeds it is hard to call it a purebred. So she is a lionhead/maybe part something else.

                                  The red door said they rescued her as a baby sometime in January 2012 so Mom was like ok we make her birthday January first :3


                                  For your question, I have no idea but i would say this makes sense:

                                  they can eat the tomatoes but not the leaves/plant

                                  and only in small portions as it is very sweet and prone to creating overweight bunnies



                                  Remember you can try alfalfa hay as a treat as well (babies are fed this type more but in limited amounts like as treat can be fine for adults too)

                                • MGHo2003
                                  27 posts Send Private Message

                                    Ok Peony. By the way happy new years to you and your bunny! I hope you have a good year .
                                    P.S. I tried banana with my rabbit and he didn’t eat it!?! Is that ok that he didn’t eat it? I get concerned about every single little thing about my

                                  • Peony
                                    216 posts Send Private Message

                                      Did you leave it somewhere for him to eat it? (My rabbit seems not to take food from hands if she is not sure if she likes it or not) My rabbit really showed a low interest in the enzyme at first and laid it on the floor in the pen she was in with me at the shelter. After a while she went to it and ate it not knowing how much she liked it at the time. Now she goes nuts for them almost as much as bananas, but not quite.

                                      In the end, no it is not a big deal, it is like asking a human if they like coke (as in the soft drink) and they say no they want pepsi. Like humans rabbits have different tastes.


                                      bananas is a treat food, like carrots, pellets, so on. I give my rabbit a 1/8 inch slice of banana everyday with the enzyme pill for her treat foods.

                                    • MGHo2003
                                      27 posts Send Private Message

                                        O.K. Peony you are such a good person!

                                      • Peony
                                        216 posts Send Private Message

                                          Thanks and you are weclome

                                        • MGHo2003
                                          27 posts Send Private Message

                                            Lol cool. What does the enzyme look like?

                                          • Peony
                                            216 posts Send Private Message

                                              A pill, it is the smell of it. Because the blow across it trick worked for it like I did to the banana at first.


                                            • Sarita
                                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                The BinkyBunny store also sells the papaya tablets:


                                              • Peony
                                                216 posts Send Private Message

                                                  opps, I just did a google search to show what it was.

                                                • MGHo2003
                                                  27 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Oh I see thanks!

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                                                Forum BEHAVIOR Rabbit not concentrating?