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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR How much do rabbits really poop?

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    • Alexandria
      11 posts Send Private Message

        I’m very sorry if this is an ignorant question, but how much does the average rabbit poop? I’ve always been told rabbits constantly poop; that every time they take a step, they leave little pellets in their wake. But I’ve also read that they can be litter box trained, and that spaying/neutering really improves their bathroom habits, which I fully intend to do with my bunnies as soon as they’re old enough. Is this constant pooping another way for them to mark their territory, like spraying everywhere? And will having them fixed and liter box training them prevent it?

        Thank you!

      • NewBunnyOwner123
        1930 posts Send Private Message

          My buns do not constantly poop. They poop a lot, yes. But they can be out for a good hour to two hours and not have a single poop on the carpet. They go to the litter box. They CAN control their poops lol When you see them hopping around leaving a line of poops it’s a territorial thing; fixing should fix the problem for the most part :p

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            Alot! No, not every time they take a step do they poop though. Young rabbits especially babies do seem like they do though – they just have less control and a smaller attention span when it comes to training.

            Yes, they can be litter boxed train and honestly some pick it up quicker than others – some rabbits require your diligence to make them successful at using their litter box…it’s basically you working with your rabbit and setting the training up for him to be successful.

            Having rabbits fixed and litter box trained doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t have territorial poops especially with other rabbits or animals in the house. That can make litter training more difficult. You cannot guarantee that these type behaviors can be prevented.

            Bottom line – some rabbits are easier to train than others, some pick it up right away and some sadly never seem to pick it up or are 100% going to use their litter box. It’s just the truth of the matter.

            I see posts all the time of members frustrated with litter box training and some members say their rabbits just pick it up right away.

          • BonnieSue
            59 posts Send Private Message

              I got very lucky with my little bunny that she wants to use the box right away. She is very good about using her box, even being so young (12 weeks) and not yet spayed (when she is old enough I will have it done).

              She is good at holding it, but it seems like if just one little raisinette pops out… then it’s just a matter of time before a whole bunch more follow it in rapid succession. If I have her out traveling with me and she drops a ball, I get her into her travel carrier or her litterbox asap so she can learn that is the proper place to relieve herself. (her travel carrier has vinyl lining and a towel and I empty/clean each trip).

            • Bam
              16901 posts Send Private Message

                Bam pooped much all over the place before he was neutered, he peed in his litter-box though. (Then he started to pee in the sofa and so forth and then he was neutered) It’s much better now, he mostly poops in his box but he also poops on the dog’s bed which I assume is a form of claiming territory. The dog doesn’t speak rabbit so she doesn’t know he’s claimed her bed and so she isn’t bothered by it. I clean it as soon as I see it, but he soon does it again – he doesn’t leave any poop anywhere else in the flat anymore though and that’s great.

                He’s an adult rabbit, I never had him as a kit.

              • LBJ10
                16942 posts Send Private Message

                  There is a little poop factory at my house. They do poop a lot. More that I would have ever imagined. LOL But yes they do use their litter box. If they are leaving a trail, it usually means they are trying to mark their territory.

                • Eucalyptus
                  251 posts Send Private Message

                    They do poop a lot, but most of the people that say “everytime they take a step, they poop” are generally the people that have never owned a house bunny, and are unaware that bunnies are intelligent creatures that can learn to use a litter box. I commonly find that the people who say that are also the people that think my house must be a smelly disaster because I have a house bun. Little do they know!

                    It just seems like half the time he’s munching in his box, he leaves a pile of poop. But really, it’s not all the time! And Java is amazing at holding it. He only leaves one poop outside of his house every once in a while when he’s been out for a while. He’s just reminding us that we’re his slaves and that our stuff is really also his stuff, too.

                  • LittlePuffyTail
                    18092 posts Send Private Message



                    • Aneesa
                      1 posts Send Private Message

                        A healthy bunny should poo regularly. Bunnies are very bright and can be litter trained very easily. One of mine decided he wanted a new litter spot, and despite my moving his potty (which he will shove back) he wont poo in the potty he will poo on the carpet in the spot he has chosen- which is all fine!!

                        Monitoring poo is the very first sign to combating  ill health. I count poo when my bunnies look like they may be sickening and keep an eye on colour, size and consistency. A healthy bun I think can do 200+ poos in a day but that is on a good day. It is good if you have more than one bunny to encourage them to use their own potty which luckily mine do. We love our bunnies and would do anything for them…including counting poo. 

                      • sarahthegemini
                        5584 posts Send Private Message

                          Gosh this thread is an old one!

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                      Forum BEHAVIOR How much do rabbits really poop?