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Forum BEHAVIOR bunny super aggressive to litter box?

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    • lindsay715
      152 posts Send Private Message

        hello everyone, hope you & your bunnies are all well. 

        my (neutered) boy wesley has decided in the last couple months to use his litter box as his punching bag.  he has one of the plastic triangle boxes that fit in the corner of the cage with hooks that “keep it in place.”  he digs at it so aggressively that litter comes flying out, and if he gets it off a hook or both hooks he’ll dig at it and flip it over.  he has done it so fervently that i’ve been afraid he will hurt himself! 

        he is free-roam and has plenty of toys, but he seems to be his favorite activity.  he still uses the box like a pro, so i have tried letting him move it around – he will “dig” it to different areas of the cage, but then start mostly using the old corner as a potty. 

        should i get him a more substantial box that he can’t move?  the only problem with that is when i really affixed the box to the corner of the cage, he would just throw the litter out when he couldn’t move it..

        any ideas??? xxxx

        lindsay & wes & bluebell

      • Hokankai
        252 posts Send Private Message

          Those corner boxes aren’t that great imo. Get a kitty litterbox or something similar and see how he does with that. You can also get a screen so that he can’t fling litter all over his cage. I made one for my buns and it works like a charm. No more mess!

        • LoveChaCha
          6634 posts Send Private Message

            I agree with Hokankai – those triangular boxes are horrible for litter boxes and don’t provide enough room for bunnies of any size. I use an XL cat box and there is more than enough room for bunny to do her business

          • Emmie
            461 posts Send Private Message

              I’m of the same opinion. I looked at those corner boxes and wondered how any bun could use them. I have a dwarf rabbit and that would still be too small for him! He has a medium cat tray which I need to upgrade as its also too small!

            • RabbitPam
              11002 posts Send Private Message

                I would get him a new, medium sized litter box, the rectangular kind for cats big enough for him to fit in any direction. Make sure he isn’t asking for a change in litter, btw, since I had bunnies who didn’t like the brand I tried at first and scattered that, but settled down once I tried one they approved of.

                That said, I would make him a diggy box to play in. Get a low sided cardboard box, or make one, and put some plain paper or phone book pages through a shredder. Fill the box with the shredded paper and see if he digs and plays in that instead. You can also have the box upside down with a hole to enter so he can play in a cave. Make sure he doesn’t use it as a litter pan, however.

                If you go to the Videos page on BB, click BinkyBunny YouTube channel, and scroll down to the Bunny Diggy Box video, you’ll see a great one.

              • LBJ10
                16942 posts Send Private Message

                  Leopold likes to pick up one side of the litter box and then let it drop. Other than that, I don’t recall any issues. Mine share a cat sized litter box though. I agree with the others, try a bigger box and it could be true that the litter isn’t to his liking.

                • lindsay715
                  152 posts Send Private Message

                    thanks for the advice guys. I will definitely get him a bigger box. and he is definitely a digger, so I will put together a diggy box too – I’ve been thinking about that for a while actually!

                    the only thing I am worried about with a new litter box is that he will have to adjust to his litter being in a new place – not in the corner of the cage anymore. I hope he will adjust to that without a problem…!

                  • Hokankai
                    252 posts Send Private Message

                      You can keep the new litter pan in the corner. Mine have a huge litterbox an still only pee in the corners of it…haha.

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                  Forum BEHAVIOR bunny super aggressive to litter box?