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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Missing my Bunny!

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    • lucygoosey
      42 posts Send Private Message

        Disclamer: To skip the rant just read the bold text

        Hey guys, so some of you may know my bunny Lucy has gone into the hospital for a spay and teeth removal operation. Her appointment was supposed to be on Thursday the 26 and it is now the 28th and they STILL HAVE NOT DONE THE OPERATION. My bunny has been kept in the hospital for 4 days now (I dropped her off on wednesday) because they keep pushing her operation date back.

        I was just notified yesturday that her operation will now be done NEXT FRIDAY! I’m so annoyed and frustrated because her vet is an hour drive for me to just get there so it’s a HUGE WASTE OF GAS. Not to mention I hate being away from my bunny.

        But anyways, thats my big fat rant for the day. On a totally unrelated note, I have a couple of questions for you guys. I have had Lucy for about a month now and I was wondering How long did it take your bunny to bond with you? and also, How do you tell when your bunny has bonded with you?

        Lucy will let me pet her and things like that, but I read about other buns licking and grooming their owners and I was wondering if that is signs that the bun has accepted you. My bun came from an animal shelter where there were constantly lots of different people taking care of her (children volunteers) so it seems to me that she still thinks i’m just visiting.

      • jessica2
        17 posts Send Private Message

          My last bunny Molly was a rescue from a shelter, and it took a good few months to bond with her. At first she would run away as fast as she could from anyone who approached her. I used to lay on the floor and mind my own business, let her run around and climb on me, i wouldn’t ever reach out to pet her as it would freak her out and make her run. After a few weeks of letting her know that i wasnt trying to eat or harm her, she would eventually let me pet her. I pretty much let her run the show, and let me know when it was okay to approach. I just kept at this routine for quite some time until she let me pick her up from the floor and hold her. Eventually she came around and started giving me licks, and she would rub her chin all over me to mark me. If your bun thinks she is still visiting, dont fret. She will get it sooner or later when she finds out she isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Give your bun as much time as she needs to adjust, then she will start letting you touch noses with her and she will give you kisses. Just make sure to give her her own space even when she’s in your space. They get a bit jittery if you come on too strong.

        • jessica2
          17 posts Send Private Message

            And i forgot to say..i’m really sorry about your vet clinic pushing things around like that, are there any other you can look into?  I hope they don’t make you pay for the extra few nights stay =(

          • Scarlet_Rose
            4293 posts Send Private Message

              Wow what a pain! Any particular reason they keep putting it off like maybe there were some emergency operations?

              My two when they came into my life were quite aloof.  It took them 5 months to figure out they were not going anywhere.  Apparently they had been tried in a couple of homes without the adopter being satisfied with them due to their lack of affectionate bunny behavior.  I too laid on the floor for a week, they got curious then I used to hide treats and give them one when they came up to investigate so they knew I was not a threat.  Overall it took a good 6 weeks for them.  It doesn’t always take that long, but for my two it did.  Now they are very affectionate and loving and love their treats!

              I would say that official bunny bonding has happened when your rabbit no longer needs coaxing.  Not all bunnies groom their owners, it all depends on their personality and sometimes whether or not they have another bunny to hang around with.  Some will look like they are chattering their teeth (that is a sign of bunny bliss – not to be confused with grinding teeth, that means pain).

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                I ditto njcopeland05.  It is excellent advice. This really is the best way to deal with a cautious or shy bunny.  Rabbits may "seem" like they are ignoring you or each other when they are getting to know you, but it’s there way to safely check out the potential bonders body language.  If the other doesn’t seem to bothered, then this means that they are not a threat. Most rabbits really do want companionship, so I have no doubt that she’ll eventually seek you out like njcopeland05 has said. 

                 You could also have a few healthy treats with you so that when she does come over she will be rewarded with something yummy.  

                As far as how long it took with my bunnies I have now, Bailey sought out affection right away. It took about three weeks for Jack to trust.   He wanted it but he just didn’t trust the approach part.   So we just let him approach, or if I had to approach, I would offer a small treat each time my hand would come in his direction.   Rucy, well she’s a very independent girl, she had a rough past and with so many surgeries with hands poking at her, and meds being shoved down her throat.   I think it’s ingrained in her to be stay distant. (no different than people sometimes)   

                But now as she ages, she’s is more easy-going and enjoys a good massage and a head pet usually when I offer.  But she has never been one to ask for it like Jack and Bailey do.

                As far as your vet: That’s absolutely ridiculous. And I know that can’t help in your bonding efforts with Lucy.  She probably thinks she back in a shelter.  What is their excuse?  Why is it taking so long and I sure hope you will not be billed for the stay. I would ask to speak with the vet myself, and get this going. And if nothing could be worked out, I would start searching for another vet I could trust.


              • skunklionshow
                1257 posts Send Private Message

                  My ex was a vet nurse for years.  Of all the doctors he worked w/for, I can’t imagine a single one postponing any surgical service.  In general, most practices have a dedicated surgery day.  This allows the vet to do all the surgeries in one day, rather than inbetween appts.  Its also easiest for staff and pet owners, this way, you are pretty much guranteed a drop off & pick up same day, unless there are any complications.  It also allows the vet to schedule a specific tech/nurse for their surgeries.  Some techs/nurses don’t like to do certain breed anesthesia.  I believe that its dogs that can be tricky b/c their heart rate can go in and out and remain extremely low!  I know some techs that just hate doing anesthesia.  In vet practices the tech does all the surgical monitoring, anesthesia, and vitals, while the vet does the cutting.  Unlike human surgeries where a different professional, sometimes 2 does each task.  The only time that this practice did not occur was in an emergency only practice.  At these practices, the vet can end up doing surgeries in and out during their shift.  Even in shelters, they follow a dedicated surgery day.

                  In saying this…I’m not trying to further aggravate you…I’m only saying that maybe you should ask the practice more questions.  It just doesn’t make sense for me that it keeps getting postponed.  I know that I would totally be freaking about the gas.  My vet is only a 20 minute drive, but when I have to go more often than occassionally, I get kinda angry (not that its anyone’s fault).  I guess I’m concerned that this is your regular bunny practice and they just aren’t doing a good job of servicing you and your bun.

                  Best Wishes!  P.S. Jess didn’t seem to bond w/ me until after her spay.  Now she tollerates me a bit more than previously.  I guess that she’s really my hubby’s bun!

                • lucygoosey
                  42 posts Send Private Message

                    Hey guys thanks for all the replies! The nurse kept telling me that there were emergencies to be dealt with and so my bun’s surgery got postponed. But after 3 days of emergencies in a row I started wondering how they were going to catch up with their backed up appointments (my bun couldn’t have been the only one that got pushed back). After the 3rd time they told me that the surgery was going to happen the next day (they kept saying it would be done the next day), I was told that the doctor needed to speak to me and that he was with a client right now and needed to call back.

                    Needless to say, I waited FOUR HOURS for his phone call… when finally I phoned back and found out HE WASN’T EVEN THERE. Apparently the doctor was on vacation and would not be returning until next week which is why Lucy’s surgery was reschedualed for next week.

                    I just went to pick her up today and she’s totally scared of me. Before she would let me at least pet her and now she runs in the other direction as fast as she can. She even tried to bite me when I tried to pet her! (Although it was just a little nip because she has bad teeth).

                    I’m really afraid of taking her back Friday because I feel as if all my hard bonding work has been erased. I just want this surgery done and over with and after that I am going to switch vets.

                    The funny thing is, that I was told this vet was the best in town… he was suggested to me by the bunny lady at the shelter who says that he takes care of all her bunnies (she has over 20 of them) So I was pretty confident that he would be good. But this whole process has just been so traumatizing for both me and Lucy.

                  • jessica2
                    17 posts Send Private Message

                      Unless you have already paid for the appointment, I would highly suggest that you look for another vet. No vet should act that irresponsibly. I would honestly start calling around to veterinarians around you, I went to vets that people had suggested only to find out they were big phonies about rabbit knowledge, and to be quite honest with you… the one vet i found that was actually a rabbit expert (she owns 7 herself and runs a mini rescue here in WA) was one of the clinics i had called around to price and see if they had any previous experience with rabbits. I would DEFINATELY go another route, especially if it was that traumatizing to your bun. In the mean time, make sure to spend lots of time with her (keep her in her cage for a day or two until she is comfy again) and let her come out when she wants once she is comfy. You will have to start the bonding process over again but once your bun knows everything is OK she will probably bounce right back to where you two were before. Best of luck to you!!

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        Oh wunwun, I am so sorry. That’s horrible. I’m sure it was hard on her. The noise, other animals. This I’m sure set you back a bit with her, but she will come around with patience. However, I also agree that I would search out another vet. Even if the vet was good, what kind of care and service would get if this is their MO.

                        The other thing to keep in mind is many times it’s the office staff that can make and break the appointments, not communicating properly. etc, and the vets are oblivious of the drama that is unfolding. So if you do decide to stay with this vet, be sure to speak with the vet yourself and let him/her know of the horrible experience you’ve had so far. If s/he doesn’t seem to think that what you went through was a big deal, then I’d move on.

                      • skunklionshow
                        1257 posts Send Private Message

                          I’m so sorry about that experience and your bun being so traumatized.  I agree w/ Binky that the issue could be the office staff…though I am a believer that if you don’t know something get the info from someone that does.  I also agree that the explanation is really bogus!  Again, I’ve seen many practices from the inside out and that just doesn’t make any sense.

                          It is possible that when you made the appt the receptionist didn’t know that the doc would be on vacay.  Often, if its a small practice, a sub vet comes in.  That can be someone who just wants to pick up extra hours or someone new to the field.  I know that most vets like to screen their subs for quality, but sometimes they are limited in selections.

                          I say, go w/ your gut.  Your gut can’t be wrong!  If you feel awkward about this experience, move on.  Good Luck!

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Missing my Bunny!