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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Moving… again… vibes please!

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    • Asriel and Bombur
      1104 posts Send Private Message

        So basically our roommates lied to us about countless things, and they’ve tried to take advantage of us at every turn. I’ve had it for the past 2 weeks, and John finally had enough of it. So we’re moving again in 2ish weeks. We moved into Rhode Island, but now we’re going back to Boston, and it’ll just be us two and the buns. Glad to have our own space again and not be sharing. Sad to give up so much in savings. We had been renting from his uncle prior for a similar price that these roommates were offering. The hope was to move to South Carolina in May 2020. We were planning on letting the boys free roam the house when we were home and give them their own room for when we weren’t. With this new move coming, our plans are now pushed back a year. Pretty disappointed, but we’ll make do. The boys have moved countless times, so it’s nothing they can’t handle. But vibes for a successful move would be much appreciated  

      • Bam
        16901 posts Send Private Message

          Many vibes for a successful move! I’m sorry it didnt work out with your room mates.

        • sarahthegemini
          5584 posts Send Private Message

            I’m moving in a couple of weeks too so I feel your pain. It sounds like it’s for the best. Shame your roommates are such d-bags

          • Sirius&Luna
            2319 posts Send Private Message

              Ugh that’s so annoying. I hope the move goes smoothly, I’m sure the boys will handle it like pros. I know moving is such a drag though, so I hope it’s not too stressful for you.

            • Q8bunny
              6345 posts Send Private Message

                Moving is the pits under the best of circumstances. But I hope it’s more stressful for you and John than for the floor potatoes, and not very stressful at that. xoxo

              • Doodler
                337 posts Send Private Message

                  I am sorry you have to go through moving all over again. That has to be so annoying. It’s unfortunate that there are people out there like that and it does sound like the absolute best solution. Hopefully once you are settled in your new place the peace of mind and better living situation will outweigh those savings! Vibes being sent to all of you!

                • pinknfwuffy
                  660 posts Send Private Message

                    Drats, sorry you were put in that kind of situation. Positive vibes for a successful move! You clearly have plenty of experience with it and the buns seem to tolerate it so that’s very reassuring. I feel yah. I just finished unpacking my stuff and feel all out of sorts about where everything is or where it should go. Good luck!

                  • Dface
                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                      Sorry it went so horribly, but on the plus side maybe it’ll help your pair sort themselves out! (it took Peep and Yumi 2 houses and a field to get it sorted out!)
                      Best of luck with it all though!

                    • Asriel and Bombur
                      1104 posts Send Private Message

                        Thanks everyone!!! Love you all so much 

                        Yes, DFace! Fingers crossed on that end. Bombur is still being quite an obnoxious brat and poor Az just wants a friend. *sigh* 

                      • Kiki
                        205 posts Send Private Message

                          I am sorry to hear about all the drama. But I truly believe when stuff like this happens it’s because something better is coming. Best of luck!

                        • Q8bunny
                          6345 posts Send Private Message

                            Hear hear, Kiki!

                          • kurottabun
                            908 posts Send Private Message

                              Aw sad to hear that Bombur still hasn’t come around! But I’m sure they’ll sort it out one way or another. Sending the hooms some patience vibes!

                              We’ll have to move in September too once our contract ends, it’s such a pain just thinking about it but it’s for the better. Our current landlady is the most calculative and stingiest person ever, urgh.

                              Hopefully your new place is for the better too <3

                            • Asriel and Bombur
                              1104 posts Send Private Message

                                We found a nice place for sometime between 4/1 and 5/1. Gorgeous and big too! We look at it this weekend, and of course the buns are allowed. I’m sure landlords and relators are getting fussy that my first concern is the boys xD I can’t help but imagine what a new place is like for them. It’s the only thought I have whenever we tour a new place.

                                K: Good luck with your move! Your land lady sounds like one we used to have xD

                              • Dface
                                1084 posts Send Private Message

                                  A&B : I sounded like an insane person when I was looking for somewhere to live that was okay with rabbits…
                                  I also specifically looked at houses that i thought were ‘rabbit appropriate’… Even my poor boyfriend couldn’t get his head around that part of it!
                                  “This looks promising”
                                  “pfft Yumi will hate it… Terribly slippy floors”

                                • Asriel and Bombur
                                  1104 posts Send Private Message

                                    Hehehe. I’m particularly looking for a place with carpet. Although I prefer hardwood because it’s so easy to clean… I’m sick of laying down blankets so that they’ll run around and binky. John’s onboard with the bunny friendly places so that’s a huge plus! He’s always asking first thing how they boys would adjust and react to certain things. I think we’ve trained him well xD

                                  • Q8bunny
                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                      Some hooms learn faster than others

                                    • Dface
                                      1084 posts Send Private Message

                                        Some hooms learn faster than others

                                        But they all come around eventually :p

                                      • Q8bunny
                                        6345 posts Send Private Message

                                        • Asriel and Bombur
                                          1104 posts Send Private Message

                                            We got it! We went and looked this weekend and got approved today! Move in is 4/6 or for you Brits 6/4

                                            I’m a tad sad John didn’t want to go for the third floor with the high ceiling, skylights, and deck. I bet the boys would’ve enjoyed going outside on a nice day, and they would’ve enjoy the extra sun. *sigh* can’t have everything in life.

                                            It’s 775 sqft, so it’s pretty big for us. I think it’s the biggest space we’ve had to date. I’m pretty excited to see how happy they’ll be with all that extra space to run around.

                                          • pinknfwuffy
                                            660 posts Send Private Message

                                              Congratulations! Great news, I hope all goes well. Hopefully this new space will be a great adventure for all of you.

                                            • Kiki
                                              205 posts Send Private Message

                                                Woot woot, the buns are movin on up

                                              • Q8bunny
                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Woohoo! Binkies!

                                                  Was there something about the third floor flat that was a concern for John? Like leaky skylight or non-bunny-safe deck railings?

                                                • Asriel and Bombur
                                                  1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                    The rent was $100 more, and we pay for electric heat here. Skylights would raise the reheating bill so so much.

                                                  • kurottabun
                                                    908 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Glad you managed to find a place! Rent IS a very big factor unfortunately, since it adds up over the months :/

                                                    • Q8bunny
                                                      6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Oh, ok… that makes sense! Utilities are skyrocketing anyways, so might as well take some preemptive action.

                                                      • Muj Mom N Bun
                                                        352 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Sorry to hear that you have to have the added stress of moving again… yes, I also believe that everything is for a reason, even though it may not be what we want at the time… the road is set out for a reason and it’s gonna lead us to something better along the way…

                                                          Congrats on finding a new place… yes, rent is a true factor and utilities can just cause so much more pain! It’s a serious ouch here in my part of NY…

                                                          Positive happy stress free vibes for you all!

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                                                      Forum THE LOUNGE Moving… again… vibes please!