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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE So much regret

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    • Bearsmom
      23 posts Send Private Message

        I’m having such a hard time dealing with Bear’s unexpected death on Monday during his neuter surgery. I can’t help feeling like I killed him. I knew the risks but I took him anyway. It’s been rainy for the past few days and my poor boy is just underground, cold, wet, and dead. I buried him in the rain near some mint plants. He loved mint so much.
        Desperate to feel less lonely, I put a deposit down on a 7 week old netherland dwarf buck and I think it was too soon. I’m already resenting the new baby because he isn’t Bear and he’ll never be Bear. Bear was just the sweetest boy. He would cuddle with me even though he was 2 years old. He would lick me so much. I miss feeling his little kisses on my arms. He deserved to be spoiled and loved for years and years. I was only his mom for 3 weeks but I just adored him. He was the light of my life and it’s so tough not having him around. I could use some words of encouragement regarding my new baby boy. I’m sure I’ll love him when I get him (in about a week) but I’m so worried he won’t be friendly or he won’t like me or something. I got Bear as an adult so I dont know what to expect in terms of the baby going through hormonal changes and stuff. I’m worried I’m maybe rushing into this too quickly but I’m also worried about how lonely I feel without something to take care of. I just feel kind of torn because I havent really ever had to deal with the loss of a pet and this one was just so so unexpected and heartbreaking for me.
        Sorry this post is just sort of a jumbled rant. I’m just having such a hard time without my boy. I feel so so so guilty.

      • Daisy
        1 posts Send Private Message

          Helllo! I’m really sorry for Bear’s death. Pet’s are so rewarding but if you have a pet, one day or another you will have to experience their death even though it isn’t something anyone should feel. You shouldn’t feel like you killed Bear because it is very recommended to get them spayed or neutered so you only did the right thing. Sometimes things just go wrong during operations like these. your new bunny will never replace Bear or help heal the whole you have in your heart now but he will be a different funny and I don’t think you should think about him as though he is bear or as though your new bunny is replacing Bear. yes there is always the possibility that your new bunny won’t be exactly like Bear or that he won’t be that affectionate towards you but with time, he/she will learn to love you. There will always be a hole in your heart and it will hanker for Bear. Regarding the fact that your new bunny is a baby, babies are actually a lot less shy depending on the bunny, they are less timid and are more likely to like you quicker. Yes, most funniest breech a teenager face around 4 to 6 months where they act just like human teenagers, well except for the fact that it’s just a little bit different.Teenagers can bite and nip and and growl but that usually will go away after you get them spayed or neutered switch because of your past of getting bear neutered may make you consider not neutering your new bunny. You could try finding a different vet that has a larger success rate on bunny neutering.I recommend you do some more research on baby bunnies so you can feel more confident and educated about the care of your new bunny and you can ask me if you need to know anything about them because I had a baby bunny too.

        • A Happy Herd of Hares
          155 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so so sorry, I lost a baby during a spay. I felt horrible, that’s why I haven’t done it since……….
            Don’t blame yourself, you couldn’t have known.
            Please don’t resent you sweet baby, he won’t be Bear but he will blossom into a lovely young bunny and he needs your love. Bear would be happy knowing you are happy. If you have Instagram, look up @exempelthebunny/@nykobunny’s story. They went through losing Exempel, and they have several wonderful posts on what it’s like getting a new bunny and how to realize that that bun won’t be the same, but can be a whole new lovey.

          • Phil
            239 posts Send Private Message

              i know just how you feel my bunny jasper died in jan from anasetic,ile never think i did the right thing,it was so devistating even now i have new bunny clover,i still regret my dessision .seems very risky so im not having clover spaded,cant possibly go through loosing him sad

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          Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE So much regret