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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Peeing and pooping on bed

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    • Cherrygreen
      14 posts Send Private Message

        My Blue have develop a bad habit of peeing and pooping on our bed. Before we got a bed frame. We have our bed on the floor. He never really pee or poop on our bed. we finally got a frame for our bed and he was scare of it because it was big, but now got use to it. Anyway he never really care to pee or poop on the bed. I went away for a week to help babysit for my sister and somewhere during that week he start peeing on the bed. Before when he get on the bed I would watch him because I can tell when he’ll poop or pee before he does it so I can grab him and put him in his poop areas.ill probably catch him like maybe 2-3 time a day so he wouldn’t be able to do his business on the bed. He’s mostly on our bed and never do his business on it. Now he’s just peeing and pooping like crazy on our bed. He’ll comes to our bed to do his business. It’s like he’s not using his bathroom area anymore only when I put him there. If he does use it. It seem like he’s Maybe he use it like 5x a day on his bathroom areas and 20x on our bed. I watch his “business” routine cause I want to see if he is actually using his bathroom or not. He’s not fixed and my bf refuses to fix him. The bf is the one who wanted a bunny in the first place btw so kind of hard to convince him. We have talked about getting blue neutered but he’s keep changing his mind about. Anyway since we got blue. I’m the one who’s always home with him. Stay at home bunny mommy for the time being. I feel like every since I left he’s been more bratty and bossy ??. One time I catch him pee on the bed. I lock him away and he went crazy. We don’t lock him up anyway. When we first got him, we lock him away 2 day straight without letting him out. After that, during night time we lock him maybe for a week or so and sometime when he’s naughty we’ll lock him away. Since then we just let him run wherever he want haven’t lock him. Since he’s start this bad habit of his. I lock him away in his corner. He went mad. Start chewing the gate to open the wire metal bar. Try jumping over the gate. He basically was throwing a tantrum. ??‍♂️? he was in there for a good 30 min without stoping it. I was worry he was gonna eat all the rubber on the gated door so I let him out. He was so exhausted he knock out when I let him out. So now I’m afraid to lock him when he’s naughty. We have him about 3 months now and he’s 5 months old. He doesn’t poop or pee anyway, just on our bed. He doesn’t even leave dropping and if he does. It’s on our bed. Any help will be greatly appreciate. And I know fixing him will help, but that won’t be happening because my bf refuses to naughty him. He’s scare blue might change his personality. So please don’t suggest neuter. Sorry if it’s confusing. I just want to mention all details/action that happens before his bad habits started and after. He’s still act the same but just use our bed for his bathroom.

      • Sofia
        348 posts Send Private Message

          I know you don’t want anyone suggesting to get him neutered. But if your boyfriend’s scared he will change his personality, the only thing that will happen is that the neuter will get rid of the hormones, meaning that he will become less crazy and destructive. Which is a good thing to most people. So he will probably stop chewing on the cage bars etc. Oh and also they smell worse when they are not neutered.
          You shouldn’t lock him up when he perked or poops on the bed, rabbits don’t react to punishment like dogs or cats do. Instead, if he pees or poops in his bathroom area, you should give him a treat. So he knows that if he pees there again he will get a treat.
          But really it’s notoriously hard to litter train an unneutered rabbit, it’s possible, but it’s likely that they will lose their habits eventually and you have to litter train them all over again. You can try, there’s a section on litter training in INFO. You can also just search it up on Google. There are loads of websites with tutorials

        • Cherrygreen
          14 posts Send Private Message

            I’m with boo I should clarify when I “lock” him up. I basically just put him in his old spot. The kitchen haha. He has the whole kitchen to himself, away from the bed. He seem to know when he’s “lock up” in the kitchen areas. He love getting in our bed areas. We had have many arguments about him being neutered. Too many already. He doesn’t listen to me because he said I know nothing since I’ve never have a bunny before and he has. He’s very stubborn. (The bf) Blue knows when he’s not supposed to be peeing on the bed. Because when we catch him. Tell him no. He’ll run and binky and stay away from us. Thanks though. I was hoping there’s another solution but I guess not. His pee doesn’t smell. I guess I’ll try to find a way for him to stop.

          • Bam
            16901 posts Send Private Message

              It is very difficult, because rabbits have a deep urge to pee and poop-mark beds and sofas – soft comfy place with lots of human scent on them. This is rather more of a strong urge and a very natural thing for a rabbit to do than a choice. He does understand that you disapprove – but perhaps not what it is you disapprove off. Basically, I think he could very well go on peeing and pooping on the bed when he can, just not when you are there to see him do it. Dogs respond better to human disapproval, but dogs have been genetically adapted to humans through selective breeding for at least 13 000 years – rabbits haven’t gone through that kind of radical genetic changes through their domestication process at all. Rabbits are more like cats, they have retained a lot more of their natural behavior and needs.

              I think I’d try blocking off the bed or covering it with a shower-curtain when you’re not there. You can place a litterbox or puppy pee pads on the bed and hope he goes there.

              As for neutering, it helped with my bunny Bam who was marking the sofa, but there is no guarantee that it helps. Many spayed or neutered buns still mark beds and sofas. Those are places of high value and thus important for a rabbit to mark.

            • bellabunbun
              1 posts Send Private Message

                I’m having the same issue – I actually just moved bedrooms in the house I’m in and Bella went from PERFECT litter habits to only peeing on my bed. It’s insanely frustrating and not what I like to come home to after a long day. Let me know if you find something that works. I’ve covered my bed with picnic blankets that are waterproof, but sometimes she’ll spray on my cloth headboard

                Good luck!

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            Forum BEHAVIOR Peeing and pooping on bed