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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Wild Rabbit bit me!!!

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    • Rain
      547 posts Send Private Message

        I’ve always been hand feeding the wild rabbits in my yard for a couple years. I thought it was safe because most of the time they are so gentle and sweet. Today I went out and did the usual feeding, and gave a treat to the wild rabbit. It took it from my hand slowly and ate it all, and then bit my finger! It wasn’t a hard bite, but like a shallow nip. It actually drew blood, but I think that’s because it was on my cuticle, or that lining near your nails. Can anyone explain this behavior? This is the first time it happened. Was it feeling threatened? I don’t think it would come so close to me, eat the food I had, and then still feel threatened. Or is it just because it’s wild? I feel really stupid now because I should have known that you shouldn’t go near wild animals. I guess I just felt really bad that it was so thing and hungry because I know I wouldn’t want that to happen to my rabbit. Although wild rabbits are used to it. And you shouldn’t bother nature. So I really did make a bad mistake. But what I want to know is why would it do that? 

      • Harley&Thumper
        444 posts Send Private Message

          It might have been a nip asking for more food, or to ask you to get the hand out of it’s face now that the food is gone. Remember that even domestic bunnies need to be taught not to nip too hard. The same should apply to wild rabbits.

        • Rain
          547 posts Send Private Message

            Oooh yea that is probably a reason why. Oh. Thank you!!

          • Dasher
            156 posts Send Private Message

              Maybe your fingers smelled like food and the rabbit wanted more.

            • Rain
              547 posts Send Private Message

                Maybe. That could be a possibility. They aren’t familiar with humans so they just don’t know any better.

              • Dasher
                156 posts Send Private Message

                  Even my own rabbits have bitten my fingers thinking they were food.

                • Rain
                  547 posts Send Private Message

                    Ha ha! I guess I’m just so used to Rain because he’s SUCH a docile little guy. Such a sweet little boy. He’s naughty, but his general personality is very good spirited, easy going, and gentle. He’s such a push over too. You could easily get him to let you groom him or cut his nails. But no two buns are the same.

                  • Dasher
                    156 posts Send Private Message

                      Rain sounds like a nice little bunny Over time my bunnies have learned to be nicer with my fingers but occasionally I still get bitten. Dasher usually nibbles now instead of biting if she thinks I have food.

                    • sarahthegemini
                      5584 posts Send Private Message

                        Not to be a negative Nancy but you shouldn’t really be feeling wild rabbits. It would be detrimental to their (already low) survival rate if they were to rely on humans. Also, is Rain vaccinated? Because you are risking transmitting of disease that wild rabbits can have if he isn’t.

                      • Mikey
                        3186 posts Send Private Message

                          My three still accidentally bite my fingers thinking I have more food in my hands after I hand feed them, lol

                        • Rain
                          547 posts Send Private Message

                            Rain is vaccinated.
                            Mikey, I think that’s what happened. It was probably hungry and wanted some food, and thought I had more. Oops, sorry little rabbit.

                          • Boing
                            253 posts Send Private Message

                              I am sorry to hear you were bitten. Do you live in an area with rabies? While unlikely, this would be my chief concern.

                              Maybe you should stop feeding wild rabbits. Besides this situation, it may make them trust untrustworthy people…

                            • Rain
                              547 posts Send Private Message

                                That is very true. I’m not going to do it anymore, as it’s not safe. No, there isn’t rabies in my area. The rabbit didn’t seem injured or bitten, as it’s fur looked smooth and with no blood or anything. And it wasn’t aggressive, very gentle. It came out to get some wet grass probably because it had rained earlier.

                              • Bam
                                16904 posts Send Private Message

                                  Maybe you ought to get a tetanus shot?

                                  I feed wild rabbits if there’s snow, but I only leave hay out for them, far from where there’s people living. Buns can have a hard time finding food if there’s snow, as can small deer.

                                • Rain
                                  547 posts Send Private Message

                                    I have a tetanus shot, don’t worry! I just got it recently. The bite was extremely small, like a cut, and it’s alread healing over. I ran back inside right after it started bleeding and washed the area very thoroughly and have been monitoring it closely to make sure there isn’t any infection, and that there’s no chance of Rain getting harmed. And Rain’s going to a vet in a couple days soon anyways, so I will make sure he gets checked for anything. I should have realized that yes, you can feed a wild rabbit if it’s starving, but from a distance is better.

                                  • Bam
                                    16904 posts Send Private Message

                                      That good! I had a tetanus shot last summer when I was bit by a cat (my own fault), that’s why it popped up in my head. I don’t think rabbit bites are so bad, but keep an eye and if the finger starts to swell up like a puffer fish, seek medical attention.

                                      I would never have thought a wild rabbit would get so close to a human. They must’ve been so hungry! Last year I left the kale stems standing in the garden, because if they make it through winter they get delicious flower buds in the spring – but the wild rabbits ate them down to the core. It made me happy because there’s been so few wild rabbits here these last few years.

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                                  Forum BEHAVIOR Wild Rabbit bit me!!!