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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Bun’s Terrifying Outdoor Experience

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    • Natsuki987
      9 posts Send Private Message

        Howdy y’all!

        So to begin, I got my little American Fuzzy Lop bun Westley a few months back and he now lives with me at school as a registered ESA. He loves exploring outside, so I take him out whenever I get the chance on a nice day. He’s always done very well and we’ve never had any problems.

        Today was one of those nice days where I had some free time, so I took him outside for some fresh air and exercise. We were breaking in his new harness, so I had to adjust it a few times to get it to fit right. During one of these adjustment periods, he leaped out of the harness and went tearing off towards the busy street. Naturally I sprinted after him in hopes to steer him away from the road (because obviously he was far too quick for me to have any hopes of catching him). He turned back towards the pond and away from the street just in time for a huge hawk to swoop down for a meal. I literally screamed (mind my language) “NOT TODAY ASSHOLE” and slapped the hawk in mid-dive. He flew away and poor terrified little Westley took a dive into the pond. I dove in after him and finally managed to scoop him up. I was greeted with a bloody-murder-scream that I didn’t even know bunnies could make (it was horrifying) and a cold, wet, terrified little bun snuggled up against me in my arms. Long story short, bunnies aren’t the brightest and Westley is fine. Also I cried.

      • Roberta
        4355 posts Send Private Message

          I keep warning people about “Death from Above” on outside adventures but no one believes me. Poor little bug probably thought he was bird chow when you grabbed him. I would keep him very quiet for the next few days and watched for issues like GI stasis.
          May I screen shot some of your story and share it on my local bunny page ? I will keep you anonymous just credit the forum for the borrow.

        • Natsuki987
          9 posts Send Private Message

            Yep, poor little guy I felt bad grabbing him from above like that because I know how much bunnies hate it, but at the time I just had to make sure I got ahold of him before he took off again. Luckily at that point he was just so terrified that he sat still in the pond so it was fairly easy to scoop him up quickly.

            As far as sharing my story, go for it! It’s a good example as to why people should be super careful when going on outside adventures

          • sarahthegemini
            5584 posts Send Private Message

              That sounds unbelievable. I’m surprised your rabbit didn’t have a heart attack!

            • Natsuki987
              9 posts Send Private Message

                So was I! Apparently he’s a pretty brave little dude! 

              • Roberta
                4355 posts Send Private Message

                  Really glad he is ok…. I saw an eagle on the way home the other day that was so huge it could have carried off a Volkswagen. It was enormous and hunting.

                • pinknfwuffy
                  660 posts Send Private Message

                    Jeezy creezy. My heart almost exploded reading this.

                    I hope Westley is feeling a bit better about this misadventure. <3.

                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                      Wow, that’s terrifying indeed. I’m so happy that it went well, how’s he doing now?

                    • Sr. Melangell
                      1708 posts Send Private Message

                        Poor bunny, my Olly doesn’t go outside, too many foxes and cats about in Britain, if anything grabbed him I’d be shouting a lot more and worse things than you did, I can imagine him now sat with a towel over his shoulders with a sad face, like those old films when a little boy falls in a river and is sat in front of a fire, poor little man, I hope he is doing OK.

                        Rabbits do run fast, when Olly ran round my feet all I could see was this black ring.

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                    Forum THE LOUNGE Bun’s Terrifying Outdoor Experience