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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Does your bunny go insane over treats??

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    • lunavenus
      176 posts Send Private Message

        I wanted to know if your bunnies go absolutely insane over treats? Just to make sure my bunnies aren’t the only ones and that they are as normal as bunnies can be. 
        Tell me some funny stories related to giving them treats Would love to know other people’s experiences. 

        OH and I also dedicated a little blog post on my bunnies and the pros and cons of owning a pet bunny. If you want to check it out and tell me if you agree or disagree with what I wrote that would be great! 
        Blog Link:…et-rabbit/ 

        Here are some pictures of my sweet bun buns  

      • Katie
        106 posts Send Private Message

          Such cute fluffs you have! And if I may ask, what kind of floor/mats are those your buns are on?

          My little lady, Sirius, goes INSANE over these berry yogurt treats. She bit me once ):< Not as she was eating it out of my hand, either…. I just couldn't get the bag open fast enough for her liking. That, and she's in her "rabbit puberty" phase; so she's extra sassy and more prone to acting like this. Thankfully she's due to be spayed in a little over a week from now. Sirius has also growled at me for not giving her one of these treats after she was mean to me and tried to scratch me because she was too excited about the treat….

          BUT aside from these two or three times, she sniffs ALL OVER trying to find the treat as quickly as she can! And RUNS when she hears me opening the bag, or smells them. They’re quite potent; probably especially to her super bunny sniffer/senses, Lol.

        • joea64
          1423 posts Send Private Message

            My own buns Panda and Fernando always get excited when they hear the Oxbow Simple Rewards bags crinkling, but their reaction can vary. Sometimes it’s just, “oh cool, hey! Treats!” and sometimes it’s “TREATS! GIMME GIMME GIMME ONE SIDE CLOWN OUT OF THE WAY!” And one time it’s even been, “Meh”. That happened last evening, when I offered them some fresh mint I’d bought (on the recommendation of their former foster mom, who’d told me they loved the stuff). They sniffed and nibbled at it but weren’t very interested in it at all…but when I brought out the parsley I’d also bought, and pulled out a couple of stalks for them, they were off to the treats races! I still have to get and try out sage, dill, sorrel and dandelion greens, which were also on the “Panda and Fernando adore these” list.

          • lunavenus
            176 posts Send Private Message

              My bunnies havent bitten me so far, but came close to biting my fingers off while I tried to give them their treats. They almost ate my sister’s fingers when she fed them bananas hahaha 

              The mat I’m using is (I’m almost certain) are these gym mats I found at the Market. Great for my bunnies because my floor is marble and it keeps them from slipping and flying about. I forgot what they were called tho :/ I’m pretty sure its these:…ockType=G4

            • lunavenus
              176 posts Send Private Message

                OH my babies love oxbow treats tooo! they go absolutely crazy when they hear the package crinkling. What else that’s funny with my two bunnies is whenever I’m eating a banana near them, they smell it from a mile away and start to follow me around thinking I’d give them some! LOL 

              • joea64
                1423 posts Send Private Message

                  I did get nipped by accident last evening by Panda while she was scrambling for her parsley. She didn’t break the skin or anything, but it was a pretty good scrape with her teeth.

                  Also, the rug I use for their exercise/play area is an OSTED (that’s the item name) sisal rug, 7’10” by 2’7″, from IKEA. (It’s available in other sizes as well). The chief attractions of that rug for me are that it’s made from natural fiber, so that the bunnies can chew on it (though they haven’t actually shown much inclination to so far; their chewing instincts seem to be mostly satisfied by the large amounts of hay I give them) without taking harm, and that the texture is rough-grained for their paws to get a solid grip. It’s hard on bare human elbows and knees, though, so I don’t recommend kneeling on it bare-legged!

                  So far, I’ve given the buns the apple/banana, carrot/dill and peppermint flavors of Oxbow baked timothy-hay Simple Rewards as well as the dried banana pieces, and they love them all. Their former foster mother, who has six (count ’em, six!) buns of her own plus the ones she fosters, mixes several flavors of Simple Rewards together in a cookie jar and hands them out as needed, so I may look for a cookie jar of my own. I’m also starting them on fresh green herbs as treats, which I think I can offer more frequently than fruit. They love parsley, but they were pretty “meh” about mint when I offered it to them last evening. I’m told by those who knew them before I adopted them that they also like dill, sage, dandelion and sorrel, so I’ll have to see about getting those as well.

                • joea64
                  1423 posts Send Private Message

                    Funny thing about bananas: just about all bunnies love eating them, but at least one member’s bun is frightened of the actual yellow article for some unfathomable reason. There’s a funny story about that here under the “weird fears/dislikes” thread.

                  • Ellie from The Netherlands
                    2512 posts Send Private Message

                    • Bianca
                      375 posts Send Private Message

                        One of my bunnies will always manage to hype the others up whenever I walk in the room – whether I have “treats” or not. To them treats is anything edible, even their regular hay or dinner. Someone will sprint up to me like “OH MY GOSH SHE MIGHT HAVE FOOD!!” so all the others see and get excited too. Then there are some very let down faces and upset buns when I don’t bring food.

                      • lunavenus
                        176 posts Send Private Message

                          Aww so cute. Breintje seems like such a joy to be around. For the longest time I couldnt figure out why my bunnies kept following me around whenever I was eating bananas, till I dumbly realized… They have good sense of smell and they probably want a bite out of my banana LOL I felt so bad because I didn’t realize this until after I finished my last banana. They were even trying so hard to stand on their hind legs and do that meerkat pose lol  So now I always share my bananas with them haha 

                        • lunavenus
                          176 posts Send Private Message

                            haha sounds like your bunnies will soon have a bad case of “the bunny who cried wolf too many times”  
                            My bunnies get hyped at random times. Sometimes they look at me like meh but other times its WHAT YA DOING???!!!?!? 
                            but everytime, just a small sound of plastic bag shaking can make them go insane and hop everywhere chasing me around lol even if that plastic bag wasn’t the treat bag… 

                          • BubblesJo
                            458 posts Send Private Message

                              I just got mobbed by a bunny because I was drinking a banana & strawberry smoothie. He even tried to nibble the straw! So ridiculous. And he got a teaspoon of his own “smoothie” – just pureed fruits before I added the milk and yogurt. So spoiled!

                            • Ellie from The Netherlands
                              2512 posts Send Private Message

                                @lunavenus: Breintje is the life of the party indeed ^_^ That’s why I love his curious, cheeky and active personality.
                                I can just picture your buns following you around and sitting pretty. “Jeesh, this human should have taken the hint by now… Any idea how much effort if costs to make these chubby cheeks look sunken, so I look like I’m absolutely starving? Puh!” Hahaha, they have such cute ways of getting attention

                                @BubblesJo: Oh dear, that’s the magic combination indeed.

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                            Forum THE LOUNGE Does your bunny go insane over treats??