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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Is this wound from parasite ? (Pictures)

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    • Avantika
      371 posts Send Private Message


        I was cuddling with Moshu today and felt something odd under her skin.I picked her up, scanned her skin and saw this.

        Could this be because of fur mites ? Its night time here and I cannot take her to a vet right now. Is this very painful for her and is there anything I can do for her right now to relieve her convenience ?

        She was given an ivermectin shot last Sunday. Does that have to do anything with this ?



      • Megabunny
        2041 posts Send Private Message

          I’d be surprised if that was from parasites but hopefully others will jump on who are more experienced. Do you know if that is where she got the injection? It would unusual to have it be from the injection. Poor baby. I’m not sure you would want to put anything on it if it’s a spot where it could be licked which is just about everywhere. I’m sure it would be safe to trim a little fur away and wipe it with a little peroxide but I don’t know if that will relieve the discomfort but at least it would clean it a bit. I know this isn’t much help but I felt bad for you and your bunny

        • Bam
          16901 posts Send Private Message

            It could be some sort of reaction from the ivermectin. My Bam got sth similar after having been vaccinated. I cleaned it and put on antiseptic cream, later anti-biotic + cortison cream twice a day. It took 2 weeks to heal. It bothered him some because it apparently itchedso he scratched his ears. The ab+ cortison cream took care of that.

            Ivermectin would have killed any mites by now.

          • Avantika
            371 posts Send Private Message

              She got injection at the back of her neck, whereas this is at the side of her back.
              Trimming the fur at that spot would b a good idea if I have to apply any ointment. But for that, I first have to know what it is.

              Thank you for your kind words, Megabunny. Moshu has been battling something for the other since the past one months. Its breaking my heart. She is a lovely little bunny. Licks me a lot. Maybe she knows how her health issues are always worrying me at the back of my mind.

            • Avantika
              371 posts Send Private Message

                @Bam : I hope its just that. Even thinking that she is being bothered by any parasites when she already undergoing treatment for UTI saddens me.

       says exactly what you are saying.

                Just to confirm once again, the scab IS NOT at the injection site. Is it still the same thing ?

              • Megabunny
                2041 posts Send Private Message

                  Let us know how she does. Bam’s always got incredible advice, and even if it’s not from the injection, if you can’t get to the vet right away you may want to try a thin film of ointment in the meantime. I wonder, actually, if it’s better to keep some of the fur there so she licks the fur instead of the ointment or if it’ll help to get air to it. Oh, I don’t really know. I’m glad Moshu has someone so devoted to her. I LOVE being licked by my big guy, too! Makes me feel like his “significant other”

                • Megabunny
                  2041 posts Send Private Message

                     Darn double posts. I have to stop that!

                  • Bam
                    16901 posts Send Private Message

                      Avantika, thank you, that’s certainly not info that was given to me when Bam had his reaction, but it does make perfect sense. He got the sores in his ears, 2 in each ear and not at the site of injection, that was in the back of his neck. (He’s had vaccinations again but no reactions, but it’s a different vaccine now.)

                      I so hope Moshu gets through this! She seems so so sweet, bunny kisses are the best =) Bam licks my arms and hands a lot and it melts my heart. Does the sore seem to trouble her?

                    • Avantika
                      371 posts Send Private Message

                        @Megabunny, you have a point. Keeping the fur will prevent her from licking off the ointment completely. My parents said the same thing. The fact that Moshy licks no one at my home as much as she licks me makes me fee fortunate

                        , that ivermectin shot was the first vaccination Moshu received. Maybe it wont happen every time she gets a vaccination shot.

                        I clean it once a day with diluted hydrogen peroxide and apply Neosporin (minus pain relieving substances) twice a day. I apply neosporin on her urine scald too and she licks it sometimes. Just to confirm once again, it is safe, isnt it ?

                      • Bam
                        16901 posts Send Private Message

                          The kind without pain relieving substances is considered rabbit safe.

                          Is she on antibiotics for the UTI?

                          When Bam had his reaction he wasn’t in optimum shape, he was still new in my house and had spent some time outside in the woods and had been suffering from fur mites, so his immune-defence was probably not in the best possible shape. If Moshus has a UTi, that could make her more sensitive to stuff like vaccines although ivermectin isn’t really a vaccine. Was she given Ivermectin empirically? ( i e was she given it on the off chance that she maybe had some internal/external parasites?)

                          My Bam has had several vaccinations since that first one that caused the reaction (and the vet later agreed it must’ve been a reaction), but he’s never reacted badly again. But then he’s in much better shape now. He’s been my spoilt and pampered and much-loved little prince for nearly 3 years now =)

                          Again, best healing vibes for ((((Moshu))))

                        • manic_muncher
                          1061 posts Send Private Message

                            You say the spot isn’t at the injection site, is it close by? Could she have been scratching at the surrounding area where it was stinging? Perhaps it’s self-inflicted?

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                        Forum DIET & CARE Is this wound from parasite ? (Pictures)