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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Cedar shavings at store?

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    • Tripppysmurf
      10 posts Send Private Message

        Hey if I remember right cedar shavings are poisonious to rabbits and small animals are they not? I would really like some clarification on this as the local grocery store here in salt lake city is selling them on shelf for rabbits/guinea pigs and rats and such. I saw it on the shelf last ight and asked for a contact number or something to corporate but all I got was an address to write them which I plan on doing but I need more then em so I am trying to find out all the fcats then if it is indeed poison I will take it to store then to the news to get some light brought on this as public awareness is a must! One girl at the store when I said this was like "Well that must be why my guinea pig died then maybe" I was shocked. If anyone can give me any links to established articles about cedar so i can use them on my mission to get this terrible thing pulled off the shelfs I would appreciate it so I do nt sound like a single kooky voice out there. thanks.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          That is a very noble cause – I’m sure they know but they continue to sell this which is sad.

          It can cause elevated liver enzymes which makes it very risky for putting the rabbit under anesthesia – it has been scientifically documented to alter the functions of the liver. None of the softwood litters are recommended.

          Here is a good article from House Rabbit Society on it:

          It also sites some articles on the bottom.

        • Scarlet_Rose
          4293 posts Send Private Message

            Yes they are, it is quite common for manufacturers to push them for the use of rabbits and small animals because they control the odor.  What happens is that they emit phenols that can cause liver and kidney damage not to mention the dust can lodge in their lungs as well and be an irritant to their eyes and even scratch them.  Young baby bunnies can also be suffocated by them.  Here is more info:

            This is a simple search on the HRS web site, I typed in "pine shavings"


            Here is another listing of articles:


            To attribute the death of an animal to anything a necropsy must be performed by the vet to determine the cause of death.  Unfortunately there are many things to consider and many things that could have occured that caused its demise like a genetic defect, disease etc.

          • Tripppysmurf
            10 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you for the help with all this. I am going to hand write a letter to the store tonight. I am also thinkign depending on there response on a online petition to get such things pulled from the shelves on grounds of danger to the animal. I was thinking of comparing what they are doing to our loved little ones to the poisoning our dogs and cats got from the food from china with the liver aspect to this in the letter. Any remarks on that? Very few things drive me to be this active and if need be I will take this as far as I can. If any admin reads this is it against the rules to post a link to an online petition for this issue so i can try to get support from more then just my area. Thanks for all the help guys and gals

            • MooBunnay
              3087 posts Send Private Message

                Hello! THis is a great cause – the rescue I worked with in So Cal was trying for FOREVER to get Petsmart and Petco to carry bunny friendly items and they wouldn’t. THEN they say they are going to sell BABY BUNNIES to raise sales of their bunny items! It doesn’t make any sense! How about trying to sell the RIGHT STUFF to raise sales? Guess they don’t think about that one – I saw online that the CEO of Petco has a dog – I guess he doesn’t have a bunny

              • Scarlet_Rose
                4293 posts Send Private Message

                  You’re welcome! I would recommend that you e-mail Binky Bunny first before posting an online petition just to be sure.  I really hope your letter makes a difference!

                • Lionbunny
                  49 posts Send Private Message

                    I thought maybe we should have warning stickers made up that explain about the dangers of the bedding, and everyone on the forum could get a bunch of them, and then everytime we go to the store and see inappropriate pet items we would stick them on there before we left the store. What do you think? I think we should make some about the wire bottomed rabbit cages too!

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      LOL – I love that idea Lionbunny. Just make sure the manager isn’t watching :~)

                    • MooBunnay
                      3087 posts Send Private Message

                        Hahahaa, I can just see it on the news – “mysterious rabbit fans have covered pet stores with warning stickers. Store video cameras have tried to catch them but these owners mysteriously jump in the air, kick their feet out, and elude all the cameras….”

                      • (dig)x(me)x(now)
                        2517 posts Send Private Message

                          Moobunny – great caption for the news story! Ha!

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                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Cedar shavings at store?