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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Could somebody tell me if my bunny is a girl ?

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  • Author

    • Tupac
      16 posts Send Private Message


      • courtneygingin
        7 posts Send Private Message

          Its very hard to tell from the picture. If you ever see your bun relaxing up close and if he has his sacks hanging out, then he is definitely not a girl. If the buns already been spayed/neutered then I would contact the ppl you got him/her from and ask them.

        • Kokaneeandkahlua
          12067 posts Send Private Message

            Looks like a girl to me but hard to tell. Can you have someone help you take a closer picture and use your finger to gently splay the area a bit more, that might make it easier to tell. But from your picture I see more a slit then a cheerio so I’m guessing female from the picture.

          • Tupac
            16 posts Send Private Message

              when i pull away from the tail the slit just becomes longer. I’ve looked all over the belly and testicle area and found nothing, also he/she humps my male rabbit quite often

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Humping isn’t gender specific – you should have a vet check the sex and take appropriate action like separating them if one is male and one is female to prevent unwanted pregnancies…..having the vet confirm the sex is the responsible thing to do instead of guessing.

              • jerseygirl
                22345 posts Send Private Message

                  take appropriate action like separating them if one is male and one is female to prevent unwanted pregnancies….

                  Ditto. You can’t risk letting them be together at the moment.

                • Tupac
                  16 posts Send Private Message

                    i wouldn’t mind a surprise pregnancy, i’m more then prepared! when they’re together i just watch them, but will my male bunny try to mate even though my other bunny is only six months old?

                  • MoveDiagonally
                    2361 posts Send Private Message

                      Your rabbit is 4 months old and if she is female she’s capable of getting pregnant. A pregnancy at her age would be dangerous and you should take every possible precaution to avoid this. They should not have any contact, even supervised or through cages, until at the LEAST your male is neutered + 1 month (males can still impregnate females up to 30 days after being neutered).

                      Continuing to allow them contact is not responsible.

                    • jerseygirl
                      22345 posts Send Private Message

                        If you are prepared, you can hardly call it a surprise pregnancy then.

                        As MD has pointed out, it would be dangerous to her.
                        1. she is young
                        2. She is small breed & he is not.

                        My rabbit Maple came to me pregnant after her owners let her go in with 2 larger bucks.
                        It was horrible when she had the babies. 3 delivered dead, 1 even got stuck in her. Please don’t let this happen to your bunny. Please don’t let her breed.

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          Jersey is correct, this is intentional and not a surprise. It would be very irresponsible for you to allow this….you need to think about all the consequences and not just the fact that you may have some cute babies…how are you prepared to care for them or find the potential good homes. Are you prepared to pay for the cost of spays/neuters and future vet bills?

                        • Tupac
                          16 posts Send Private Message

                            They hardly go near each other and when they do my male bunny doesn’t want anything to do with her. he usually just licks her, and then runs away. they are always supervised when out of their cages.

                          • Tupac
                            16 posts Send Private Message

                              vet said she’s a girl. thanks for the help.

                            • Tupac
                              16 posts Send Private Message


                              • Sarita
                                18851 posts Send Private Message

                                  It only takes one second for a female to get pregnant…please be responsible and do not put them together.

                                • Tupac
                                  16 posts Send Private Message

                                    they’ve both seen a vet, and my male is to old to mate. like i had figured. they’re fine together.

                                  • NewBunnyOwner123
                                    1930 posts Send Private Message

                                      I wasn’t aware a male bunny can become “too old to mate” …. anyone have any insight on this?

                                    • LBJ10
                                      16948 posts Send Private Message

                                        He is too old to mate?

                                      • NewBunnyOwner123
                                        1930 posts Send Private Message

                                          The other posting you say your other bunny is 2 years old… That’s prime age to mate. How many bunnies do you have? I’m only aware of your mini lop (who, just found out is a female) and them the ditch cross who is a 2 year old male. Which is def NOT to old to mate.

                                        • LBJ10
                                          16948 posts Send Private Message

                                            I guess technically, sperm would decrease in quality as the rabbit ages. This would be true for any mammal. Two years old isn’t old though and lower quality sperm doesn’t mean it is impossible for a female to become pregnant. Just watch the Maury Show, it happens all the time in people. LOL

                                          • MoveDiagonally
                                            2361 posts Send Private Message

                                              Two years old is not too old to mate.  If you continue to allow them together without spaying or neutering at least one of them they will breed and your female rabbit will be put at risk.

                                            • Sarita
                                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                I’m going to lock this thread for now….

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                                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Could somebody tell me if my bunny is a girl ?