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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A ***URGENT question!!! Please! Need support for euthanize tomorrow rant

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    • BubblemanBunny
      11 posts Send Private Message

        Hi everyone, I’ve been a binkybunny forum lurker for a few years now but only registered today. My first topic is a sad one. 

        Tomorrow at 5pm I will be taking my Snowman to the vets to be euthanized and I couldn’t be more heartbroken about it. I’m battling a lot of emotions all at once and I don’t know what to do. Earlier this year he showed symptoms of EC so we took him to the vet and EC panel was done, the vet was convinced it might be cancer because his protein, kidney and calcium counts were sky high. We then took him to the Cancer Centre in Guelph for an MRI, x-rays and a spinal tap (costing close to 6k) only to get inconclusive results, there were lesions on his brain but the doctor assumed it was the EC that did that. We treated him 28 days for the EC, he seemed to get better other than imbalance issues but that was from EC. This month he has started to go downhill again and we ran another EC panel which was negative but his tests showed that his kidneys were failing. Doctor is still convinced cancer but since his immune system is compromised, he doesn’t think there’s anything we can do. He pees and poops on himself now but is unable to clean himself, all he does is sleep hunched over. I know he’s uncomfortable and tired but he’s still happy when it’s veggie or banana time, he’s happy when his partner grooms him. 

        For those of you that have helped your babies cross the rainbow bridge, I’m so sorry you went through that. But how do I know if I’m doing the right thing? God I wish he could speak to me. 

      • LBJ10
        16934 posts Send Private Message

          I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Poor little thing. I went through this with my dog. We knew she was getting old and her time with us was growing ever shorter. But I struggled with the idea of having her put down. To be honest, I had hoped she would go peacefully in her sleep. It still haunts me to this day. She was gradually going downhill, but the time just didn’t feel right. After all, she was obviously happy to be here with us. She loved us so much. Then, one day, she got really sick while I was at work. My husband was home and told me she was sick. I didn’t know how bad it really was though. When I got home, she was in a coma. It was July 3rd, in the evening. The next day was a holiday, obviously. So we had to take her to the emergency vet and the whole experience was just awful. It tore me up pretty bad and I felt guilty for months. I still do to this day. I’m not saying this to upset you. I’m saying this because I’m glad you were able to decide that maybe it’s time and you have scheduled everything with your regular vet. That way you will at least be somewhere where you trust the people. You will be there when he takes his final breath. To me, that is a much better way to go. Waiting to long only ensures an unpleasant experience. Not that it is pleasant any way that you look at it, but there are definitely ways for it to be much much less pleasant (if that makes sense).

          I am curious. And this is just a side note. But why did your vet not treat for EC first? Why did they jump to the cancer conclusion so quickly. Typically, if EC is suspected, vets will treat for it first to see if the symptoms respond to the treatment. EC is notorious for coming back negative in blood tests, so a negative result doesn’t really mean much.

        • Dubbsmama1
          34 posts Send Private Message

            I didn’t go through this, but sending ::hugs:: I know you need them right now. He does look very happy and cute in his pictures.

          • BubblemanBunny
            11 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you for your quick reply, I’m sorry about your pup… That’s exactly how I feel, Snowman has been gradually getting worse but we can tell he’s still happy to be with all of us. It’s just when things settle down and nothing is going on that we can really see how much discomfort he’s actually in. My poor baby only turned 5 in September, we really thought his health issues were over after the first time around. 

              From what I remember the vet ran the EC panel the day we brought him in but the results took about 2 weeks to come back, his kidney (or liver?) count was really bad and the EC medication would further damage them so he didn’t want to risk it without knowing for sure. The vet said he had dealt with a few rabbits that had the same pattern on blood test that ended up being diagnosed with cancer. Within the 2 weeks it took for the results we took Snowman out of town to the Small Companion Cancer Centre to get all the imaging done. I didn’t know that about EC but he is too far gone to try again, he’s already in renal failure and can’t move around well anymore… 

            • BubblemanBunny
              11 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you for your kind words. The first picture was taken on his last day of medication when he was feeling better.  

              • sarahthegemini
                5584 posts Send Private Message

                  Big hugs for you and your bunny. What you’re going through is awful and I am so so sorry. As LBJ10 said, at least you will be with him when he passes so he’ll be with someone that deeply cares for him. In regards to whether you’re doing the right thing, sometimes you just know deep down what would be best. You shouldn’t feel guilt or anything for making such a tough decision – you are taking the steps to prevent further suffering and your bun will appreciate that.

                • Vienna Blue in France
                  5317 posts Send Private Message

                    I agree with Sarah – I went through this twice in the last year with my dog and cat…

                    I remember someone saying something like “you’ll not regret it if you do it “too soon”, but you may find you regret it do if you leave it “too late”….”

                    So it sounds as if you are going with your heart and your head – although the wait for tomorrow is surely a very long one.

                    ((( Safe journey over, Snowman ))) – he’s gorgeous by the way…

                  • LBJ10
                    16934 posts Send Private Message

                      That’s exactly what I was getting at Vienna. You struggle with the thought of it being too soon, but regret it if it’s too late.

                    • BubblemanBunny
                      11 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you all for replying, we’re leaving the house in an hour. Snowman is currently eating a big dish of his favourite greens and bananas.
                        I have one important and urgent question: should I bring his mate? Or should I keep her at home and bring home his body? And if I bring home his body what do I do with his body afterwards? I feel sick asking these questions right now. And that was more than one question. Sorry guys I’m all over the place right now

                      • LBJ10
                        16934 posts Send Private Message

                          It might be uncomfortable for his friend to be there. I know taking a buddy for a regular vet visit can be helpful, but it might be unfair to her if she goes there and then comes home without him. I don’t know. Personally, I think it would be better to bring him home and show him to her so she knows he’s gone. You can then bury him or put him in the freezer if you plan to take him somewhere to be cremated.

                          I know it’s difficult to think about, but you will get through it.

                        • sarahthegemini
                          5584 posts Send Private Message

                            I also think it would be too stressful for her to travel with him but come home without. I can’t imagine how sad and confused she’d be. Plus it might make any future vet visits (hopefully just check ups!) for her extra stressful because she could associate the vets with her mate not coming home. I’m not sure but I don’t think it’s a good idea to take her. I think you should bring his body home for her to see, to show her him one last time so she can grieve without too much confusion (she might have closure?) I’m heartbroken for you and her

                          • jerseygirl
                            22345 posts Send Private Message

                              What a beautiful boy. <3
                              I understand how heart wrenching this is and I’m sorry you’re going through it.

                              Don’t be alarmed if his bond mate stays away from his body. She may quickly assess that he’s gone and avoid him. I think it’s just that ingrained prey species thing..
                              Some bunnies will sit by the body or even groom it or come to it several times. It can vary.

                            • ColonelPanik
                              1 posts Send Private Message


                              • Mikey
                                3186 posts Send Private Message

                                  I hope his bond mate is able to bounce back quickly, and that you both will be able to comfort one another at this time. He is a beautiful boy. You are doing the right thing, freeing him from his pain (((hugs))) (((((Binky free little bun!)))))

                                • Hopper
                                  158 posts Send Private Message

                                    (((Hugs))) You’re in my prayers (you and your two buns.)

                                  • BubblemanBunny
                                    11 posts Send Private Message

                                      Thank you all for your advice, I ended up leaving her at home and brought him home after so she could say goodbye. She groomed his eyes and then backed off, I think she knew he’s gone. The vet told me I could bring him back to be cremated after Buttercup said her goodbye so we picked out an urn for him. I am in pieces right now, haven’t stopped crying and I miss him with all my heart. I miss everything about him, I don’t know how to move on because right now it seems impossible. I’m completely broken now

                                    • vanessa
                                      2212 posts Send Private Message

                                        That sucks, I am so sorry. I had my first EC bunny euthenized. The second EC bunny – I did absolutely everythign I codul to pull him through. He had a second relapse, but seems to be stable now. It was hard having Merlin put to sleep, but I knew he as suffering too much. His pal Guinivere mourned for a month. I had his body cremated, and it sits in a wodden urn with a stuffy that has the same red/brown color as Merlin was. That’s his little memorial. I got Guin a new pal. 8 months later, they were bonded. Her new pal – became my second EC bunny. It is horrible seeing our pets suffer, and even thoguh I know I made the richt choice with Merlin, I still wonder sometimes if I coudl have saved him, but I discovered his symptoms too late. I cried for weeks. That was almost 2 years ago. It is still easy to cry about it. Stories like yours make me sad. I get very emotional about the topic of EC treatment. I feel very strongly about early and non-conservative treatment. I’m so sorry for your loss.

                                      • LBJ10
                                        16934 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m sorry. I feel for you, I really do. The memory of my doggie is still very fresh in my mind, so I know how you feel. All I can say is that, although it seems impossible right now, things will eventually get better. They won’t right away, but eventually they will. And you will be able to look back at memories of him and feel happy knowing he had a good life with you.

                                          Vanessa – I thought of you when I saw this thread. EC is such an awful disease. There was another bunny recently who passed away from EC on the forum just recently too.

                                        • BubblemanBunny
                                          11 posts Send Private Message

                                            Thank you vanessa and LBJ10. 
                                            It’s almost 5am here, there’s no way to fall asleep when I’m so overwhelmed by everything. I keep replaying the last two weeks, I’m consumed by guilt and serious regret but I pray he knows mama tried her best. I still haven’t wrapped my mind around the fact that he’s gone for good, when I go downstairs in the morning I won’t get kisses. I’m never going to see my beautiful boy again. His will to live never faltered but his spirit was trapped in a weak, failing body. Everything in his body was falling apart. 
                                            EC is a trucker of a disease. 
                                            Love you sweet Snowman, you will always be in my heart. I love you so much…

                                          • sarahthegemini
                                            5584 posts Send Private Message

                                              My heart aches for you, it really does, it’s such a difficult situation to go through But please don’t feel guilt over it, you did the best for him and I’m sure he knew that.

                                              Rest in peace little fella, and big hugs for you Bubbleman.

                                            • Vienna Blue in France
                                              5317 posts Send Private Message

                                                Time will heal…. its hard to believe today… but it will. ((( hugs )))

                                              • meridiian
                                                157 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking for you, I’m sure..

                                                  You did everything possible and more. It was so beautiful you gave Buttercup a chance to say goodbye to her friend.

                                                  These beautiful little creatures touch our hearts in a unique way so gorgeous Snowman will always be with you.

                                                  “Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

                                                  Binkie free little Snowman xx

                                                • Nev
                                                  17 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I’m so sorry My heart goes out to you and your family. I have experienced the loss of six pets in my lifetime, two were euthanized. I know it was the right choice for those two, because they told me it was. I’m not Dr. Doolittle. Their strong and life loving personalities in the good times indicated to me that when they are to be no longer strong and couldn’t enjoy life, it was time to let go. There was no cure, there was no hope of recovery – but there was hope that there would be peace.

                                                    My 8 year old daughter glimpsed here at my phone when I was viewing a photo of Snowman. She of course, gasped and gushed at the cuteness. I said, “He has died, and his family is very sad today.”

                                                    “That’s awful, Mumma! I would be sad too. I’m still sad about Gizzie and Teens.” (Two of our cats who died this year of natural causes.)

                                                    In the wisdom only the young seen to possess, she goes on (paraphrasing). “But it makes me happy that Gizzie and Teens loved living with us and made all of those purrs. They are in the ground now, so they are actually part of the earth. When I touch the ground, I know all that was them is now feeding everything else on the planet. They would have liked that, because they loved to eat! I think this bunny rabbit probably would like to be part of the earth, too.” (Thank you, third grade level biology lessons.)

                                                    It took me a few minutes to compose myself to write this. The loss of our cats is still raw. Gizzie was my constant companion for 20 years, her absence since early July is profoundly felt every day. Teens was only 10, she died within moments on a completely normal day (we suspect heart attack) in September, my husband and I watched her suffer immensely for those moments, and are probably still in shock ourselves.

                                                    I look outside my window here at the thin layer of snow that surrounds the house. I know that Teens is buried a few feet into the tree line over there. (Gizzie is buried at my mother’s house with her siblings – they were childhood pets I took with me when I left home at 17, it always seemed fitting they should be buried where they started.) Teens was a solitary cat who generally only liked my husband – allowing her solitary rest but near Daddy felt important.

                                                    My daughter just profoundly altered my grief, and I hope it can comfort you. I hadn’t thought of it that way before, but she’s right – they are indeed very much still part of the earth – which is a palpable thing we can still touch and feel.

                                                  • Q8bunny
                                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I’m so sorry for Snowman’s struggles, Buttercup’s loss, and your heartbreak.
                                                      It sounds like you made the best choices you could given a rapidly evolving impossible situation. The most important thing is that in the end, his passing was dignified, painless, and in the company of someone who loved him to the moon and back.
                                                      My thoughts are with you guys…
                                                      (((Binky free, brave Snowman… you deserve the rest, little buddy)))

                                                    • BunnyFriends
                                                      383 posts Send Private Message

                                                        {{{Binky free Snowman}}}

                                                      • LBJ10
                                                        16934 posts Send Private Message

                                                          That’s beautiful Nev.

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                                                      Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A ***URGENT question!!! Please! Need support for euthanize tomorrow rant