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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Growing grass?

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    • Sam and Lady's Human
      2001 posts Send Private Message

        Does anyone know if its possible to keep sod growing on a tray? I’m trying to figure out how to have a grass pad for my bunnies 

      • Sr. Melangell
        1708 posts Send Private Message

          Yes you can, grow it and cut it.

        • jerseygirl
          22345 posts Send Private Message

            Hi S&LH !!! Nice to see you posting. It’s been a while!

            I don’t think it would be hard to do. It has a shallow root system so wouldn’t need much soil. Ive also seen fodder systems where there is no soil used.

            What type of grass are you thinking of growing?

          • KristysGran
            5 posts Send Private Message

              Cool! I want to try this, the above link looks like it would be easy and fun. I’m looking at timothy hay seed now, but would some other type of grass be better?

            • tobyluv
              3310 posts Send Private Message

                I know that you can grow wheatgrass for bunnies. I was thinking of getting these items from Amazon – a sprouting tray –
      , and the seed –

                I don’t know if Sam and Lady’s Human is thinking about having actual sod, like thick zoysia for the bunnies, or if any of the grass seed would work.

              • Bam
                16901 posts Send Private Message

                  I grow wheat grass for my buns. I grow it in regular planting-soil. The buns love it. I’ve also tried growing black oats, but the yield is better with wheat. I grow in small shallow plastic trays, I sow one at a time som I have fresh grass continuously. It’s more a treat than food, but it’s very popular

                • LuvFurBabies80
                  185 posts Send Private Message

                    I grow Wheat grass for Sage as well…I found this nice little kit on amazon that comes with everything all pre-measured and in a weeks time I had good looking grass.


                    Sage loves it…and since it comes with 3 sets I can rotate them out. 

                    See below….the two trays on right Sage already trimmed…one on left I will start using tomorrow

                  • jerseygirl
                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh wow, well done! And good job with the mowing, Sage!

                      How do you find your bunnies go on the wheat grass? Do you have to moderate how much they have? I know it’s higher nutrition then more mature grass or hay.
                      The seed sold here as cat grass is actually orchard grass. Another nommy according to rabbits.

                    • beebun
                      174 posts Send Private Message

                        Ooh, I do this for Chito too! But I can’t keep them growing- after 3 ‘mows’ the seed just stops because they ‘ran out of energy’, the seed seller said…

                        This needs a lot of discipline, I think, and I tend to be forgetful! Hehe

                      • LuvFurBabies80
                        185 posts Send Private Message

                          Jersey: Sage will graze….I put a tray down on the floor in her room and she will run to it and munch for a few minutes then make her way to her hay and pellets, play then repeat. I usually leave the tray for about an hour. The trays are 4″ x 4″ and she will “mow” about half a tray in that time with periodic visits. She doesn’t go non stop at it like she does with her salad, but she does get excited when she see’s me bringing it in I guess if you found that your baby just went at it non stop you would have to moderate the intake. It does count as your fresh leafy greens so you would take that into account as well

                          Beebun: they say with each new grow you lose nutritional value. Depending on the seed you can get 2-3 grows out of them (also you have to watch since they become prone to mold the longer you let them go) I bought this kit just to see if Sage would enjoy it and now that I know she does, I purchased a 1 lb bag of seed and trays to keep it going. I also research it and found that it grows just fine without soil as wheat grass only draws nutrition from the seed not the soil.

                          I was so pleased with myself…I have never had much of a green thumb but lately I have become quite the “kitchen gardener” with the wheat grass and my herb garden all going to make sure Sage has the best I can give her!

                        • Azerane
                          4688 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By jerseygirl on 8/22/2016 8:27 PM

                            The seed sold here as cat grass is actually orchard grass. Another nommy according to rabbits.

                            I was not aware of this fact. Definitely going to buy some now and grow it out for bunny nom time.

                          • Bam
                            16901 posts Send Private Message

                              I didn´t know that either! Must try! Orchard is a big favorite here =)

                            • Azerane
                              4688 posts Send Private Message

                                I bought the seedlings of the cat grass instead of the seeds. The seeds said it only grew to 8cm, the seedling to 60cm. Perhaps a different variety so I went with the bigger growth

                                Once bunnies are settled in a little more I definitely have to try growing wheat grass. One assumes that any bagged wheat sold for bird/chicken feed should sprout. That will be so cheap to feed in comparison to other greens. In addition to of course, but limits the bulk greens that one would need to buy. I’m already sprouting regular parrot seed for Dory so how different can it be.

                              • Bam
                                16901 posts Send Private Message

                                  Bird seeds tend to grow just fine, as can be seen underneath bird feeding-tables. But beware if marihuana is illegal where you live because of the hemp seeds. Rope hemp can’t be smoked with any intoxicating effect but they can still be illegal to grow (they are here).

                                • jerseygirl
                                  22345 posts Send Private Message

                                    @Av, bam, re cat grass=orchard grass: just look for botanical name, dactylic glomerata, on the label.
                                    Orchard grass grows in clump form.

                                    At my sisters, they have a clumping grass grow that is quite fragrant. I think it might be orchard grass. It’s not like fresh mowed lawn smell, it’s almost a floral/fruity aroma. I’ve fed it to the bunnies before. They liked it enough but the real fave is oat grass. I use to get a lot grow from where I threw old hay out. There isn’t grain in the seed head, but must be enough of a germ to sprout a new plant.
                                    It is a darker green, almost bluish colour grass. Very popular with them!

                                  • Azerane
                                    4688 posts Send Private Message

                                      Posted By bam on 8/25/2016 12:10 PM

                                      Bird seeds tend to grow just fine, as can be seen underneath bird feeding-tables. But beware if marihuana is illegal where you live because of the hemp seeds. Rope hemp can’t be smoked with any intoxicating effect but they can still be illegal to grow (they are here).

                                      I never even knew bird seed could contain hemp seeds, mine certainly doesn’t. How unusual but thanks for the heads up.

                                      And I did look up the species name of orchard grass before I bought. Both the seeds and the seedling had the same species name D. glomerata and yet the seed packet only listed it growing to 8cm. So as mentioned I think it’s just a different “breed” so to speak, that it doesn’t grow as large.

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                                  Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Growing grass?