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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny at Vets with Stasis…Help Needed.

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    • Gemma
      2 posts Send Private Message
        Hi all,

        I really need some advice. This is my first post and I’m very stressed so please be gentle!

        My bunny was taken to the vets on Monday night and was diagnosed with stasis, probably due to dehydration. She never really drank a lot of water but always seemed bright, lively and okay but (please don’t judge) on Monday I forgot to fill up her water so it was empty when I came home. It is horrendous I know and I am 100% to blame for this mess and I feel awful enough as it is.

        She showed the usual signs of stasis – cold, shivering at the touch (no teeth chattering though), belly pressed to the floor, no interest in food or water and lethargic.

        Anyway we took her to the vets straight away and she was getting better up to yesterday (Wednesday), being brighter and eating and passing pellets; but this morning they’ve told me she’s gone down hill again. She’s not that interested in food and only passing a couple of pellets. She’s on an IV for fluids every couple of hours and yesterday had to be syringed food.

        They took an x ray for her on Tuesday and the results are “inconclusive” to see if there’s a blockage, and now they want to do another one – and of course charge me for it. She’s not insured so I’m worried about the cost, on top of everything, and the bill is already at £550 due to the overnight stays, the drugs and blood tests.

        My questions are – what does it mean that the first x-ray is “inconclusive” – can I be charged for a second if this is the case? Would a second x-ray be of any real benefit at this stage or are they trying it on? Can dehydration cause a blockage?

        And can she be discharged so I can look after her at home? I’ve seen other posts where people are using syringes and IVs at home but my vet has not mentioned this as an option to me. My friend also has bunnies and has stasis drugs on hand for home adminstration. I am off work for the next 3 days so can give 100% care to her but would need to know if this is advisable.

        I’m not sure if it the stress but I feel my vet is extorting me slightly. If anyone could put this into perspective for me that would be much appreciated.

        Many gracious thanks in advance.

      • Bam
        16903 posts Send Private Message

          Dehydration can cause a blockage because the stomach-content needs to be moist to be able to move through. That said, dehydration is not the only reason for a bunny to get a blockage. Sometimes a blockage is a symptom of something entirely different. It is very serious though and generally oral fluids are of little help, the rabbit should be given IV-fluids to help soften things up.

          New x-rays can be needed to get a better view, sometimes x-rays are difficult to assess.

          You should ask your vet if it’s ok for you to take her home, since you are off work and can take care of her around the clock. If they think she needs intensive care that only they can provide, they will say that. A pet may often do better at home in her well-known environment. The problem is you don’t know if this is “just” a slowdown of the GI-tract or if there is a blockage, the care you give is not the same for those two conditions. With a slow-down you can syringe food like Critical Care and do tummy- massages and keep the bunny warm and comfy in your lap with a blankie on her, with a blockage, that needs to be dissolved before you can massage or put more food into the bunny.

          We don’t tend to judge people here. We are all about helping bunnies and bunny-owners in need, and judging is never of any help.

          Many vibes, please keep us posted, ask all the questions you want.

        • Gemma
          2 posts Send Private Message

            Hi there,

            Thank you for your quick and helpful response. I’m at work at the moment and worried about what to do next.

            Would it be correct to phone the vet and ask if it is a blockage or just a slow down? Am I right to question how they have been treating her – if the treatment is different based on the cause? Because it has been three days now – surely they have been negligent if they haven’t established by now what the cause is, yet have been giving IV fluid, liquid food, tummy massage etc. which isn’t appropriate for both? 

            Thank you again. 

          • Bam
            16903 posts Send Private Message

              It’s correct to call and ask about what’s wrong with your rabbit imo. It’s important that they inform the pet owner about what’s going on. It’s not negligent of them to give IV fluids and liquid food, it’s absolutely vital that he gets fluids and that he gets some form of nourishment in him, or he can’t fight this. The question is whether this is sth you can manage at home or if he should stay under their continous care. The fact that they are giving him liquid food suggest though that they suspect a blockage, and that just has to get moving, or the prognosis is very poor.

              You seem very worried, and I think a good vet will understand this and answer your questions as best they can. You deserve to know, even if they can’t tell you more than that they don’t know.

            • LittlePuffyTail
              18092 posts Send Private Message

                Sorry to hear your bun is unwell.

                First, I just have to mention how awful it is that they are making you pay for a second X-ray. That’s just not right to me. While it does happen on occasion, you shouldn’t have to pay twice. I would, at the very least, ask if they could charge you half for the second one, if another needs to be taken.

                If there is no blockage, they could give her gut mobility drugs, but they have to be 100% sure there is no blockage because it could cause the stomach to rupture. If it is a blockage, then lots of fluids will really help.

                I have done IV fluids at home during stasis. The vet showed my husband how to do it. I feel my bunny is less stressed at home so I would prefer to do the care that I can. Do you know if there is someone with your bunny at night? My vets office has no one there at night (except for an astronomical fee) so I would much rather have my bun home under my close supervision. I would ask your vet and decide what is right for your bun.

                ((((((Get Well Soon Bunny))))

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            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Bunny at Vets with Stasis…Help Needed.