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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE One Ear Up Hay not going well

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    • Coco the Lionhead Bunny
      103 posts Send Private Message

        I ordered Coco 4 One Ear Up hats and he is not eating any of them. I tried offering him some more of the House Blend and he just nibbled a little bit. He has tried 7 different types of hay which he doesn’t like. Should I just not give him any pellets until he starts eating hay ? Thank you

      • LBJ10
        16942 posts Send Private Message

          I’m gonna move this.

        • LBJ10
          16942 posts Send Private Message

            Alrighty, what are you feeding him now and how much (hay, veggies, pellets…)? Oh and how big is he?

          • Coco the Lionhead Bunny
            103 posts Send Private Message

              For the pellets, I feed him 1/8 cup of Oxbow Essentials in the morning and 1/8 cup at night. As for the veggies, I give him 1-2 cups of at least 2 leafy greens in the afternoon everyday. He also gets 1 Oxbow Organic Barley Biscuit every night, 1 Oxbow Multivitamin every morning and twice a week instead of the Barley Biscuit, he gets an Oxbow Banana treat. He also has an Oxbow papaya medley which he gets every 7-10 days. Also, every three days he gets an Oxbow Digest Support Tablet. Every now and then I also offer him a couple carrot or banana or apple slices. I know it sounds like a lot of treats but it really isn’t because this is how his daily routine is except for on some days when he gets the Digestive Support or the Papaya Medley or the Banana. Also, when he gets the Digestive Support he gets it instead of the Multivitamin. When he gets the Papaya Medley he gets that instead of the Barley Biscuit. So, every day he only gets 1 treat and 1 support vitamin. Sometimes he gets 2 treats if I give him some fresh carrot slices or some bananas or apples. For the hay, I leave a lot of Orchard hay on the hay rack in his cage. But, now that the One Ear Up Hay samples came, I left the bags of the hay on the ground so that he can eat them whenever he wants to. Like I mentioned before, I offered him some of the House Blend but he nibbled just a little bit.

            • Pomandcourt
              90 posts Send Private Message

                What types of hay have you tried? Rabbits are supposed to like the sweeter hays softer hays (like orchard), but mine will exclusively eat very stemmy timothy. They just stomp the leafy pieces and throw them around. Very frustrating as my angora needs to be eating a variety for protein.

                You could try spritzing some diluted apple juice onto the hay to encourage Coco to eat it. I haven’t found this very effective, but I know other people swear by it. You could also try mixing his treats in with the hay so he has to dig through it to get at them.

                If he’s nibbling at the house blend, keep offering that because then he’s at least getting some hay. Mine also really like to be hand fed one piece at a time. Give that a shot as well.

              • DaisyMae
                69 posts Send Private Message

                  I just got my first batch of one ear up hay today and fortunately my bun likes the house blend. Prior to that she was hooked on alfalfa. Apparently alfalfa is sweet but now that shes 6 months old I had to switch, and she wasnt too keen on timothy so before my shipment came I mixed alfalfa with timothy and it enticed her to eat it.  

                • Coco the Lionhead Bunny
                  103 posts Send Private Message

                    For the hay, I tried Western Timothy, first cut Timothy, Orchard, second cut Timothy, the House Blend, the Organic mix, and another brand of Orchard hay. Also, whenever I try mixing treats with the hay, he always digs through the hay and gets the treats. Also, whenever I put the juice of berries on the hay my bunny looks for the berry itself and he won’t eat the berry smelling hay. Today I tried a different method of wrapping his leafy greens with hay and hand feeding him. He gets a little bit of the hay but tries not to get any. Today when I tried giving him the House Blend again, he just ignored it and went jumping away I will keep trying to wrap his veggies in the hay and hopefully that will work. I will also continue to offer him the hay in hopes that he will finally eat some. I wish I could but I can’t try the Alfalfa as Coco is already 5 years old so he can’t have any. Thanks for the help and I hope that he will become a hay eater.

                  • LBJ10
                    16942 posts Send Private Message

                      Wow, what a thorough answer. Hmm, what would happen if you reduced his pellets? I don’t know how big he is, but mine only eat 1/8 cup (each) per day and they are 3 and 4 lbs. It could be a matter of being filled up on pellets, so you could try cutting back a little bit to see if he becomes more interested in hay.

                    • Reeem
                      380 posts Send Private Message

                        My rabbit is picky on hay but she loves all different brands of medow hay.

                      • Coco the Lionhead Bunny
                        103 posts Send Private Message

                          I tried not giving him any pellets for 3 days, but he did not eat any hay. He is so picky (: I will just try to mix the pellets with the hay and hopefully that will work. Also, I will continue to wrap his daily leafy greens in the hay and hand feed them to him. Do you think that I should buy a hay topper from one ear up ? Also, his poop is not as light greenish as it should be. You can see strands of fiber in the poop, and you can see that it is a little greenish but it is not very green. When you take his feces and hold them in direct sunlight, you can see that it is greenish.

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                      Forum DIET & CARE One Ear Up Hay not going well