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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Pellets?

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    • Fire
      10 posts Send Private Message

        We just got a young rabbit, maybe 3-4 months old. The food they sold us is full of other stuff besides the pellets. She will dig thru the bowl and eat all the other stuff but leave her pellets. She has fresh water and fresh hay available at all times. Gets fresh greens every morning and every evening and gobbles them down quickly. Should we switch the a pellet food that doesn’t have all the “junk food” in it? Just want to make sure she is getting all of what she needs.

      • Megabunny
        2041 posts Send Private Message

          Ditch the food. It’s fattening and unhealthy. Well, use the food but pick out as many of the bits as you can then work her onto a food w/o all the bits. Good catch on that and excellent question! I don’t like to switch right over to a different food, even if it is to a superior brand. You’ll want an alfalfa based pellet right now, I guess, though someone else will perhaps put in their thoughts on that. The thing is that the alfalfa tastes really good and when the rabbits get older and have to switch to Timothy pellets, sometimes they are put out. Anyway, the favorite food on here is Oxbow brand. I think Kaytee is OK too, but by the time you get their best quality pellets, it approaches the price of Oxbow, and for one rabbit it’s not a significant savings. So buy Oxbow if you can.

        • JackRabbit
          5451 posts Send Private Message

            JMO, but as long as your bunny isn’t a large breed (they reach their adult size later than smaller breeds) I’d go ahead and buy a bag of Oxbow adult rabbit food and start transitioning her over to that. If you change to an alfalfa based quality pellet, by the time she’s fully transitioned and settled on the new food, you’d be changing her food again.

            We started out with Oxbow junior rabbit food and our vet had us start transitioning (over a month or so) at 3 months, so at four months they were totally on timothy based pellets, timothy hay, and a month into veggies. All three of mine are small breeds.

          • Fire
            10 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks for the info. I will pull out all the goodies and save them for treats. She is a great little thing and loves my son very much. She licks him all over. I will look to start changing her food over in the next couple weeks.

            • Megabunny
              2041 posts Send Private Message

                Sounds like a plan !

              • LBJ10
                16945 posts Send Private Message

                  You can get an adult pellet (timothy) and supplement with alfalfa hay. Like JR said, you don’t want to switch to an alfalfa pellet only to have to switch again before too long.

                • Fire
                  10 posts Send Private Message

                    So I went thru theirs food. Took out all the junk that was in it except the wheat puffs ( way too many to get them all). Have already started to mix adult with the young rabbit. She hates us for it. Looks thru her bowl for all the junk. Just gonna stick with it. I know she eats some but prefers her salads and fresh hay.

                  • Bam
                    16901 posts Send Private Message

                      She’ll probably accept the situation before very long. If bunnies got to choose foods for themselves they’d just eat craisins and chocolates (and possibly drink coke, like one member’s bunny does) all day long. We can’t let them do that, obviously.

                      I fed my bunny Bam bunny-müesli before I knew any better and he wasn’t happy when I changed to healthy stuff. But now he loves his healthy pellets.

                    • Savikins
                      28 posts Send Private Message

                        My rabbit used to do the exact same thing when I still gave her the “junk food enhanced” pellets. She was pretty upset with me when I first started switching her over to Oxbow pellets – she even straight up refused to eat any pellets at all for about a week (she was still eating plenty of hay and her daily salads, I wasn’t worried about her going into stasis or anything). Now, she loves her plain Oxbow pellets and gobbles them up whenever it’s pellet-time.

                      • Fire
                        10 posts Send Private Message

                          Been at it for about five days now. Not sure if she is eating any of the pellets. Still change them out and she goes for the little bit of hay in them and the oats. She will did just to find the oats in it. Still eats he two salads a day and her hay. Still pooping so I’m gonna stick tony guns to get her to eat her pellets.

                        • Fire
                          10 posts Send Private Message

                            So afyer trial and error for the past month or so we finally found a pellet brand she likes. Kaytee make an alpha free Timothy based pellets. She loves it. Bowl is empty ever morning. Eating two cup ( or more if you let her) of greens. Not food aggressive at all. Still being mild mannered.

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                        Forum DIET & CARE Pellets?