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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Livin’ in a Hamsta’s Paradise

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    • BrunosMama
      1485 posts Send Private Message

        Elvis is Hamsta 4 LFE

        My husband says Elvis has a cooler house than we do lol.

        His not-so-secret stash.

      • Sindri
        1515 posts Send Private Message

          He has a very nice set up. I bet he is a happy hamster.

        • MoxieMeadows
          5375 posts Send Private Message

            I love his Not-so-secret stash! LOL!!

          • LittlePuffyTail
            18092 posts Send Private Message

              Awww…he’s adorable! I love hamsters

            • JackRabbit
              5451 posts Send Private Message

                Aww! A pic of Graceland!

              • MoxieMeadows
                5375 posts Send Private Message

                  Elvis is adorable! You should post more pics of him *hint* *hint*

                • LongEaredLions
                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                    I’m with Moxie… More piccies please!
                    We are building a new paradise for Stevi as well…. I’ll add pictures here when it’s finished.

                  • kirstyol
                    580 posts Send Private Message

                      Our Freddie also has a not so secret stash in his tubes on his cage, problem is for Freddie that his tubes are clear so its even less secret. He stacks up so much stuff that he starts struggling to squeeze by it. he actually once got sort of stuck because he had so much stuff (bedding and food for some reason on that occasion) stuffed in the tube he couldn’t get past it, but he is nearly 2 so he is no longer small enough to turn round in the tubes. He sat there for a minute as if he was pondering what to do about the situation, he then tried to knock down the pile of stuff by scratching at it which didn’t really work he still couldn’t squeeze by the now more spread out pile of stuff. he was left with no choice but to reverse all the way back down the tube, it was really quite cute actually.

                    • Megabunny
                      2041 posts Send Private Message

                        That hamster is so dang adorable!!

                      • MoxieMeadows
                        5375 posts Send Private Message

                          Kirstyol—Your hamster sounds do adorable and funny!

                        • Diamond
                          459 posts Send Private Message

                            I read recently that hamsters actually need a lot of space and the store-bought cages dont cut it, but those are some cool tunnels.

                          • BrunosMama
                            1485 posts Send Private Message

                              Diamond, its kind of a work in progress probably.

                            • LongEaredLions
                              4482 posts Send Private Message

                                Agreed Diamond!
                                The tubes are awesome though. I need to pick up some of those for Stevie!

                              • MoxieMeadows
                                5375 posts Send Private Message

                                  *Cough* *Cough* So when do we get more pics of Elvis and Stevie? *Cough* ~Hopes that LEL and BM took the hint of us wanting more pics!~

                                • LongEaredLions
                                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                                    *cough cough*
                                    He he he ok!

                                  • Bam
                                    16905 posts Send Private Message

                                      Awesome tubes!

                                      Me and my brother had hamsters when we were kids. They didn’t have tubes, tubes were not invented back then. They lived in a big cardboard box. They had a wheel they ran in during the nights, both of them together. They had each their own “nest” and spent much of their time emptying each other’s staches. Kenth stuffed his cheeks with Svante’s goodies while Svante was in Kenth’s nest and stuffed his cheeks with Kenth’s goodies, then they went back to their own nest and unloaded the stolen goods. And then they started over…

                                      I love hamsters. They look like tiny, tiny bears.

                                    • LittlePuffyTail
                                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                                        I always had hamsters as a kid. I loved them so much. One lived for almost 5 years. Same as Bam, they didn’t have those awesome tube cages because they didn’t exist.

                                      • Stickerbunny
                                        4128 posts Send Private Message

                                          The habitrails are fun cages. You can get so many add ons and let them have soooooooo much space. My last hamster was a pain in the neck though… he would keep peeing/pooping all over the tubes so it was IMPOSSIBLE to keep clean. lol Had the maze add on, a wheel add on and some other things and it was ALL a mess EVERY DAY. Worse than the rabbits.

                                        • MoxieMeadows
                                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                                            I remember we had hamsters when I was very little (under five, and I hardly remember them).

                                            A few years back we had a black and white gerbil named Panda. He loved to be pretty old (for a gerbil).

                                          • LongEaredLions
                                            4482 posts Send Private Message

                                              Trying to find a nicer looking habitat for Stevie. Called every aquarium store within 50 miles and none of them seem to understand that I just want the aquarium without the expensive filter, etc, because I want it for a hamster. “Hamsters can’t swim…” Well REALLY? I wasn’t intending on putting water in with my hamster, thank you very much…. *sigh*

                                            • MoxieMeadows
                                              5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                LEL— Sometimes you can find cheap Aquarium on Craigslist…

                                              • BrunosMama
                                                1485 posts Send Private Message

                                                  LEL, I think places like Petco and Pet smart….maybe even Walmart? Sell just the plain glass aquariums. Sometimes they have some pretty decent sales.

                                                • Diamond
                                                  459 posts Send Private Message

                                                    The site I was on gave this as an example:

                                                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                                                    Pretty nice-looking, but you’d have to be kinda crafty to put something like that together.

                                                  • MoxieMeadows
                                                    5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Diamond— That’s a really cool set-up. It looks like a wooden structure with glass panels on the front?

                                                    • kirstyol
                                                      580 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Posted By MoxieMeadows on 2/15/2015 8:26 PM

                                                        Kirstyol—Your hamster sounds do adorable and funny!

                                                        He is an absolute hoot! However he has absolutely no sense of his own mortality whatsoever, come to think of it neither does Bramble, perhaps I bring it out in animals or something. Freddie is always trying to jump from high places and Bramble is always trying to eat things that will kill him if he succeeds.

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                                                    Forum THE LOUNGE Livin’ in a Hamsta’s Paradise