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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Hint of adult personality in baby bunny

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    • JackRabbit
      5451 posts Send Private Message

        While I know that bunny personalities can change radically as they become teenagers and then adults, and just like our own offspring, we often wonder what happened to our sweet children once hormones kick in, but I wondered if anyone else has looked back and “seen” hints of their now adult bunnies’ personalities back when they were babies.

        The day we got Marlee and Moshi, the breeder met us in a parking lot and put the baby M&Ms in the back of her truck so we could see them in action. Moshi hopped around checking things out, and even attempted a couple of binkies. If he had flopped down, everthing then would have been Moshi today. Sweet, curious, and happy to be alive. We can do pretty much anything with him once he flops (touch his feet, look in his ears, even lift his tail), except pick him up and trim his nails.

        Marlee tip-toed straight to an empty bowl in the back of the truck and sat in it the whole time looking very displeased with the whole situation. She did not like the feel of the truck bedliner just like she does not like the brand new bunny room floor. Like then, Marlee is the first to express her displeasure and go sulk 5 feet from everyone and give the evil eye. Even though she can be super sweet, I can still today see little Marlee in the bowl. Picking her up and trimming her nails are still declarations of war in her book, and anyone but me (and occasionally my husband) even thinking about petting her will send her running, thumping, and hiding behind me like “Stranger danger! He tried to touch me!”

        Kieko as a baby was nosey, curious, strong-willed, and loved to run as fast as she could then curl up against us for snuggles and pets. We had to wait until she got bigger to move her into her condo because she could put her little head completely through the 1.5 inch grids. She lunged and growled at the vet the morning of her spay. Today, she is even more strong-willed, still loves being a lap bunny after her binkies and bunny 500’s, is the nosiest thing I have ever seen, and will rattle the crap out of her condo for attention — even if the doors to her condo are wide open.

        Anyone else still see their baby in their adult bun?

      • bunnytowne
        7537 posts Send Private Message

          Cotton will still binky around running n jumping all over.  He used to sit atop the headrest on the couch to get petted n kiss me a lot.  

          He used to lick my underarms tickling the heck outta me.  It was all I could do not to move.

          He still gives me kissies but on my clothes now.  He now hops atop his cage to get petted

        • LBJ10
          16950 posts Send Private Message

            I suppose Leopold has always been curious. He is the first one to check out something new. I’m not sure what he was like as a little baby since he was a “young” rabbit when we got him. Wooly has always been timid, although much more so as a baby. He can be very sweet, but he has much more of an attitude now than he did as a baby. Don’t you dare come anywhere near him with that hairbuster comb!

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Henry was an ignorant brat as a baby bunny, and he is still an ignorant brat as an adult!
              The only difference I can see, besides being bigger – he ‘tolerates’ us, ha ha ha!

              Meaning we can pat him, he comes to us when he knows it treat time, and we have to step over him – no fear! Other than that…. yep, he’s still the spoiled, ignorant brat we have always adored and loved!


            • Sindri
              1515 posts Send Private Message

                Usagi acts the same exact way as he did when he was a baby. He was always an out going bunny and friendly bunny that’s how he got chosen

                Kilala was a sweetheart when she was little she loved to explore and play and she still does however she isn’t the friendliest bunny in the world.

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            Forum THE LOUNGE Hint of adult personality in baby bunny