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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Edible plants and Fireworks v___v

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    • Avantika
      371 posts Send Private Message

        We have a festival called Diwali here and it was a few days back. People burn fireworks like crazy, probably like how it is on 4th of July, or even more. I was wondering if I should still feed plants that were kept outside in the open, exposed to the smoke and sparks. I grew them for Moshu. Wheatgrass, Thyme and Basil. I read that the metals are still present in the air for the next 3-4 days. I am pretty sure some of the particles might have gotten inside the soil as well. My mum was about to feed her the wheat grass before I snatched it from her hands, soaked it in warm water and then fed her. They think I am paranoid .___. They dont get that small things can hurt these litter creature in hidden ways.

        I can discard these plants if they hold any potential danger and regrow everything with new soil.

      • litheandgraphic
        608 posts Send Private Message

          Someone else can correct me if I’m wrong, but if you wash them off thoroughly I’m sure it should be fine. It may hang in the air, but I doubt very much managed to get on the plants. Not enough to really hurt them, anyway. But I could be wrong.

        • Avantika
          371 posts Send Private Message

            I hope thats the case. Because I can plant everything again in new soil for her, but convincing my family to not feed her from the old ones would be a headache. Another user here named HPortland said it wont be harmful if I soak everything in warm water for a while before feeding, so that makes the two of you. I would love to know from other users if their plants were outside during fireworks and if they continued to feed them to their bunnies…and nothing changed.

          • Flopsie
            388 posts Send Private Message

              I’m no expert on these things but using my logic I would assume cleaning and washin them would take care of the plants since thy aren’t in the air for very long. Maybe a bigger question is wha happens to the soil? That I don’t know. But if the fireworks don’t happen that often I doubt enough would get into the soil to make an impact.

              Also in the future maybe you can harvest the plants before the fireworks go off?

            • Avantika
              371 posts Send Private Message

                Fireworks wont happen often. It just happened for a day. You’re right, I’ll harvest everything before Diwali from next time. I will also cover the plants with a plastic sheet for a day. That would be good.

              • LBJ10
                16945 posts Send Private Message

                  There are more factors at play here. Did things become wet from rain or humidity following the fireworks? Simply a “dusting” of heavy metals may was off the plants. However, plants can also take up metals and other toxins and store them in their tissues. Fireworks contain other things to be concerned about besides heavy metals. They contain something called perchlorates, which actually interfere with iodine uptake in animals. It is stored and can accumulate in the body with prolonged exposure, eventually leading the thyroid problems. I don’t mean to scare you and I don’t know how well those particular plants absorb toxins (some are better at it than others). I would suggest throwing out the plants though, just to be safe.

                • JackRabbit
                  5451 posts Send Private Message

                    I have to agree with LBJ. When in doubt, throw it out.

                  • Avantika
                    371 posts Send Private Message

                      I think I will throw them away and re-plant everything. I was worried about the metals too.

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                  Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Edible plants and Fireworks v___v