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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Treat problem

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    • Usagi26
      15 posts Send Private Message

        First off hello everyone, I hope I am posting this in the right spot.

        My newly acquainted holland lop seems to have an “addiction” to wild berry yogurt drops. The previous owner gave them to me and said that he loves them,I fortunately did before hand research and found out that these sugar packed treats aren’t good for our little furry companions. The problem is he really does love them n go crazy for them I try not to give them to him at all but I don’t want to just cut him off I don’t want it to seem like a punishment. I was looking for a way to maybe substitute them with something else he will love just as much. So I was wondering if anybody had some suggestions for treats and if they had a similar problem some advice on how I should do this will be greatly appreciated!!! I am a new bunny owner and I am learning but I’d rather get him to dislike the yogurt drops sooner rather than later! I thank you for any and all advice in advance
        Usagi and Aidan

      • Flabebe
        235 posts Send Private Message

          I dont think you will ever get him to dislike them… But you should slowly wean him off of them (use them as a treat) And slowly introduce something else as a treat Things like banana and carrot are fantastic treats (but fed in moderation of course) After all of the yogurt drops are gone, dont buy anymore and try to keep any yogurt away from him Maybe he will love banana just as much??

        • Flopsie
          388 posts Send Private Message

            you can just stop giving it to the bun, i’m not sure they will “remember” losing them.

            However, if you don’t want to do that, then you should fade them out. Slowly increase the days between feedings. They shouldn’t be given too often to begin with so fading out the use shouldn’t be hard

          • Usagi26
            15 posts Send Private Message

              I hope so,thank you for the tips Aidan can be a bit picky surprisingly he turns his nose up at parsley and cilantro when it comes to veggies but anyways thank you for the advice I will try and hopefully achieve! Lol ^.^

            • Usagi26
              15 posts Send Private Message

                I tried that next time I’ll include my sister on it to,she sneaks him the treat when she can’t get him back into his pen lol. But thank you for the advice
                P.s your bunny is adorable :3

              • LBJ10
                16948 posts Send Private Message

                  Banana is bunny crack around here. Mine go absolutely bonkers. Give it a try!

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    Another option if you don’t want to just stop giving them completely all at once, maybe cut one in half so he just gets a small piece and give a bunny safe treat also… One half per day, next week give one half every other day (but give a safe treat daily), and the third week throw out the rest of the yogurt and only give the safe treats…

                  • Usagi26
                    15 posts Send Private Message

                      @ beka27, will try that sounds good to me @LbJ I will give that a try to although bananas are kinda hard to get ….ok let me rephrase that hard to get one without my family devouring them lol but I will try raisins are good to right? I think he will love that thank you for all the suggestions

                    • Flopsie
                      388 posts Send Private Message

                        raisins or even grapes are good, but since the rabbit is small, they can’t have a lot. usually i just give one as a treat. Or maybe half if it is a giant grape.

                        since one banana is huge and they shouldnt have it all, I always ask my dad or mom to have a piece when I give the treat. Maybe you can just ask for a small section?

                      • Usagi26
                        15 posts Send Private Message

                          Yea I’ll do that, if it’s hot could I give slices of frozen banana? (partially thawed of course) thank you for all the help ^.^

                        • Usagi26
                          15 posts Send Private Message

                            Success! He loves the raisin after eating one he did a binky yay he now how as different treat he loves! Thanks everyone

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                        Forum DIET & CARE Treat problem