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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Injury at the Vet’s Office; What is it? What do I do now?

Viewing 72 reply threads
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    • BelarusianBunny
      81 posts Send Private Message

        My elder rabbit went in for his yearly physical and he was FINE.  He had some slight arthritis but anatomically, he was fine.  I know this from daily handling and care.  When it is the day for his physical, I do the same as I have done each year.  I sign the papers and he is admitted to the animal hospital.  They put him in a cage, feed him, water him and when it is time for them to take his blood (after many tries), they’ll take him.  I get a phone call to come pick him up and we go off home.

        When I got the phone call this time, it was to tell me that something happened and they would like to discuss it with me in person. Naturally, I panicked. I thought my rabbit had a heart attack or something.  Luckily, the vet is close so I was there in 3 minutes.  They explained to me that during the process to take blood from the cephalic vein, my rabbit fought them a lot.  It was explained the vet and two vet techs had to hold him down because he fought like crazy.  I know that my rabbit fights a lot and he’s strong but anything can be usually done when he’s in a bunny burrito.  I explained this to the vet, who is rabbit savvy (and there was another rabbit in the waiting room!) but I think it was a case of “I’m a vet.  You are not a vet.  I don’t understand your stupid accent anyways.  Listen to me, I’m right.”

        During the struggle, something happened to my rabbit’s back or hips.  Or pelvis.  No diagnotic imaging was done as again, I was told, “We would have to sedate him and right now, that is not a good idea.”  With a physical examination, it looks as though both of my rabbit’s hips are turned in.  One more so than the other.  Underneath of him, it can be felt that the inside of his stifles are touching and not the usual parallel space between them like a normal bunny (or as they were before).  He can move his back legs and when he is picked up, he still kicks them out.  They are very mobile.  But, when he lays down or sits down he almost splays them from his body at a weird angle.  He can still hop on them, although I am trying to keep him quiet and comfortable, but he is stiff on them.  They are not parrallel like normal bunny legs either.  His left leg is ahead of his right one.

        He can lift his right paw to clean his ears and face but he cannot do the same with his left paw.  And, he cannot stand up and groom with both paws together anymore.

        He is still mobile and he still eats by the truckload.  His bathroom habits are normal and he knows to move when he poops/pees.  By that, I mean his bottom area is still clean.  He’s very alert and minus from teeth grinding in the first few hours, he is not grinding them anymore.  He hasn’t had his Metacam yet either.

        What could this be?  He is an elderly bunny so I am not expecting a miracle.  I will see how he manages for the next few days before I make any other decisions.  Right now, he is his happy normal self (well, he’s happier than usual) just with some weird mobility problem.  I am just stunned that this rabbit survived a trans-Atlantic flight when we moved from Belarus to end up injured at the vet’s office.  Trust me, I am not blaming the vet as these things happen, especially with little old bodies, but I am stunned.

        Before you ask, no, the vet did not charge me for the services and suggests euthanasia.  I know it is an option, a serious option on the table right now, but as long as my rabbit is eating by the truckload and very happy, he is enjoying his life.  With a wobble.  If he is in pain or things get worse, we have no choice.

      • Lita
        28 posts Send Private Message

          I’m sorry but I would blame the vet in this instance. Is there no way for them to do an Xray without putting him under drugs? I belive when our lionhead dislocated his ellbow they only put him under to relocate it. And they did an xray to make sure it wasn’t broken.

          If it was me, I would look for another vet for a second opinion. Aside from what happened, no vet should ever make you feel like they are not listening to you or talking down to you. That is the sign of a bad vet. I used to work for one, and more often then not they made a mistake and they don’t want to own up. Just because they are experienced with rabbits also doesn’t mean they should be trusted fully. I’ve delt with this with my guinea pigs, I have grilled vets for information and to test their knowledge. Sadly you can’t just trust vets to always tell the truth.

        • Megabunny
          2041 posts Send Private Message

            While I agree that this obviously happened on the vet’s watch, and it sounds like the vet has an attitude, Injury to a rabbit is always a risk. I am a retired vet tech and I don’t blame any professional for not wanting to own a problem because of the litigious society in which we live. I’m so sorry your bunny has had this happened and the vet’s manner sounds pretty disappointing, but at this point do you really want to put that rabbit through any more trauma? What would they fix anyway? I’m not trying to be callous, just realistic. Sometimes “tincture of time” is a powerful healer and I think you should consider just keeping him comfortable. If you think he needs further attention/pain relief, perhaps another vet then. But I’m not sure what you would gain in the long run by putting your rabbit through X-rays and such. All the best.

          • BelarusianBunny
            81 posts Send Private Message

              You’re right that I shouldn’t, nor do I want to, stress out my little rabbit further.  My concern is that I’d like to know what is wrong to know if he will be stable or should I expect hind end paralysis, further stiffness or worsening of condition.  I think you know what I mean?  In that way, I can make a major decision.  He just finished a big serving of hay and pellets.  He groomed a lot this evening. (On one side, a very teeny bit on his “more hurt” side.)  Tomorrow, I am going to look for a new housing arrangement for him to be more comfortable.  He can’t hop in or out of his litter pan.  I just would like to know what’s wrong… if you get what I mean? 

              I have located another vet approximately 4 hours away that has experience with rabbits.  I don’t want to put my rabbit through further tests but I do want to have connections with another vet in the case that things take a turn for the worse etc.

            • MK
              751 posts Send Private Message

                I would try and see the second vet. If his hips are messed up he may very well need pain medicine

              • Megabunny
                2041 posts Send Private Message

                  Yes, I do understand what you mean. I guess I’m one of those who doesn’t have to know exactly what the problem is if the final answer is the same. But everyone is different and you obviously love your rabbit and that’s awesome. I’m sure you’ll do what’s best for him cuz you know him the best. Glad to hear he’s moving about. Maybe the R&R will calm things enough to get him back in shape. I sure hope so! He’s a lucky bunny

                • Megabunny
                  2041 posts Send Private Message

                    How’s your fellow doing?

                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh my goodness how terrible!

                      Has the vet offered to pay for/offer for free any tests or treatments you may need? I would go back to the clinic, and stay with your bunny, and have imaging done. Then I would ask for those scans to take and send them to the other vet for their opinion.

                      The vet injured your rabbit and should be liable for anything resulting from this. Since they are close I would have the tests done, on the house, at that clinic, then go to another for treatment. And then I would invoice the original clinic to pay for any treatment necessary.
                      They are completely at fault and liable here; and they carry insurance for this reason. You should not be footing any bill as a result of this!!

                      Please let us know how your little one is doing *hugs* {{Healing vibes}}

                    • BelarusianBunny
                      81 posts Send Private Message

                        Hi everyone,

                        I’m trying to keep the household down and look after my bunny so sorry for the late reply.

                        The little old man is still around and he has “mostly” remained stable. Things have gotten a little worse that when he sits or lays down for a longer period of time, he has a harder time getting up and he falls over. I haven’t slept last night because I’ve been watching him and he fell over once. This morning, he fell over three times. It is strange though because he can still hop relatively well. I mean, his gait is odd, but he has a lot of movement and adequate speed. It is when he lays down, sits or rests that he is unable to get up. Once he is up, or I pick him up, he’s off to the races.

                        How do I explain this next part.. Hmm.. From behind, it looks as though his legs are bowed outward. Almost like he is spread like a cowboy? When he lays down, he keeps mainly his left leg stretched out away from his body. And then, his other hind leg is scrunched up for balance while his front paws support him. This is all the bad stuff.

                        I squeezed his toes and he opened them all up so he obviously has feeling in them. He’s also very alert and doesn’t miss a trick! He still has LOTS of power in both his hind legs and he moves them independently. He hops on his toes, almost, and it is obvious he has shifted weight from the soles of his paws. He doesn’t have sore hocks and his left hip is slanted towards his body. I can’t tell if his right hip is not aligned but between his legs, his stifles (or the round part of the top of the hind leg) touch. He makes a “den” under our dining room table so when he fell, I had to crawl under to get him, and his back paws pounded me so hard! A good scratch of a many, many centimeters!

                        There are not many rabbit supplies in this city at the pet stores. So, when I went looking for new housing for him, I didn’t find anything. So, the plan is to create low fencing (not fencing but some kind of obstacle) with diaper pads and hay so he poop wherever he wants in the large space while being easily accessible.

                        The positive news is that he hops to his food and water. His appetite is still wonderful and his bathroom habits are great. He’s still managing to eat his cecotropes. He manages to “lightly groom” his face one paw at a time. When he lifts his left paw, he has balance troubles. I figure something happened to his left side and he is compensating by his right side being off kilter?

                        As for the vet clinic, well, my rabbit might as well be a goner. First of all, I want to say that I know very well times come to make major decisions and pets need to be put to sleep. I’ve experienced this decision with 3 rabbits, 3 dogs and a bunch of pet cattle. I know there is a time when life is too painful and we need to let go for the sake and love of our animal companions. However, if an animal still has a sparkle in its eye and he still wants to live, I will help it. Well, the vet clinic believes due to age and the fact “muscle-skeletal injuries” in rabbits usually do not heal well, to continue with extra care is futile. We can continue to fill our Metacam prescriptions and in the case the bunny needs something further, a narcotic was discussed. For a 1.3 kg dwarf, is 0.03 ml once a day adequate for such a situation?

                        I wish that x-rays or diagnostic imaging could be done but I understand this is an 11 year old rabbit. The vet explained that even if we found the cause, there isn’t anything that can be done. The clinic (again, stupid small town) doesn’t have access to laser treatment which was explained would be helpful IF we had it.

                        I hate the feeling that was relayed upon me that I am to blame also. I feel really guilty about this. The vet said that if my rabbit wasn’t so obese, maybe his arthritis wouldn’t have kicked in which could be making a spinal/hip injury feel worse. My rabbit had exercise every day but he LOVES to eat. And since he would go through spans of not eating/GI stasis/weight loss, I liked a little extra weight on him. When he didn’t have the extra weight, when GI stasis struck, he would turn to fur and bones. He always had exercise though.

                        Which is another point: The vet said some exercise might help my rabbit “loosen up” and help reduce some of the muscle wasting in his legs from this stupid injury. I don’t mind keeping him mobile but would this case more harm than good?

                        The vet said that what happened (whatever happened?!) occurred because older rabbits have low bone density so they are more brittle than usual. Trust me, I understand this! And furthermore, all the twisting and turning from fighting them, plus he had a topple backwards, could have caused muscle sprains in the spine. Mixed with senior citizen arthritis, it isn’t a good mix. I understand all of this, I really do, but besides “put him to sleep”, I’d like other avenues to take, or to try, BEFORE I have to make a final decision.

                        I’ve noticed now that his hind end is higher than his front end. Meaning, when he takes hops, he has an impulsion forward and sort of loses a bit of balance. But, he can move!

                        I don’t want to cause more stress on him as it is but I am waiting for my husband to come home from Belarus (3 days) to discuss what’s next. On the phone, he said that if the rabbit didn’t improve by Friday, that we should call Monday about putting him to sleep.

                        I understand that viewpoint but my rabbit still has so much life in him. Right now, he hopped up to his food dish! Furthermore, these things don’t just clear up overnight. I don’t expect him to fully recover or heal but I atleast want him to be comfortable.

                        Sorry for this being such a long post. I’m worried and sad. Thank you for asking how Dima is doing.

                      • Hazel
                        2587 posts Send Private Message

                          Posted By BelarusianBunny on 5/28/2014 11:55 AM


                          Well, the vet clinic believes due to age and the fact “muscle-skeletal injuries” in rabbits usually do not heal well, to continue with extra care is futile.

                          The vet explained that even if we found the cause, there isn’t anything that can be done.

                          The vet said that if my rabbit wasn’t so obese, maybe his arthritis wouldn’t have kicked in which could be making a spinal/hip injury feel worse.

                          The vet said that what happened (whatever happened?!) occurred because older rabbits have low bone density so they are more brittle than usual. Trust me, I understand this! And furthermore, all the twisting and turning from fighting them, plus he had a topple backwards, could have caused muscle sprains in the spine.

                          It looks to me that this vet isn’t doing anything besides deny his responsibility and try to convince you that there’s nothing to do about this. He’s trying to cover his own A$$, nothing more. What he SHOULD be doing is be apologetic, your bunny was in his care when this happened and if the vet is so smart and lectures you about old bunnies being brittle, why didn’t he handle him more carefully? He should be taking responsibility for what happened and do EVERYTHING in his power to help and by that I don’t mean euthanasia. And he should do it free of charge.

                          How in the world does he know there’s nothing that can be done if he doesn’t even know what’s exactly wrong with your bun? He can’t. He doesn’t want to do any further testing because when you find out the details of this injury it will only put more blame on him. He would rather put your bunny down than to have to own up to his mistake.

                          PLEASE don’t have him put down. Find another vet and have them examine him. Time is crucial here. If anything is out of place it has to be realigned right away, otherwise the tendons and muscles will stretch and at some point it will be impossible to reverse. Please don’t wait for your husband to come home, he needs to see a vet RIGHT NOW!


                          I’m so sorry this happened to you and your poor bun. Please don’t give up on him, this could be very fixable!

                        • MK
                          751 posts Send Private Message

                            Uugh! That vet should pay for all of his Metacam, and any treatments he needs. (I know, Metacam is quite expensive) if you feel it is the right thing to do, I would encourage you to tell them straight out, no beating around the bush, that they need to pay for his treatments and meds and if they don’t you will go to the law.

                          • Megabunny
                            2041 posts Send Private Message

                              I am shocked that the vet is pushing so hard for you to put Dima to sleep. Sounds like he still has quality of life. Do not blame yourself. An 11 year old rabbit is fantastic. I know how broken down they get by then. My last bunny was 11 and boney, so I get that you’d want a bit of padding on him. I’m sorry your vet turned out to be so insensitive. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things. Keep up the good work, BB

                            • BelarusianBunny
                              81 posts Send Private Message

                                I should add something else. I wanted to add it earlier but I wanted to get my emotions in check first. The vet is a well educated vet with a good practice. They attend conferences all over and continually update their skills. I would say they are a nice and pleasant vet. I agree that if they outright say that older rabbits have brittle bones that my rabbit should have been handled more gently. I know my rabbit puts up a big fight and things happen. I don`t think anything was done purposely but I do agree that they should have been more careful with an aged rabbit. In the last couple weeks, I’ve been in the room when the vet has cleaned out my rabbit’s ears and my old guy was INSANE. However, I know that stroking his belly and forehead relaxes him enough to get his ears cleaned. The vet was willing to work with me about the ears, cleaning and (temporary) loss of hearing. I don`t think that the vet talks down to all the patients. When I`ve seen them deal with other patients (being there nosey while sitting in the waiting room), they do treat them with respect or on their appropriate level. I am unsure if I come across as stupid but I am spoken to as if I am a child. I don`t know if it is because they don`t understand me. I always pay my bill upfront (by that I mean I do not have any outstanding bills) and I always respect their suggestions. They slow down their speech and use very simple terms when dealing with me. Oh well, I will not get into that. There is a background issue that may be influencing the vet`s attitude…

                                Since we moved here a few years ago, the practice has taken good care of my rabbit. However, last year with the diagnosis of Tyzzer’s Disease, that changed everything. When the bloodwork came back that my rabbit had this, the vet has believed my rabbit would have no quality of life. I am sure that as a vet they place much magnitude on test results and numbers. The results tested positive for Tyzzer’s but not for Pasturella or E. Cuniculi. I was shocked at these results because my rabbit obviously has chronic snuffles and furthermore, the majority of rabbits are exposed to e. cuniculi in their lives. But Tyzzer’s Disease? That is extremely rare in house rabbits and mainly found in rabbits cramped in unhygienic settings such as laboratories. Further, rabbits with this diagnosis have explosive diarrhea and their coat is rough. Death comes in a few days if they survive the diarrhea. Anyways, it has been a year later and not one day in my rabbit’s life has he had diarrhea. He is still very much alive. Also, I abused my privileges and accessed academic journals to research this disease and diagnosis. I remember one scholarly article stated that there are false positive results when testing. I fully believe based upon the symptoms and facts of the disease that the test was a false positive. However, to my vet, they view my rabbit as a poor creature with a terrible disease that death is around the corner at any moment. Since there is no treatment for Tyzzer’s disease, it is my understanding the vet has accepted that my rabbit should be kept comfortable until the end of his life which the vet thinks is near. See, the bloodwork this year would have also tested not only all of my rabbit’s functions, CBC and such, but also for diseases like Tyzzer’s. I really wanted it to come back negative and for there to be a fresh start with care. Yes, the rabbit is almost 11 and in the sunset of his life but I believe he is still owed the best care available. Had this false diagnosis not been made, I personally think the vet would have been more proactive in the care of my rabbit and willing to do more. However, the view is “You have an extremely old rabbit with a deadly disease, let go.”

                                With that said, I’ve noticed my rabbit had a better afternoon than morning. His tiny dose of Metacam kicked in. He just finished his evening dinner also. However, after almost 7 hours of goodness, he’s back to one fall and stiffness in his hind end. He had a good hop around the living room, behind the sofa, all around the dining room, so he covered more ground than usual. He is very stable when hopping. However, like previously said, he has a hard time getting up, rolls behind on his bum and then falls over. I will do all that I can so that he has the best chance of a comfortable life and for the time being, I will not euthanize him.

                                Furthermore, in a couple hours when it is early morning in Belarus, I am going to call my husband to ask for permission for another man to drive me and my bunny to the vet 4 hours away. I just want a second opinion and to see if anything can be done. If nothing can be done, I’ll accept it. This afternoon, I’ve already spoken to her and she said if the problem happened almost a week ago, the damage may be done. (As Hazel intelligently noted.) However, we can find a pain management plan and discuss what to expect. I was provided with their after hours number too. I know my husband will support taking my rabbit to another vet.

                                I suddenly lost my last pet cow (my only local cow) in March so I am really at the end of my rope emotionally.

                                Again, sorry for this being so long but I wanted to give some insight on why the vet is so unwilling to act. Also, I don`t get to pour my heart about my rabbit to people that understand. Thank you.

                              • MK
                                751 posts Send Private Message

                                  We are so sorry you are going through this, unfortunately me and my family have had experience with the “talking down” thing and I know it is VERY frustrating. Hope the second vet is a little more courteous I’m sorry about your cow, as well losing a pet is always painful. You can always feel free to talk us to death here, we like it

                                • LongEaredLions
                                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                                    I am very sorry that you are going through this. I hope the 2nd vet gives you more options. I really think too you got a false negative for Tyzzers. I hope you can get this figure out soon.
                                    Don’t forget that we are all here to support you if you ever want to PM anybody. You can also post a thread for your cow in the rainbow bridge section if you would like, it’s not just for bunnies. I am very sorry for your loss.

                                  • JackRabbit
                                    5451 posts Send Private Message

                                      Unfamiliar accents can make verbal communication difficult, but that’s no excuse for talking down to you. You are obviously intelligent and express yourself well in writing — have you considered discussing your rabbit’s injuries, care, and the vet’s liability for both via e-mail?

                                      While I agree that your rabbit is better off with another vet, with his age, the distance to the other vet, and having to make travel arrangements, you may have a need for this vet to provide urgent medical care (even unrelated to this injury) in the future. It may benefit you and your bunny to calmly but clearly discuss the current situation with the vet, let him know how you feel and what you expect from him.

                                      I’m so sorry you and your bunny are going through all of this. It is obvious that you care deeply for you bunny and you deserve to be treated with respect and honesty.

                                    • Hazel
                                      2587 posts Send Private Message

                                        I’m so happy that you will take him to a new vet! That’s great news.

                                        One thing you might want to consider is having the new vet give you a written statement after they do their examination, stating the injuries in detail as well as what she thinks caused them and who is responsible, considering how everything happened. If you ever decide to hold the old vet legally responsible or if things turn sour with him in some other way, shape or form, this would be good to have. Just to be safe and to protect yourself, no matter what happens.

                                        Good luck with the new vet, I hope she can help!

                                      • BelarusianBunny
                                        81 posts Send Private Message

                                          Quick Update: I have no idea what has gotten into Dima today. Despite my efforts to keep him calm, he ran laps of the hallway. Fast laps.

                                          It’s quite easy during his laps that the problem is on his left side. His right hip looks out and plump. The left hip looks as though it has collapsed into the body.

                                          I don’t want him to further damage anything so I’ve had to put him into his castle. His gait is strange, he has a hard time getting up and he adjusts his legs for balance while sitting but gosh, could he still ever run.

                                          … should have a better post addressing all your wonderful posts later.

                                        • LittlePuffyTail
                                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                                            I just want to say I’m so sorry this happened. I want to send along some (((((Healing Vibes))))) to your bun. Please give us an update after the new vet apt.

                                          • LittlePuffyTail
                                            18092 posts Send Private Message

                                              I just want to say I’m so sorry this happened. I want to send along some (((((Healing Vibes))))) to your bun. Please give us an update after the new vet apt.

                                            • BelarusianBunny
                                              81 posts Send Private Message

                                                Something bad happened, but thankfully, not to my sweet little old man.

                                                I have a pre-existing condition and I haven’t been sleeping since my rabbit was injured.  I wanted to be awake all the time in case that he fell over, I could pick him up right away.  I got very sick and had to be hospitalized.  That was my weekend and yesterday. I am very upset with myself because our vet appointment was supposed to be 9 AM yesterday morning.  I had to cancel.  We are rescheduled for Wednesday.  

                                                My rabbit is doing well considering the circumstances.  He’s still bright, alert, eating a lot, definitely going to the bathroom and able to hop.  He even managed to groom with both paws for about 5 seconds!  Not back to 100 % though and I kick myself all the time for having to cancel the appointment.  Quick care is best in these situations.  His hind legs are not as “splayed” but there is an obvious difference.  His left hip is still in a strange position and lacks his usual balance.  Hips still touch… but he’s managing.

                                                I haven’t learned my lesson though.  I am not sleeping much (again).  But this has led me to my question: overnight, if my rabbit falls over (on to his side), how long would he be alright if he was in that position?  By this, I mean, if he happened to fall over, and I was sleeping, would he be alright for a few minutes or an hour?  I think of all the “what ifs”: what if he squiggles to get up and he hurts himself more?  What if he panics and has a heart attack?  I’ve read about some older rabbits falling while their “person” is at work for the day and they’ve had to lay about in their urine and such.  I wouldn’t want that happening.  

                                                This morning, he must have fell over and I had the shock of my life!  I woke up and I looked in his “den” and he was on his side.  His eyes were closed so I called his name.  He didn’t answer  so I automatically thought the worst.  I rubbed his belly and he woke up.  I don’t know how long he had been laying there!  

                                                (His balance is off and he has a hard time making left turns.  He has adjusted his body for balance and thus, he falls over.)
                                                (By the way, yes, I am a normal person.  People are telling me it is not normal to become sick over something so small.  But he is such a sweet little guy that I couldn’t leave him alone when he is hurt!)

                                              • MK
                                                751 posts Send Private Message

                                                  There is nothing wrong with caring about something that brings you so much joy and companionship. Even if he is small
                                                  As for the falling over, my older bunny sometimes does, but he manages to get up again. Does he have free run of the house? If you put him in a pen and make sure there is nothing for him to trip on in the middle of the floor, it would make it more comfortable to leave him alone longer.

                                                • Sarita
                                                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I agree with MK.

                                                    I agree too that perhaps confining him to a small area when you are asleep or not there would be a good idea due to his condition.

                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I just wanted to say thank you for the updates, don’t apologize for venting or sharing We want to hear and we want to be here for you! We all lean on each other around here!

                                                      And definitely do not let your vet (who allowed this to happen and is 100% to blame) to shift any guilt onto you. Not your fault, maybe not anyones ‘fault’ per se, but definitely not your fault.

                                                      I don’t know of anything to suggest, but want to sending lots of {{Healing Vibes}} and some *hugs*

                                                    • RabbitPam
                                                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I’m so sorry you weren’t well and had to be in the hospital, but am relieved you’re home and better now. We who have had geriatric bunnies with ailments share that feeling of concern for them, and I spent plenty of nights on the floor sleeping next to my bunny’s cage to make sure he was OK when his back legs had failed him and he was on medication daily. It’s what we do when we’ve had years of devotion to them, and from them. And he, too. seemed to enjoy his diminished quality of life for months before the end.

                                                        I totally agree with K&K about the vet’s 100% responsibility. I think that vet is on the defensive, and is throwing every arguement she can think of, including talking down to you, because she knows you could try litigation and she’s completely responsible for his current condition. I would have insisted on an xray to take to another vet and told her if she didn’t treat him for free (ie. give you metacam etc.) you would pursue it.

                                                        I agree that nothing really can be done, but the xray would let you know more about what is wrong where, so you might be able to make him a bit more comfortable by keeping him off the injured area a bit. I think right now you are in a position to have him live as long as he is not in pain and not suffering. The local vet won’t treat him, obviously, but a second vet may be able to give you advice on how to make him comfortable and what signs to look for if he’s worse. Is it possible for you to call that second vet and ask for a phone or email consultation? You could copy this post since you’ve described your experience and diagnosis thoroughly, so it would be easy for another vet to learn what has happened. SInce you’re not after a lawsuit, just care for your bunny, you could just ask for advice and ask if it’s necessary for a second vet to see an xray or see him in person. There’s a vet we sometimes recommend who is open to questions from people online that might help.

                                                        If he is in pain, or suffering, I actually hope his little body gives out in his sleep and he can go peacefully. It’s a hard decision to euthanize, and you’re not there yet. Just know that whatever you decide and whatever happens, we are here to support you and understand what you’re going through. Many members here have made that tough call, but they put their bunny first, and just did what seemed right to them at the time. That’s the best you can do for him. He knows you love him, whatever happens next.

                                                      • RabbitPam
                                                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I found this site helpful with learning tips on caring for disabled rabbits;

                                                        • BelarusianBunny
                                                          81 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Thank you all so much for your support.  As I am sure all of you understand, there are no words for the appreciation I can express that there are “rabbit people” or “people owned by rabbits” that understand.  It feels so good that there are people with strong levels of compassion for our little furry friends.  It’s a difficult thing to explain to most people as I learned today.  When my husband told a co-worker he was off work today so we could drive/take rabbit to vet/drive home and thus miss a social outing, the judgement was out of this world.  As you can imagine, the whole “you spend money on a rabbit?  HOW MUCH?  Just buy a new one!” So angry.  

                                                            As for my bunny…

                                                            Last night, he had a really good night.  I kept him in a cardboard box with makeshift “bumper pads” around the box.  They’re just those cushion-y long doorstop bolster things.  Dima figured out he could rest his head on the side like a pillow!  I kept the box beside the bed so if I heard any “shuffling”, I could get to him quickly.  He didn’t fall over at all! 

                                                            We had the appointment with the new vet today.  First, there was a physical exam and then x-rays.  For the physical exam, she said he is in good condition and his vitals are all well.  Then, she focused the physical exam on his hind end, found his sore spots and parts he didn’t want to move.  The x-rays were a nightmare!  She attempted (and managed to do them!) without sedation.  The way she handled him and gently but firmly kept him in position helped a lot. We waited and waited to know if anything was wrong.  We knew he had old bunny arthritis but there is a small fracture in his pelvis.  The fracture is close to hip hence it looks like he has a hip problem.  From struggling and I guess “being put into positions he didn’t want to be”, he has pinched nerves.  Muscle atrophy has started.

                                                            The new vet suggested some painkillers (kept our Metacam dosage) and laser therapy.  Dima had his first session and he was really well behaved.  I can see some improvement already.  We start off with 6 but the vet said sometimes, pinched nerves require more sessions.  

                                                            In two to three weeks, there will be another x-ray to see how the fracture is coming along.  In the meantime, Dima has to stay quiet so that his pelvis can heal.  He will have short bouts of exercise for the pinched nerve and muscle atrophy help.

                                                            The new vet was happy with his weight and said that he is not overweight at all.  He should always be around 2.5 to 3 lbs and that is where he is at.  The vet agreed that older rabbits need nutritional help in the circumstances they go off their food for health reasons.  His good weight shows he is getting proper nutrition and he isn’t too heavy that it is the point where it is causing strain on his joints.

                                                            He’s a little tired and “stoned” right now but he is doing alright.  Thank you very much, RabbitPam for the website.  It looks very helpful and I know I will use it!

                                                          • robyn and 'tipps'
                                                            90 posts Send Private Message

                                                              I’ve been following your story and I’m happy your little friend is making progress.

                                                              ‘Just buy another one!’ Mnnnnn.

                                                              Thank you for the updates! Best wishes.

                                                              Robyn and ‘tipps’

                                                            • MK
                                                              751 posts Send Private Message

                                                                So glad he got a vet that knew what she was doing!!!!!! At least now you know what it is. Best wishes for you and your little buddy!

                                                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I’m very glad to hear the new vet is being helpful and that he seems to be doing well.

                                                                  And yes, I understand how helpful it is to have “bunny peeps” to talk to. I’ve been told “just get another one”. Makes me so mad. To me, that’s just like saying “Oh, your kid is sick? Just get another one”.

                                                                • RabbitPam
                                                                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    That sounds very pro missing. Let’s hear it for second opinions.

                                                                  • Sarita
                                                                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Sounds like your new vet is much better. I hope those laser therapies help – I’ve done that with rabbits in the past and it was very good in the beginning so I’m hopeful that will help relieve some pain for your little one.

                                                                    • BelarusianBunny
                                                                      81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Thanks for the kind words and thoughts.

                                                                        I thought that I’d come here to express my own selfish thoughts.

                                                                        Dima had his second laser treatment and after the treatment, he’s good for a few hours and then it’s back to the same old situation. The muscle atrophy is more apparent and it is really bothering me. The muscle atrophy hasn’t stopped him though as he continues to be mobile. He goes up to his food and water when he wants. I never expected there to be a full recovery (especially after 2 treatments so far!) since he is an elder rabbit. His pelvis fracture won’t be the same and the atrophy can’t be reversed. I mean, I wasn’t expecting a miracle but I wanted him to be happy and comfortable.

                                                                        I didn’t realize how much this would bother my psyche. For a rescue rabbit that I “had to” take so many years ago, I didn’t realize how much I loved this adopted bunny. It took awhile for him to accept me but now, he’s like the light of the household. Even though he is content to nap, groom and eat all he wants, I miss some of the small everyday things he used to be able to do a couple weeks ago. I miss him standing up begging for a treat and sitting up grooming with both paws. With his injuries, I accept that he can live a “normal” life but those acts where I found so much joy are gone. I’m sitting here and thinking about this.. And becoming sad.

                                                                        I should be happy that he’s doing well for his age and with a fracture. I guess it is a lesson in adjusting to changes as they come.

                                                                        Thanks for letting me post here and letting me be open though this process.

                                                                      • MK
                                                                        751 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          It can be hard to see your little buddy like that, but just remember how much of a good life he has with you, and be happy that he will hopefully have more years of hanging out with his mom, now that he is getting treatment He sounds like a lucky bunny to me.

                                                                        • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            I know this must be hard for you. (((Hugs))) We are all here for you. Seems like he is adjusting well and getting on okay, at least.

                                                                          • BelarusianBunny
                                                                            81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Thank you so much, MK and LittlePuffyTail for your kind words.

                                                                              Here’s another rant update.. 

                                                                              This afternoon, the vet’s office rang called for an “update” about Dima’s situation.  It was odd because we had just left the office earlier in the morning after his third laser treatment.  My husband and I just finished arguing about Dima (whisper arguing; thankfully in Russian so maybe no one understood?) so I think the technician might have picked up a vibe of “frustration” or “I give up”.  The vet asked if there had been any progress at all with the laser treatment and “rest time” for the fracture.  I had to be honest and say no, there hasn’t.  I was reminded that medical miracles don’t just happen and things take time.  I said I understood that but now it seems as though things are worse. 

                                                                              From being “kept quiet” and in a padded small area, Dima has a poopy butt now.  Not diarrhea or anything but just he doesn’t move out of his poop.  Last week, he would.  Never in his lifetime, even when we figured we would lose him, has this ever happened.  The Metacam causes tar-y poop (as was explained by the technician) so water cleaning is futile.  My old humongous rabbit needed her bottom cleaned regularly so I’m a pro with “butt baths”.  It’s frustrating because up until so very recently, he was the cleanest bunny known to humankind.  From the injuries, the muscle atrophy is just sad to look at.  I’ve come to the conclusion no matter the laser or no matter the medication, the atrophy is permanent now.  Dima is going on 11, has arthritis and obvious weak bones (see his pelvic fracture…)  To regain the muscle would be a miracle…

                                                                              To make a long story short, the vet said we should come in tomorrow for another examination and to discuss what to do next.  So, off we shall go again for a 4 hour ride.  Dima likes car rides as he stays in his little carrier with his blanket and snoozes.  I don’t think that another x-ray will be done tomorrow because it is too soon after the first one.  However, I just have this gut feeling that his pelvic fracture will not heal.  I think he’s “too old” to make a recovery.  A week ago, I had such high hopes and now, I am expecting to have the “E” word mentioned tomorrow.  And to be honest, for an old rabbit with a fracture and a poopy butt, that would be the most humane.   

                                                                              Dima is still eating and drinking.  Grooming his front paws.  I caught him even bending to groom his hip!  He’s alert at sounds and movements.  He looks like a wreck but he’s still suspicious of everything.  This morning at 4 am, he made a fuss that he wanted to get out of his “prison”.  So, I let him out and he managed to be a race bunny really fast, down the hall and back twice, and then sat.  We had to leave in the car shortly after that so he was angry to be put in his carrier.  He is making it extremely difficult to make a final decision when he acts like this.  I’m reminded that HE is the one with the problem and he has adapted better than me.  As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve lost quite a few animals but they were sudden.  It wasn’t a long drawn out illness/problem.    

                                                                              And to make things worse, my other rabbit decided that the plastic tablecloth on the picnic-table outside made a wonderful snack…. someone needs a peppermint snack. 

                                                                            • BelarusianBunny
                                                                              81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                As there’s a World Cup viewing party in my living room, I thought I’d give a quick update on Dima.

                                                                                Dima has had all his laser treatments. While they have not helped with mobility, they have definitely “filled in” the hollow parts of muscle in his thighs. They are more filled out and the muscle wasting is less noticeable.

                                                                                His “hip angle” (sorry, I don’t know a better word) has changed though. As I stated before, the round part of his hips would touch underneath his belly. Well, now they touch but one is slightly ahead of the other! The vet says that is probably just the way he has healed up from his broken bone.

                                                                                I think the biggest problem (or my complaint!) is that since he balances on his bum (I don’t know how to explain it!), he has a poopy bum. He used to be such a clean bunny! However, I had the vet have a look at Dima’s behind and she said “He’s really not that bad at all!” I guess I’m used to having a super clean bunny! Anyway, he has quick bum baths and he enjoys them.

                                                                                Dima also had a big round of blood work done to see if the medication he is on has bothered his organ functions. All of his blood work looks great so I’m relieved that all of this “disability care” was not for.. nothing? He’s still going to the bathroom well and very interested with life. And oh, he still eats so much and there is so much joy when he eats. I think I’m just sad that he’s not as mobile as he used to be.

                                                                                As I’ve probably said before, getting used to the change of “very active bunny” into disabled bunny is a tough line to walk. However, I am happy that Dima is doing well considering the previous events. Thank you for letting me post here and having a caring bunny community.

                                                                              • Tessie
                                                                                1231 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  I’m watching the football too! It’s hilarious! Poor Brazil.

                                                                                  Just wanted to say I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, it must be hard to come to terms your bun going from healthy to being disabled. it’s great to hear that he’s still got energy and is happy though, that makes it all worth it.

                                                                                  Thinking of you.

                                                                                • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                  18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I’m sorry you have to deal with this but he sounds like he’s a happy and healthy, despite the mobility issues. Glad to hear he is doing well.

                                                                                  • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                                    12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Thank you for the update!! I’m glad he’s doing so well, and you are also doing so well keeping up with all the extra work with this little guy Definitely please keep us updated on how things go -I’m always happy to see your Dima updates

                                                                                    • LongEaredLions
                                                                                      4482 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        It must be hard to see this sudden change but it’s great that you are embracing it. It is wonderful that he is doing better, I hope he continues to recover. Sending bunny kisses to you both.

                                                                                      • Sarita
                                                                                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          More vibes for Dima. Sounds like he’s a trooper and doing well. Thanks so much for the update.

                                                                                        • MK
                                                                                          751 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            So glad he is doing a little better

                                                                                          • BelarusianBunny
                                                                                            81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              Just figured I’d give everyone a Dima update. Thanks for all the past well wishes.

                                                                                              There isn’t anything really new to report because everything has been stable. Poor little Dimitri’s body is obviously and permanently mangled. The way his hip/pelvis healed has left him with a permanent “splay”. I don’t call it splay legs because he can pull them up and hop around. His legs are spread and pigeon-toed when he hops. But the main thing is that he can get up by himself and hop around!

                                                                                              He doesn’t explore like he used to since I’m sure hopping isn’t as easy as it used to be. I also consider the fact he’s up there in age. However, he’ll run laps around his “cardboard compound”. Once in awhile, he’ll venture further. Two weeks ago, on my husband’s birthday, something got into Dima. As we sat in the living room, we saw this little gray rabbit hop around the sofa and then down the hallway! We were shocked!

                                                                                              We give him little bunny bum and leg baths. He hates them but tolerates them with a lot of grunting. Besides his weird leg angles, the cleaning aspect is the most heartbreaking. Up until this happened, he was such a clean bunny with that “clean” fluffy bunny scent. Oh well, he still manages to groom his body from his outer thighs up to his ears.

                                                                                              Besides having a hard time to get up/move out of his poop, he’s doing well in that area. He does move out of his pee… So strange.

                                                                                              We’ve come to an agreement with the original vet that caused this fiasco. The original vet will deal with common rabbit issues as we need a close rabbit vet in case of emergency. The vet 3 hours away is in charge of anything diagnostic and his current problem treatment.

                                                                                              Dima seems quite happy and very alert. Very bright eyed. He still LOVES to eat like a horse! So, there’s the update on Dima.

                                                                                            • LBJ10
                                                                                              16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                This is great news! So happy to hear he’s doing better. I suppose this is probably the best you could hope for in this situation. I don’t think it would have been possible for him to go back to the way he was before the injury. He is able to get around though, so that is all that matters. Bunnies can really amaze us sometimes with their ability to heal and adapt.

                                                                                              • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                                18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  I’m glad to hear your bun is getting on okay.

                                                                                                • litheandgraphic
                                                                                                  608 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    Glad to hear your bunny is doing a little better. I just caught up on your story and am FURIOUS at your original vet. Not only is it 100% their fault — yes, things happen, but if you’re a good vet you’re supposed to know how to PREVENT these things from happening and it sounds like they were extremely negligent — but talking down to you and blaming you when you did absolutely nothing wrong?? I would have lost my temper.

                                                                                                    I’m so glad to hear you’re seeing another, better vet, and that Dima seems to be hanging in their quite well.

                                                                                                  • BelarusianBunny
                                                                                                    81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      Dima Update:

                                                                                                      The injuries are taking a toll on Dima’s little body.  He has developed bad arthritis in his hips and his hind end is almost paralyzed.  Well, both of his back legs are almost splayed one could say.  Being an elderly bunny, he already had some arthritic issues but this is just…sad.  His whole body seems totally out of balance.      

                                                                                                      He still manages to get around with an adequate amount of speed.  He can go fast if he wants too.  His back legs are very much crooked and split (if one looks from behind) but he can pull them almost underneath him to hop.  Some days, he’ll hop around and explore.  Other days, he simply wants to sit around.

                                                                                                      He still grooms himself.  Most days, at least once a day, he’ll raise one paw and groom an ear. On some good days, he’ll give his sides and hips a full bath.  So, that’s still a positive thing going for him.  I comb him to help him.  His coat is still plush, shiny and thick.

                                                                                                      Boy, he can still sure eat!  His love affair with food remains.  For being an elderly bunny, he’s quite a plump little guy.  He is in no way weak either.  He still puts up a fight during his butt baths and his fight is still strong.

                                                                                                      It will be 6 months this month since the injury.  I’m very happy he’s still with us.  I’m very happy he’s still with us as an 11 year old bunny to begin with.  I’m thankful that he has kept his personality and he still wants to fight.  This has been such an emotional journey.  Now, on the good days, I am overjoyed.  Some days I just feel like crying!  

                                                                                                      My grandmother is in her 90s and honestly, Dima and my baba are like twins now.  They both love to eat but have a tough time getting around.  This gives me some insight…but both cases are such stress.  

                                                                                                    • DethronedbyQueenB
                                                                                                      205 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        I just read this thread and my heart hurts for you;
                                                                                                        I am also so angry at that first vet!

                                                                                                        He may be a great vet but everyone makes mistakes, doesn’t sound like this mistake was owned up to or sincere moves taken to compensate for it and I would have been furious that my bun was injured anyhow.
                                                                                                        You are so much nicer and a better person than me!

                                                                                                        I am sending best wishes and prayers to you both. <3

                                                                                                      • LittlePuffyTail
                                                                                                        18092 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          I’m sorry the update is not more positive but it sounds like he def has good days and bad days. Like a typical elder. My only advice is to enjoy the good days with him. He’s certainly lucky to have someone who loves him so much.

                                                                                                          I want to send him some (((feel good vibes))))

                                                                                                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                                                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Thank you for the update! He;s such a lucky bunny to have you to care for him! He;s exceeding expectations I think! It’s lots of work-really great of you to care that much-he knows he;s very loved

                                                                                                          • MK
                                                                                                            751 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                              I’m glad he is still going what a sweet little guy!

                                                                                                            • JPetrucci84
                                                                                                              256 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                Wow, so much to take in! I hope you have gotten your second vet’s opinion (on his/her letterhead) about the serious deterioration of your rabbit. If the other vet hasn’t had any integrity and fessed up, I suggest you take it to your local Court. Small Claims Court will help you get reimbursed for the pain/treatments/etc for your rabbit. The only reason I stress this is because there is only so much time, called a Statute of Limitations, of when you can take someone to Court after the incident. If you miss this opportunity, you’re stuck with the heartache AND the bill. You may be able to hire a lawyer to help, but I don’t know if that’s the route you want to take just yet. I have also found this link: that can help you with what to do next on your situation. I hope that things get better and your peace of mind is attained. There IS good help out there!


                                                                                                              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                                                                                                12067 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  Andrew-that is a really great link!

                                                                                                                • JPetrucci84
                                                                                                                  256 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    Thanks! I try and pass on what I learn as much as I can. I found the entire article really interesting. I just hope I don’t ever have to take that route.

                                                                                                                  • BelarusianBunny
                                                                                                                    81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                      Hi everyone,

                                                                                                                      Thanks for your messages of support from the last post.

                                                                                                                      This update isn’t too positive. I’m certain now that Dima’s mobility is now even more severely limited. His hind end is mostly paralyzed.

                                                                                                                      Last Thursday, he continued with his normal “speedy” “new kind” of hop. He could raise his hind end to move. After that Thursday, and as of today, he is unable to “hop” anymore. He “scoots” or drags his bum with his front end.

                                                                                                                      I spoke with the vet and she mentioned that perhaps with even more severe arthritis due to a bone break, along with his age, the winter months could be taking their toll on him. I told her that I appreciated the opinion but I feel that upon further examination of his hip/pelvis area, it is even more concave/bent/pushed in/bad looking than previously. She wanted to see him for an exam and she agreed. This is more mechanical than arthritis. His hip/pelvis is so deformed that his back legs are completely splayed now and almost a separate entity from the rest of his body. She upped his Metacam dosage and started him on liquid glucosamine for pain.

                                                                                                                      She also looked at his corneal ulcer and it has healed wonderfully. She said he is such a strong little fighter.

                                                                                                                      The vet gave me a pamphlet for companion animal wheelchairs as something to think about.

                                                                                                                      So, here I am with an elderbun that has a mostly paralyzed hind end. I know I am not alone in this as there are disabled bunnies online. Last spring, I had so much hope that my elderbun was doing so well. Now, I feel completely hopeless.

                                                                                                                      I have a euthanasia plan from when he was under the weather from chronic snuffles/e.cuniculi and had seizures. The seizures are completely gone and now, there is this problem. I keep seeking advice on what to do next. Many times I am told that “we don’t put old people to sleep because they can’t get around as well!” and that rabbits are adaptable. When I see he is unable to move as well, I feel that maybe this is all too much of a struggle for him.

                                                                                                                      On the other hand, he eats so well and he has good weight on him. When he is on the floor, he scoots around a small area all on his own. He’s slowing down like a little old man but he still has a “life”. Besides this mobility problem, the vet commented his functions are all doing well. I am so confused.

                                                                                                                      I can’t be angry at the previous vet anymore. I spend so much time being angry that it gets me no where. After all, they are my emergency vet since they are around the corner. I’m so embarrassed to admit this but I cry a lot for my poor bun. No bunnies deserve to be victims of accidents or even recklessness. However, Dima has always been the sweetest soul. The most gentle and sweet little rabbit I have ever known. I wonder if his previous family that left him ever thinks about him. Then, I realize it is a good thing that I became his “mother” because I know they wouldn’t have provided him vet care when he developed his first head tilt years ago and he wouldn’t be alive now. Even though he stresses me out to my own detriment. I used to think that Dima’s biggest struggle was enduring a long flight from Belarus but now, it’s just trying to get around. Perspective, right?

                                                                                                                      Sorry for the meltdown but this has been a really emotional week.

                                                                                                                    • LBJ10
                                                                                                                      16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        I know it’s hard, but don’t beat yourself up about this. You obviously love him and I know you would do anything for him. As you said, he is getting old and there are certain things that come along with that. But if he still has fight in him and he seems happy, then there is no reason to think you shouldn’t continue doing your best to make his life a good one. If you think he would benefit from a wheelchair, then go for it. If you think he just needs a little assistance when he’s out playing, you could consider using a sling to help support his rear end. It is all up to Dima. Let him tell you when he is done fighting.

                                                                                                                      • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                        5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                          You can have a meltdown on here any time you need to! Don’t feel bad about crying for your bunny — I would totally be the same way.

                                                                                                                        • Roberta
                                                                                                                          4355 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                            Check out the wheel chair options. I have seen some very happy disabled buns given back their mobility. Do some research as there are organisations that will help with the cost and custom fit them. Tell friends that have a knack for tinkering as you never know when one of them may have the gift of making the perfect set of wheels.

                                                                                                                          • robyn and 'tipps'
                                                                                                                            90 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                              I second JackRabbit’s sentiment above. Do not apologize for how you feel about all this. This has been an ordeal both for you and poor brave Dima. It saddened me greatly to read the whole saga and I feel for you both. (((Dima))) and (((You))) My words are inadequate, of course, but try to enjoy whatever time you have left with this sweet bunny.

                                                                                                                            • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                              5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                One of my boss’ dogs was disabled and he had a custom wheelchair made for her. He said she was like a puppy again running around again when he took her to the park after she got her wheelchair.

                                                                                                                              • hportland
                                                                                                                                46 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                  This whole thread made me tear up a bit. I am SO sorry that you both are having to go through this. I mean that sincerely. I would be absolutely furious. Rabbits are delicate creatures, you MUST be extremely careful with them. Your original vet should have used this knowledge, but failed. I completely understand the sadness you must have for your little guy in this situation. How could such a sweet, small animal have such a misfortune? It’s just cruel I think you should definitely get a little wheelchair for him. I’ve read about bunnies who adapted to one with hardly any trouble, and continued to live out full lives. Please don’t put him down, seriously! Since he has so much life in him and eats well, I think he would do great with some physical help!

                                                                                                                                • LongEaredLions
                                                                                                                                  4482 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                    I am so sorry he is not doing very well mobility-wise. And like JR said, meltdowns are fine, and definitely not un-called for. You and Dima are both fighters!
                                                                                                                                    I hope that you can find a wheelchair that works, if you choose to do so. ((((((VIBES))))))

                                                                                                                                  • BelarusianBunny
                                                                                                                                    81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                      Hi again and thank you all for your replies. You do not know how much this place means to me during Dima’s journey.

                                                                                                                                      Since the last post, little Dmitry’s condition has worsened. He no longer “scoots” or can move at all. It may have been on Tuesday but he scooted his little heart out. He dragged that bum all over and the next day, he didn’t want to move. I figured he made himself sore with all the exercise but this lack of motion has continued. His posture has worsened that now he needs his food bowl lifted up and it hurts to reach down. Both of his legs still move if he is picked up. They still have feeling and circulation; just, from his hip area and down, he is so mangled.

                                                                                                                                      We are in the process of getting him a wheelchair, as in the order has been placed and they should be arranging it, but I wonder if he will have the chance to use it. If he keeps going downhill, I will have no other choice but to let him cross the bridge.

                                                                                                                                      Personality-wise, he is O.K. He eats his food with gusto and attempts to groom. If he wishes to groom his face, he must be in the security of his bed for balance. However, after he drinks, he does try right away to groom his chest. All of his poop is well-formed and “rich” looking, if you know what I mean. He still reacts to sounds. Last night, I broke up a piece of parsley into his pellets, and he went insane looking for it. His eyes were bright and big. He darted that head around so quickly!

                                                                                                                                      Very sad today but also hopeful that maybe the aid of a cart will make him happier. A strange mix of feelings.

                                                                                                                                    • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                                      5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                        I am sitting here crying for both of you. Wish there was something I could do to fix this for both of you.

                                                                                                                                      • BelarusianBunny
                                                                                                                                        81 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                          One last update: Dmitry (Dima) was euthanized this morning. The past couple days, he just gave up and started into a deep, long sleep. The vet thinks it was kidney failure with such a sudden decline. He’s able to binky free…

                                                                                                                                        • Kyrkogrimr
                                                                                                                                          120 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                            I’m so sorry to hear about everything you’ve been through, my heart breaks for you. I can’t imagine how awful it must have been to go through, and how you must be feeling now.


                                                                                                                                          • tobyluv
                                                                                                                                            3310 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                              I’m very sorry to hear about Dmitry’s passing and all that you both have gone through.

                                                                                                                                            • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                                              5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                                I’m so sorry for your loss and for everything you both went through. You both fought so hard.

                                                                                                                                                Binky free Dima bunny…..

                                                                                                                                              • OliverBun
                                                                                                                                                284 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                                  Binky free Dima.

                                                                                                                                                  I’m so sorry everything you and Dima had to go through.

                                                                                                                                                • LBJ10
                                                                                                                                                  16945 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                                    Aww, so sorry to hear this. Dima was a very special bunny. JR is right, you both fought hard.

                                                                                                                                                  • Roberta
                                                                                                                                                    4355 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                                      Binky Free little Dmi… Hugs to you Belarusian.

                                                                                                                                                    • MK
                                                                                                                                                      751 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                                        Binky free Dima! I am so sorry for your loss Belarusian. He was a trooper. Sometimes it is just kinder to let them go

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