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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Where is a very rabbit-friendly place to live?

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    • Alfiebuns
      102 posts Send Private Message

        I currently live in England and don’t find it particularly bunny friendly. Although, admittedly not as unfriendly as other places seem such asAustralia with their rabbit meat farms and refusal to permit myxomatosis vaccine. We were thinking of moving to Canada – how bunny chummy is it there? Or does anyone know any good bunny friendly alternatives? 

        I would love to live somewhere were bunnies are worshipped then I wouldn’t seem so odd  

      • Eepster
        1236 posts Send Private Message

          I live on the east coast of the US (norther NJ to be specific,) and we seem pretty bunny friendly. I know plenty of others who keep bunnies as pets. Getting supplies is easy, and we have a good exotics vet.

        • Zombie-Sue
          875 posts Send Private Message

            I am pretty sure that rabbits are eaten all over the English-speaking world. I don’t think you’ll get around that part.

            In my experience, the US is very pet-crazy in general. I don’t know if Canada is the same, but I’ve met plenty of Canadian rabbit owners. The US and Canada are really big places, though, I mean it really depends on the locality.

          • Tessie
            1231 posts Send Private Message

              I suppose it depends what you mean by bunny friendly?
              I mean, cats and dogs are always going to be the most popular pets wherever you go I think.

            • blackfang
              392 posts Send Private Message

                Refuse to get myxomatosis vaccine? Did you go to right exotic vet? Normally, general vets are specific for cats and dogs only. You’ll have to find exotic vet that know how to deal with rabbits.

                I don’t know what else to say.. Rabbit friendly as easy to find apartment that allow rabbits? Or you mean stay away from people that tell you they ate rabbits?

                There are some apartments that allow rabbits, you will have to keep looking. The apartment I live in right now. They considered my rabbits as caged animals which is approved by them. And yet my rabbits aren’t in cage for 24/7. They are in free-range room. Sure, I called it caged room (not commercial cage).

                I have deal with some people that kept saying, “Oh, you have rabbits? I ate rabbits before, they tasted so good!”
                Someday, you’ll develop cold heart and get to used to it. You even can talk back, “Perhaps dog meat taste good? Should you try? FYI, Chinese people eat cat and dogs, why don’t you?” After that, people shut up and leave me alone about eating rabbits.

                Trust me, you will deal all of those I listed are happening from UK, USA, and Canada. No matter where you go. You’ll experienced like this. There’s no such as rabbit-friendly locations.

                Rabbits aren’t really popular pets compare to cats and dogs.

              • Zombie-Sue
                875 posts Send Private Message

                  I think you’re confused, uhhh… nobody, lol. In Australia, the myxomatosis vaccine is illegal. The OP lives in London, so it’s completely moot, but she was just making an observation. The type of vet has absolutely no bearing, it’s the law.

                  Also, I wish people would stop doing the Chinese people eating dogs thing. There are more polite ways to tell people that the subject of rabbit meat seriously bothers you than to poke fun at a minority of people in a culture you don’t understand well.

                • LBJ10
                  16945 posts Send Private Message

                    Yes, define what “bunny-friendly” means to you.

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      HUH? Australia has rabbit meat farms???? Don’t tell my hubby – he’s from Spain (it’s a meal he hasn’t enjoyed since he was 7). WOW! Never heard that one before (and I’ve never seen/noticed it in any butcher I have visited in all my ‘many’ years….). Well, there you go – learnt something new. (Not that it will ever be served in our home – I haven’t even tried Kangaroo). Thanks for the heads up Alfiebuns.
                      How cool that you can choose to live anywhere in the world! What a wonderful position to be in – good for you. Cheers Alfiebuns.

                      Edit/ADD – I can’t help but wonder how rabbit farms would survive our heat? I doubt the farms would have A/C? ha ha ha…. I also wonder if it is hares? No idea! Just wondering – but it’s really got me thinking….. Lol!

                    • Bam
                      16901 posts Send Private Message

                        I don’t think hares (lepus) are bred, they’re game.

                        Even in Sweden there are rabbits bred for meat. But most people still think it’s gross.

                        Sweden is a pretty good country for rabbits I think. There are knowledgeable vets and people in general are kind to animals and interested in them, we’ve lots of laws about animal protection and -keeping – f ex you’re actually required by law to have a hidey-house and an elevated resting-platform in the cage even if it’s indoors. But I wouldn’t consider moving here. The weather mostly sucks. You have to enjoy being indoors a lot. Or at least stand it.

                      • Zombie-Sue
                        875 posts Send Private Message

                          LOL, bam.

                          Honestly, the only reason that domestic rabbits are a thing is because people kept them for food. For those of you who are hoping that will someday not be the case, I really don’t think so. I’m pretty sure that nearly the whole world eats rabbits and probably always will, although its popularity has really declined, I don’t see it going down a lot further. If you’re thinking about moving, I’d just check the city and make sure it’s not something that’s popular there. I imagine you’d run into it more in rural areas than big cities.

                        • Alfiebuns
                          102 posts Send Private Message

                            This rescue explains all about the rabbit farm and myxomatosis ban in oz

                            get ready to cry if you read it though (although it does have a happy ending)

                            England isn’t too bad but I just dream of living somewhere where bunnies are treated like royalty   I live in a pretty rural area and can’t commute to work without seeing a dead bun on the side of the road, albeit they’re wild and not people’s pets – but if someone kills a fox they usually have the decency to move it off the road, rabbits don’t have the same respect. Also we have lots of pet shops selling rabbits which I despise and rabbit hunting, rabbit meat available but we do have quite a few rabbit rescues and savvy vets and it’s not the norm to see rabbit on a menu. The village I live in now adores cats, they’re everywhere! I would like the rabbit equivalent, where everyone is a bit bunny mad and isn’t ashamed to admit it!! 

                            We are lucky enough to have the possibility to move anywhere that will have us, the US and Canada are places we have considered to end up in eventually but if I find a random bunny mad community in the North Pole I’ll be there 

                            A friend has just returned from a trip to China and actually found they seemed to have a keen interest in rabbits, obviously not enough to stop animal testing but it wasn’t what he or I was expecting, they have rabbit tea rooms (not for rabbits to drink tea but tea rooms called rabbit tea rooms). Beatrix Potter land here in England always has tons of Chinese tourists too 

                          • Tessie
                            1231 posts Send Private Message

                              Hmmmmmm :/

                              I’m not sure what to suggest, I live in England myself, and don’t feel that it’s particularly un-friendly to buns, but it’s all about personal opinion of course!

                              I don’t know this, and maybe others will have some ideas, but I would guess that you won’t ever find a place where bunnies are the most common pet.

                              Still, how exciting to have the option to live anywhere in the world, eh?!

                            • Stickerbunny
                              4128 posts Send Private Message

                                If roadkill not being moved by the person who killed it bugs you, I wouldn’t suggest U.S. We have road cleanup people who have the job of removing roadkill, but the people who run over the animals don’t usually even stop, unless it’s big enough to damage their car.

                                We have lots of pet stores selling rabbits too, since they are easy and cheap to stock. Rabbit meat is rare to see in a grocery store, but it’s easy to get and available, since rabbit is considered a game meat. Rabbit hunting is pretty common in most places. I don’t think you’re going to find a place that doesn’t have these things.

                                Honestly, given the EU has a ban on cosmetic testing, I’d be looking at European countries. EU also has the animal rights document that the U.S. doesn’t have at all. MAYBE some place in California could be bunny crazy. Certainly avoid the “country” areas of the U.S., where hunting is popular and rabbits are more likely to be outside-only pets or livestock due to the culture, if that stuff bugs you. Most people where I am now grew up on farms, so they don’t see bunnies as anything more than a chicken, or a pig and to them that means they are just livestock for food. So, I prefer to keep the fact I have rabbits as spoiled house pets to myself. We also only have one rabbit vet within a 2 hour drive of us and NO emergency vets that are rabbit savvy.

                              • Bam
                                16901 posts Send Private Message

                                  In Sweden rabbits are vermin rather than game.

                                  Wow, that really sounded lovely =) But what I mean is you’d have some trouble finding rabbit-meat here because people are not keen on eating the little cuties. Most considers bunnies pets, not meat. We don’t hunt lots of rabbits because a) their meat is considered inferior, sth you’d only eat if there was a shortage of some kind. Perhaps this is changing because rabbit-meat is supposed to be environmentally friendly. Hunting in Sweden is about hares, deer and elks and birds like ducks and pheasants b) we don’t have to kill them, they die themselves in terrible outbreaks of myxo and rhd, especially myxo. Many rabbits lying dead on the roads have been run over because they’ve gone blind from myxo and are confused and feverish and gets in the way of cars – then they’d be dying anyway. It’s terribly sad though.

                                  I actually thought bunnies were treated kind of like royalty in the UK =/

                                  I’ve been wanting to go to London because I imagine there would be so may fun toys and stuff for bunnies =) I buy my rabbit-food online because most good stuff is just not available here

                                • Alfiebuns
                                  102 posts Send Private Message

                                    Yer I don’t think it is particularly unfriendly here, I was just hoping to hear about a hidden bunny paradise!

                                    I don’t think I realised how lucky we are here having savvy vets within 10mins and emergency vet within 20. A 2 hour drive sounds very frustrating. You’re probably right with the EU point, although California sounds much more inviting. Maybe. I could start my own bunny gated community, with bunny gates of course!

                                    I don’t know what to think of Sweden =| your post freaked me out.

                                    We do have cool bunny toys/treats available here and a lot of supermarkets stock some bunny essentials. If you’re thinking of visiting London and love animals you should definitely visit St James’s Park, pick up a bag of nuts before you go in and you will have an army of squirrels, geese, coots, ducks etc following you around.

                                  • Tessie
                                    1231 posts Send Private Message

                                      Alfiebuns, are you in London too then?

                                    • Bam
                                      16901 posts Send Private Message

                                        Sweden isn’t as bad as I made it sound I think =)

                                        We’ve an all night open animal hospital in my town where the staff is bunny-savvy. My day-time vets are great. As I said, animal wellfare is taken serious in Sweden.

                                        Myxo is a sad problem though but luckliy we have the vaccine.

                                        St James Park sounds lovely =)

                                      • Zombie-Sue
                                        875 posts Send Private Message

                                          Myxo doesn’t really exist in the US. Okay I guess it does but you could own rabbits your whole life and never hear about it. We don’t vaccinate here.

                                        • Alfiebuns
                                          102 posts Send Private Message

                                            Yes Tessie =) not originally from London though. I suppose it is pretty rabbit friendly here but I would like to live somewhere where you don’t get a funny look for buying your rabbit a night light because she stomps when it gets dark =|

                                            Sweden does sound cool and sensible and your post was oddly inviting as well as slightly terrifying! =)

                                          • LBJ10
                                            16945 posts Send Private Message

                                              Just from “listening” to the happenings here on BB, California seems pretty rabbit-friendly. There are rabbit expos and whatnot. So I would consider that rabbit-friendly if there are planned events dedicated to bunnies and bunny-owners.

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                                          Forum THE LOUNGE Where is a very rabbit-friendly place to live?