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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum DIET & CARE Orange pee?

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    • bunbunlovers
      74 posts Send Private Message

        So this evening after letting my buns play free roam in my basement like they always do i was “herding” them back into their room. Before i left i checked on everything to make sure everything was ok in their enclosure. ( i always do that) Then i noticed that either Bob or Minnie peed outside of their litter box which is unusual. it was on a plastic surfce so it did not get absorbed. But it was strange because th e pee was orange. Is this because it has been sitting out ( i dont think so…<<) or is it something else that i need to be concerned about like a urinary tract infection? (is that a serious thing?<<) Please let me know. Thank you all.

      • mollys1
        64 posts Send Private Message

          Hi bunbun. I don’t think there’s a problem. My bunnies pee is often an orange color or sometimes darker. If it was to get white or chalky then there would be a problem. The orange color could be caused by the veggies you feed but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong.

          Are they spayed/neutered? The only reason I would think there is a problem is if a spayed/neutered bunny continued to pee outside the box when the previously had good litter habits. This might indicate a problem that would require a vet visit. If they aren’t both spayed/neutered it could be a marking and hormonal issue.

          Hope this helps!

        • mollys1
          64 posts Send Private Message

            Hi bunbun. I don’t think there’s a problem. My bunnies pee is often an orange color or sometimes darker. If it was to get white or chalky then there would be a problem. The orange color could be caused by the veggies you feed but that doesn’t mean there is anything wrong.

            Are they spayed/neutered? The only reason I would think there is a problem is if a spayed/neutered bunny continued to pee outside the box when the previously had good litter habits. This might indicate a problem that would require a vet visit. If they aren’t both spayed/neutered it could be a marking and hormonal issue.

            Hope this helps!

          • mollys1
            64 posts Send Private Message

              Oops double post! Sorry!

            • Bam
              16901 posts Send Private Message

                Orange pee is not an observandum. But peeing outside their boxes could perhaps be signs of an UTI, if both are speutered and normally never goes outside the box. You have to watch them. Do they pee very often and very little volume each time, do they seem to have to strain to pee? Does it look as peeing brings on pain? Those are symptoms of UTI.

                Orange pee comes from porfyrins in the urine or some from plants f ex dandelion greens. It’s normal in bunnies.

              • bunbunlovers
                74 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh and my bad. I think we removed the litterr box for cleaning and then they peed undernieth it. But thanks anyway! Better safe than sorry!

                • Bam
                  16901 posts Send Private Message

                    Absolutely! Good bunnykins, they pee on the right spot regardless if there’s a box or not =)

                  • Bunnies <3
                    21 posts Send Private Message

                      I think it’s fine. Mine pee orange sometimes too. It’s probably due to certain vegetables they’ve eaten.

                    • Roberta
                      4355 posts Send Private Message

                        I think this questions comes up almost every week… LOL…. Bunny Pee is scary stuff !!!! It comes in a rainbow of colours and textures….
                        Orange is very normal as is some shades of red, brown, yellow, pink……… There is also the issue of sediment which is a bunny’s way of expelling excess calcium…. SLUDGE is the big concern and you should be able to discern that from normal sedimented pee as it will be very thick and sometimes quite dark. I remember one time Pipi and Nermal were disputing borders and bottoms were nipped through the Xpen… Nermal decided revenge should come in the form of a pee shower to Pipi’s head…which due to an earlier Craisin snack, was bright red…. This startled me out of several years growth until I figured out that Pipi did not have a traumatic head wound… Pipi did get even by stealing Nermals crinkly RK Skunk and giving it to her Mother Pepper to chew on…

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                    Forum DIET & CARE Orange pee?