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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Rabbit false pregnancy, how did it happen?

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    • New Blue
      70 posts Send Private Message

        So I have had leasha, my first rabbit for a little over a month now, But I noitced her trying to make a nest in her room, all the hay that I gave her shes building for a nest.

        My question is how did it happen? There arent any other rabbits around, and only I interact with her, feeding and spending time with em.

        My other question is what should I do? She isnt eating as much as she used to since this morning, and all the hay im giving her shes just using it to make her nest bigger. I’m rather worried.

      • IsabellaRobyn
        592 posts Send Private Message

          Has she actually pulled any fur to add to the nest? If not is it possible she could just be rearranging the hay how she’d like it?

          The only thing I can think to suggest is increasing the amount of hay you put in for her. If she is nesting you might want to give her enough for both her nest and for her to eat. I’m not sure why she’s doing it or what to do about it though, I’m sure someone else on the forum will be able to help you out with that!

        • New Blue
          70 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks, I noticed her pulling out fur too, Forgot to mention that.

          • Stickerbunny
            4128 posts Send Private Message

              A lot of things can trigger a false pregnancy. Getting her spayed will help prevent them. You’ll have to wait her nest building out, make sure she has plenty of food and once she’s done she should go back to normal. Maybe ring the vet to let them know whats up and get their advice.

            • jerseygirl
              22345 posts Send Private Message

                So I have had leasha, my first rabbit for a little over a month now,

                Do you know how long specifically?

                Rabbit gestation is typically 28-31 days but they can go over this. Do you know if she was kept with other rabbits before you got her?
                I hope for your sake this is false pregnancy and not the real thing.

              • New Blue
                70 posts Send Private Message

                  Yes, I had her since April 21st, she was never kept with other rabbits from what I saw, I just got her off Kijiji. Though there may be something I don’t know about. Her nails were trimmed like the day before we got her.

                • LBJ10
                  16945 posts Send Private Message

                    I was wondering the same thing Jersey.
                    If it is a false pregnancy, she should snap out of it once she realizes no babies are coming. I agree with the others, just make sure she has food and is comfortable. You just have to ride it out. Having her spayed would prevent this from happening in the future.

                  • Roberta
                    4355 posts Send Private Message

                      Ditto Jersey and LBJ even if kept in separate runs and cages they have been know to do the nasty through the bars if the are close enough together.
                      As to false pregnancy that can happen for lots of reasons incl environmental factors like season changes as well as some of the other reasons already mentioned.
                      How old is your bun ? For the moment don’t disturb her nest even if she ignores it for a few days. Move it too soon and she will just rebuild it and if she is pregnant she is going to need it.
                      I do not advocate breeding but have experienced two oops litters, make sure she has unlimited greens, hay and pellets till she has this out of her system. If there are no babies get her in for Spay as soon as possible. If she does have babies she is going to need unlimited hay greens and veg for atleast 12 weeks. Make sure she is somewhere safe and warm (inside is best) away from predators.

                    • Roberta
                      4355 posts Send Private Message

                        If you have an old phone book or clean newspaper give her that too, they like to shred it.

                      • New Blue
                        70 posts Send Private Message

                          Shes currently housed upstairs in a room close to mine, no one can get in except me, Today I noticed her seeking my attention a lot more than normal. she was circling me and jumping around. Neaver seen that before. But she is eating again.

                        • Roberta
                          4355 posts Send Private Message

                            That’s excellent that she is in doors. Keeping my fingers crossed for you…. But leave the nest be for another few days. Little beggars can hold them in if they are stressed. If she will let you gently run your hand over her tummy, if she is pregnant it may feel soft and a bit lumpy.
                            Also have you checked the nest… As a prey animal they will not spend time fussing over the babies in daylight, in fact they will only feed them once maybe twice a day usually very late at night or early morning.
                            Vibes for this all being a figment of her imagination.

                          • tanlover14
                            3617 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh no. Hope this is a false pregnancy also.

                              Keep us all updated!

                            • colleenbunny
                              335 posts Send Private Message

                                Maybe you should palpate her to see if she is or isn’t really bred. I hope for your sake that she isn’t. I’m glad she is eating again.

                              • New Blue
                                70 posts Send Private Message

                                  After checking her, I noticed shes not pregnant which is nice, But shes frequently making honking noises and circling me a lot. she does after after petting her for long periods of time, not sure if its excitement, but whats the cause of her doing this?

                                • Sarita
                                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                                    Just hormones really.

                                  • Roberta
                                    4355 posts Send Private Message

                                      Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for not being pregnant.
                                      Sarita is right, hormones it might be an idea to discuss spaying with your vet sooner rather than later.

                                    • New Blue
                                      70 posts Send Private Message

                                        Sorry I don’t know much about rabbit behaviors, Is she telling me she wants something, or excited to see me when she circles and honks? She just seems to do it all the time now.

                                        I do plan to get her spayed soon though.

                                      • LBJ10
                                        16945 posts Send Private Message

                                          Honking and circling means that she LOVES loves you. As in, I love you so let’s make babies together. It can be a sign of excitement in some rabbits too. But considering your situation, I’m guessing it is hormones.

                                        • New Blue
                                          70 posts Send Private Message

                                            That’s odd, I was Certain only males perform that behavior, it really affects females too? she always used to honk and sometimes circle, but after her false pregnantcy was over, (i’m sure it is), she started to do it almost non stop.

                                          • LBJ10
                                            16945 posts Send Private Message

                                              Girls can do it too.

                                            • tanlover14
                                              3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                It is most definitely not just males – I currently have a 6-month old female waiting to be spayed…. and LORDY, she is a terror. And in LOVE with my boyfriend and I. It’s hard to even hang out with her because she just circles and chins us the WHOLE time. Literally, non-stop. LOL.

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                                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Rabbit false pregnancy, how did it happen?