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Forum THE LOUNGE Does Your Bunny Like Music?

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    • BonnieSue
      59 posts Send Private Message

        I’ve noticed that my little bunny, Hazel, seems to like some songs very much! She lived for a few weeks in my bathroom, so she was subjected to my music choices on a pretty regular basis while I was in the shower. Sometimes at first I felt like she didn’t like the music very much – she would go into her little willow stick house and huddle down in there. It wasn’t like I was blaring hard rock or anything – mostly country, soft rock, or some old classic hits. I have a wide variety of musical tastes. Soon, however, she realized the “noise” wasn’t hurting her and seemed to begin to enjoy it. I’ve found two songs so far that she really likes: Sammy Kershaw’s Matches (she came out of her hut and pricked her ears toward my iPad for the whole song before returning to her hut when the next song came on) and she also likes Bob Marley a lot! It is frequently chosen at the local tavern where Hazel was rescued out back. She will climb out of my hoodie pocket or travel bag and prick her ears up when his songs come on. I sing “Is this Love” to her all the time and she especially likes it. The lyrics could be like a house rabbit theme song: 

        I wanna love you and treat you right;
        I wanna love you every day and every night:
        We’ll be together with a roof right over our heads;
        We’ll share the shelter of my single bed;
        We’ll share the same room, yeah!
        Is this love – is this love – is this love –
        Is this love that I’m feelin’?

        Does anyone else ever notice their bunny listening to music or showing an interest in certain songs? Or have I just become a totally crazy bunny lady??  

      • smalz
        13 posts Send Private Message

          Actually that’s not crazy. For my first baby bun I used to sing for her to fall asleep and I used to dance with her also. My baby RIP.

        • LittlePuffyTail
          18092 posts Send Private Message

            Bunnies and all animals, definitely seem to have a preference in music. I often put on Youtube vids while my buns are out for playtime.

            Bindi will often go nuts when my hubby plays any fast-paced Weird Al songs (he’s a big fan). Bindi’s favorite Weird Al song is “Hey Ricky”. The first time he heard it, I couldn’t believe the zooms and binkies. He also seems to like any song with a really good bass beat, probably because he can hear it better with those big loppy ears.

            Olivia seems to really enjoy 80’s pop of all things. She also loves when I put on a song and pet and sing softly to her. Mega tooth purrs. Her fave is “Africa” by Toto.

            I first noticed about animals and music when I started riding my horse to music. I would put on mix CD’s and fast beat songs would get her really hyper and fast-paced. The other day we were listening to the radio and I had her out free in the arena and she went nuts when Green Days “Let Yourself Go” came on. If I want to turn her into a super high-stepping horse, I put on belly dance/arabic music.

          • Sonn
            1810 posts Send Private Message

              All of my buns seem to like different types of music.

              Dini is deaf and tends to like music with a bit of bass. He will find the sound no matter what and start zooming and doing binkies all around it. If you turn it off he will nudge the speaker until you turn it back on.

              Enki and Banji I have only had for a little while.

              Enki seems to really really like pop music and I think he has super bunny hearing. I can be in a different room and barely have the music on and he will come flying into the room and won’t leave until either a slow song is on or it goes off.

              Banji flops over when I play old jazz music (I am talking old like Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, etc.) he gets extremely relaxed. And it makes it super easy to clip his nails.

            • NewBunnyOwner123
              1930 posts Send Private Message

                EVERY morning I wake up and play the Lumineers pandora station while I check my stories and just lounge sipping on some coffee. ALL my animals seem to really enjoy the music. This is the time that the buns comes out too. Sometimes I play a different station but they seem to really enjoy this station to start their day…not to mention, I really enjoy starting my day with relaxing music too It’s way better than television in my opinion

              • BonnieSue
                59 posts Send Private Message

                  Awww, I love all these stories! I was talking to old Vern last night about this topic and he informed me that his bunnies like smooth jazz!

                  And LittlePuffyTail – my horses also love music!!!

                • NewBunnyOwner123
                  1930 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh and I forgot to mention that I used to let the dogs out first thing in the morning but the past few weeks they would act like they didn’t want to go outside even though they haven’t pottied in over 12 hours. And I personally think it’s because they know that I am about to play some tunes. They would rather lounge out with me and enjoy my tunes

                  • BonnieSue
                    59 posts Send Private Message

                      That’s adorable! What nice dogs.

                      I have noticed my cat likes to hang out more in my loft now that the bunny is in here. He used to be in a big hurry to get into the big part of the house to hang out with my dogs, but now he likes to stay and hang out with Hazel. He had a similar relationship with my guinea pig who passed away last July (RIP Clyde!)

                      Capone, however, did not enjoy music at first; he put his tail down and left the room the first time I hooked up my speakers. He has since changed his tune. He is a massive coward and is afraid of new things or anything that resembles a vacuum cleaner. Funny to see because he is a 22lb Maine Coon and most of the other pets are afraid of HIM.

                    • longhairmike
                      1069 posts Send Private Message

                        we mostly play melodic powermetal and ‘retro’ video game soundtracks here.

                        i know what they DONT like,, the fake shrill opera vocals from ps1 games like parasite eve and brave fencer musashi…
                        its instant thump-city for the bunnies

                      • Yuki
                        1 posts Send Private Message

                          Wow I am super late to this post since I’ve only had my bun bun for about 5 months but I must say we have found that she loves System of a Down of all things. She goes crazy and starts running around and binkying all over the place. Very entertaining to watch. Have not gotten this kind of response to any other music we play. She is a very funny bun.

                        • Blue Moon
                          436 posts Send Private Message

                            my rabbits love music

                          • Beeskerlady
                            54 posts Send Private Message

                              I sing Monty Python songs to Sassy. She looks at me like Ive flipped my lid…but I swear she wiggled her snooshnose booplesnoot in time to the “Lumberjack Song” one time .She also seems to like ” Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.”

                            • Logan
                              1 posts Send Private Message

                                Little thread resurrection (?) and first post. I feel certain now our lionhead Chewbecca (Becca, she’s a girl after all) loves music. Specifically edm. She’s a stop and watch bun BUT comes out of the woodwork like she’s about to get a treat when she hears music. Our Netherland dwarf, Kylo, doesn’t seem to care about music and he’s the confident one.

                              • Rain
                                547 posts Send Private Message

                                  Rain loves it when I play piano. It’s like magic! I can just play some classical music (mostly Mozart has been known to catch the ears of animals) and she falls asleep. Saves me a lot of trouble when I’m too tired to chase her around, haha.

                                • Rain
                                  547 posts Send Private Message

                                    Although, when I sing, it’s a different story. She literally runs away!

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                                Forum THE LOUNGE Does Your Bunny Like Music?