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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Cheap tunnel ideas?

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    • meow1
      322 posts Send Private Message

        Sunny is really mad because ever since we got him, he has been allowed to go under and behind all the furniture in the living room, until today.  The panels I ordered to block areas off finally came.  He wants back there SO bad.

        So, I’m thinking of getting him a tunnel.  Temporarily, I rolled up a posterboard to see if he’d like something like that, and he does, but it is not very long, and not flexible.  We have  a lot of that black corrugated stuff that people use for diverting water from gutters.  I brought a piece in, about 3-4 feet to see how he likes it, and he does, but I’m not sure if this is the best material. I found this on Fosters and Smith, but I’m not sure if it’s big enough to fit a growing bunny.  Would probably work now cause he’s still small.  Has anyone here used this?  And of course, there is the one that BinkyBunny sells.  I also read somewhere on here that someone boguht a cat tunnel from a dollar store, but I don’t know anything about it. Someone else used dryer ducting. I’m just looking for something safe, fun, but not too expensive!

      • jerseygirl
        22345 posts Send Private Message

          BB has the new flexible tunnel plus a triangular shaped one that’s solid. Lucy2bunz just posted about one they use, a cat tunnel from walmart $8. I sometimes bring out a piece of air conditioner ducting for mine but it does have plastic foil on it so I don’t leave it out permanently. For another solid form you can get concrete form tubes like this for $9.20:…html   Or you could join together a series of small boxes…

          If you used NIC panels for bunnyproofing and have some spare, you could create a tunnel out of them too, just drape fabric or something over the framework.

        • meow1
          322 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks for the ideas! Whatever I choose to use, it will be under supervision, and not permanent.

            I took a look again at the Tunnel Haven. Am I reading this correctly, that if you buy four it is cheaper than buying one? (for the product, not including shipping)

          • Elrohwen
            7318 posts Send Private Message

              You can also get concrete filling tunnels (I think that’s what they’re called?) at hardware stores. They’re basically cardboard tubes that that are used to form concrete and are generally a good size for bunnies.

            • meow1
              322 posts Send Private Message

                I ordered 2 tunnel havens. I like how they bend and can be put away nice and neat. I may try some other things some day, so thanks for all of the suggestions!!

              • BunnyHugger
                82 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m eventually going to get a Tunnel Haven, because I’d like to be able to make turns. It’s a very clever design.

                  In the meantime, I did what JerseyGirl and Elrohwen suggested. I bought a cardboard concrete form at the hardware store. It was 8′ long and cost $10. I had them cut it into 3 pieces, which I rearrange daily for Borys. He loves playing “Tunnel Bunny,” and will run through them in excitement when I enter his pen.

                  I also created a tunnel/warren in his cage. I turned it into a two BR by putting two boxes side by side, and cutting a hole in each so they connect. One has a hay nest where sleeps, and also eats. It contains the hay until he chews too much out of the side. Cardboard, thankfully, is free and replaceable.

                  He doesn’t seem to tire of hopping back and forth. His “spare bedroom” has another hole that backs onto the second door of his cage. So when I open both doors to his cage onto his exercise pen, he has a lot of fun running various patterns through the holes and over the tops of the two boxes. I made sure to use sturdy boxes with solid bottoms. The kind stores use to transport glassware and other heavy, fragile items. I flip them upside down. The roofs hold up even once Borys has chewed away two whole sides, and he also likes to sit on top.

                  His cage is a large size dog crate, which comes with doors on the sides and one end. Bunnies love circular patterns, and get pretty creative running in various directions.

                • WildRabbitsRock
                  96 posts Send Private Message

                    I use a super cheap dog tunnel. Spirit loves it When she stand up and puts her front paws on the side, it rolls and then when she does it again and it keeps rolling lol. It looks like she’s a giant hamster in a roll XD

                  • pixmix
                    34 posts Send Private Message

                      Anais has a leopard print crinkly cat tunnel. Bunnies like the crinkly sound. She really loves it, but man the first day she had it she gave me a heart attack. The cat tunnel had a little red ball dangling from a black string on the inside of it- I thought she’d find it amusing as she darted in and out of the tunnel. Well, I literally left her alone with the tunnel for 20 minutes (figured I was making her nervous as I loomed over her to go in the tunnel, so I let her explore it on her own) and when I got back… well, the little red ball was separated from the tunnel and the black string was GONE. I looked all over the room- the only thing I could figure was that Anais ate the string!

                      I was nervous all day and just made sure she kept eating tons of hay and drinking all of her water, hoping that it would push the string through her system. Well, in hindsight I don’t actually know if she ate the string or if I just couldn’t find it, but Anais showed no signs of being sick or losing energy so I think I dodged a bullet!

                      In other words, my advice is don’t get a tunnel that has dangly doodads on it! But crinkly, yes.

                    • Bam
                      16882 posts Send Private Message

                        Yes, the dangly ball on a string, Yohio ate that. It was more than a year ago so it’s not the reason for his current illness. Still not fun. Remove that before you give it to the bunny.


                        I also have cardboard tunnels for concrete casting, I’ve cut out a hole in the middle of them because bunnies often like a hole to stick their heads through. 

                      • pixmix
                        34 posts Send Private Message

                          Bam- believe me, I learned my lesson. Luckily Anais got through it just fine. But she’s going to make my hair grey early, I’m sure!

                        • pixmix
                          34 posts Send Private Message

                            Bam- believe me, I learned my lesson. Luckily Anais got through it just fine. But she’s going to make my hair grey early, I’m sure!

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                        Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Cheap tunnel ideas?