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Forum THE LOUNGE Am I Paranoid?

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    • Kyoshi
      234 posts Send Private Message

        Please inform me if I am not allowed to say this, I will edit it.

                    Am I insane? Ya guys know that thing, Kung Zhu, the thing from Zhu Zhu Pets? I want to know If I am going insane about this, because I’m worried about it. If you dont know what it is, it’s here in white font. Just highlight it.


        Zhu Zhu pets just came out with a product known as Kung Zhu, in which you take small robotic hamsters and figh them in an arena. Inside it, there are giant hammers, which crash down on the hamsters, and it comes with armor decorated with spikes.


        I am worried of it because it may start to make children believe it is ok to do that stuff with REAL hamsters. Why is this on binky bunny? Because as well as hamsters, they have raccoons, guinea pigs, and, you guessed it, bunnies. Am I paranoid? Or do others have the same concerns as me?

      • bunnymum16
        429 posts Send Private Message

          i know how you feel.i just hope parents would educate their kids about this.

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            I have no idea but this really belongs in the Lounge Section – I am going to move it there.

          • Kyoshi
            234 posts Send Private Message

              K that cool
              Go ahead

            • LoveChaCha
              6634 posts Send Private Message

                I don’t like how pets are fighting – so why should toy animals?

              • Kyoshi
                234 posts Send Private Message

                  I know right?

                • Beka27
                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                    My son has those. They’re just toys that move around a little track. I don’t really see it as any different than him make believe fighting his transformers or other action figures. And they are seriously the cutest things ever!

                    As far as this encouraging him to purchase and fight real hamsters… I’d have the intelligence to say “No Way!” and the ability to educate him about the importance of treating animals with respect.

                  • Kyoshi
                    234 posts Send Private Message

                      I have nothing against Zhu Zhu, they are ADORABLE! But I think that having a line of toys for fighting purposes isn’t a smart move

                    • Beka27
                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                        Maybe my son isn’t “doing it right” then, because he isn’t actually fighting them, they just move around the track and bump into each other. Regardless, I think they’re cute.

                      • LoveChaCha
                        6634 posts Send Private Message

                          I think that if parents are aware of what they give their kids and educate them that it is a toy, and should not happen to real animals, it should be okay..

                          Well.. my parents let me watch Rated R movies when I was young.. but I turned out okay Not all kids are like that though.

                          Then again, all that I had was legos, barbies, sailor moon toys, and nail polish as a kid. LOL

                        • Kyoshi
                          234 posts Send Private Message

                            LOL! I just am a bit worried about it, considering that some parents might not realize the importance of explaining the difference between toys and real animals.

                          • Barbie
                            1581 posts Send Private Message

                              I watched the ad for it and all I could think about was how similar the ad looked to footage of pitt bull fighting rings. I’m not a parent so i’ve never seen the toy “in action”, and Beka, please don’t think I’m attacking you or anyone who bought that toy for their kids – I don’t have a problem with it if the parents explain to their children the difference between the toy and using real animals to fight each other. My concern stems from the fact that if parent’s DON’T educate their children about what’s right and wrong and how they can and cannot treat animals (and let’s face it, there are some pretty lousy parents out there, unfortunately), that particular toy does nothing but groom children for an interest in dog fighting, bull baiting and the like. And that toy seems to about about hamster sized…. I have to wonder how many kids are going to try to put their live hamsters in there to see if they’ll fight….

                              Whatever happened to just building towers out of legos and playing house and tea party with fake food?!

                            • Beka27
                              16016 posts Send Private Message

                                I guess this goes much, much deeper than a toy. If these are the kinds of issues you’re having with your children, I’m thinking your kid was already headed for trouble before this toy ever came out. Fortunately, in my home, smaller animals have always been a part of my son’s life. I don’t think he’d ever dream of hurting the bunnies or anyone else’s animals. (Along these lines, I personally do not believe that violent video games causes violent behavior in children. I think the kids who exhibit that behavior would have behaved in a similar way regardless of what games they played. It gives parents an “easy out” so they do not have to face facts about their children, instead they can blame a game.)

                              • jerseygirl
                                22345 posts Send Private Message

                                  Kyoshi, if you feel strongly about this you should contact the company. I think it’s good that they get well rounded feedback. I’m not familiar with the toy so I wont comment on it. I do have concerns though with some of the marketing toward children that is around.


                                  Why is this on binky bunny?

                                  I take it was one of the banner ads in the forum section of the site? I think they are run thru google ads, so the site owner here only has so much control over what comes up. Members can alert her to ads that are not suitable for the site (mainly ones that would not be considered G rated) and she can stop them. I wouldn’t think the Zhu Zhu pet one is considered unsuitable but you may from time to time see ones that definately are unsuitable. There’s a little more on this in this thread:…fault.aspx

                                • Kyoshi
                                  234 posts Send Private Message

                                    I have to think that it CAN cause problems. If kids are given enjoyment from this, then they probably WILL seriously consider using live animals. Beka27, I would NEVER think you, or any member on binky bunny, or anyone related to them would EVER think of hurting a bunny, guinea pig, hamster, ect. And JerseyGirl, when I said that, i did not mean it was on binkybunny, i meant it as in “Why am I posting this thread on Binkybunny?” not as in “Why is this ad SHOWN on Binkybunny?” i hope that clears things up.

                                  • jerseygirl
                                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                                      Oops!  Sorry bout that.

                                    • Karla
                                      1624 posts Send Private Message

                                        I agree with JG. It is always a good idea to contact the company and let them know how you feel. Otherwise, how will they know?

                                        I don’t have kids, so I have no idea if such a game can influence them to be mean to animals, although I think Barbie has a good point. But I do know that at school we were taught that if people with certain tendencies watched certain movies, they were less likely to go out and do these things they watched, as their need was fulfilled through the movie. So perhaps it is better to have such a game?I don’t know.

                                        Some kids are really messed up, so I think they would hurt animals even if they didn’t have such a game. They get inspired to be mean from the people around them. A few months ago, we had a case here with a group of young boys who beat up a guinea pig and put it on fire while filming it on their mobile. One of the big national papers actually still have that film online, so you can watch the guinea pig scream…now that is something that will inspire others! Court ruled that they were not allowed near animals in the next 3 years. Not really a punishment if you don’t like animals? Anyways, my point was that there are tons of disguisting real movie clips out there for kids to watch and get inspired by. If they can settle with a game, then I’m happy!

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          I agree with Karla. Animal cruelty cases involving minors have a much deeper psychology behind them than playing such a game.

                                        • Kyoshi
                                          234 posts Send Private Message

                                            Oh Dear, Kara, that sounds AWFUL. I can’t even think of it. Just awile ago I was thinking of a story I heard about a guinea pig wo had been put in a microwave. Ick. As an animal enthusiest, I cant stand the idea of my dad boiling (thus killing) a couple crabs for dinner ( Just recentely happened. Had to leave the room), let alone a guinea pig being set on fire. Was the Guinea pig OK? (Well, I know the answer to that question.) Was the (possible, probably did happend) death shown on the tape?

                                          • Moonlight_Wolf
                                            1155 posts Send Private Message

                                              I can see why you are worried about this Kyoshi, but I personally think that for someone to be cruel to animals, they would have to have had the urge to be cruel. I don’t think a game would cause a perfectly fine child to go around fighting his animals, especially if his mom explained to him that he was fighting toys and should not do the same with real animals.
                                              I agree with beka that violent video games, or any other kind of game, do not cause violent behavior in children.

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                                          Forum THE LOUNGE Am I Paranoid?