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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE I MISSED EVERYONE! (Also, questions!)

Viewing 63 reply threads
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    • tanlover14
      3617 posts Send Private Message

        I wrote out this whole long post but when I was uploading pictures, the entire post deleted when the page went to an “Oops, something happened” page!  UGH.  Anyways, I will try and rewrite what I remember from my update on everything that has been happening w/ the buns & I.  

        As most of you know, my boyfriend of three years & I had split up in the beginning of July, which also meant the split of our bonded group of seven buns.  I kept five (Fleury, Sidney, Tanger – the Tans – Nora, and Tucker) and he kept two (Simba & Lacey).  Close to one of the last few days I posted on BinkyBunny was the day I had to officially split up the rabbits from their group & move out into my new apt.  That was easily one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.  The rabbits were all very confused & stressed.  I was bawling hysterically which probably did not help their nerves as one of my best friends tried to help me pack them up and leave.  All of my buns made out pretty well despite the stress and confusion but Lacey went into bouts of stasis on and off for days until finally her and Simba began to get closer to one another.  They are both now very tightly bonded as this was a huge adjustment for them both – going from six other friends to just each other.  My ex had gone on multiple vacations & work trips while we had been split up so I did get to see Simba & Lacey quite often as I took care of them while he was away.   

        After about two months of being split up, he realized he had made a mistake.  Long story short – we recently got back together about two weeks ago in which case I became the one who freaked out and hurt him very badly as well.  We hit rock bottom in our relationship and that night decided that we needed to figure out what we both wanted and make a final decision on where our relationship was going.  We decided that we both had been very hurt & were still hurt but we both had realized we needed each other in our lives and we want to spend the rest of our lives together if we could fix the problems we were having.  Despite it being in the “honeymoon” stage of being back together, we have really come to focus on one another and our feelings rather than not listening to one another.  Both of us have said that we feel like we love each other so much more despite everything that has happened between us.  There is still a lot of hurt we both have in our hearts but I feel we are both working together once to fix our problems rather than against each other.   So yes, we are back together!  I have not moved back in yet – we are taking our time and are not planning on moving back in together until after the middle of November.  We have a couple of trips scheduled together before then and we plan on just enjoying each other and working on our relationship & feelings to make sure this is definitely what we both want as our future.  This weekend I am meeting him in San Jose, CA for a business trip he is on!  At the end of October, he is going to Vegas for a business trip so I am meeting him there as well a few days in and then in the middle of November we planned a trip to Hawaii together for a week!   Once we come back we will make the official decision to move in together or wait longer.  

        So now onto the bunnies… they are currently split into 3 groups.  Nora & the Tans, Tucker is a single man, and Simba & Lacey are together.  When we move back in together, we have been throwing around different possibilities of what to do w/ the group.   Our options are:  

        1)  Leave Simba & Lacey together; bond Tucker w/ the Tans & Nora. 

        2)  Bond all seven together again. 

        3)  Bond Tucker w/ Simba & Lacey; leave Tans & Nora together. 

        4)  Bond Nora w/ Simba & Lacey (& Tucker?); leave Tans together (maybe bond Tucker?)

        We have been going back and forth mainly due to the Tans (okay… just Fleury & Tanger… poor Sidney is always getting lumped into a category w/ them!) poor litter habits.  Simba & Lacey currently now have access to the bed in my boyfriends condo while Tucker has access to the bed in my apt (Tucker is free roam in my bedroom).  None have accidents on the bed and seem to really be more engaged w/ us having access to the bed.  They love to spend their mornings up there bugging us for breakfast.  The Tans would definitely pee on the bed so allowing them access to the bed once I move back is not an option on the table.  We were contemplating keeping them as 2 groups so we could leave them w/ access to the bed while limiting the Tans from the bed as a separate group in the other half of the bedroom.  My reasoning for not bonding Tucker w/ Simba & Lacey was because Lacey was the aggressive one towards Tucker the entire time I was bonding him in w/ the group – which caused him to become way more skittish and nervous so I’m leaning away from bonding Lacey and Tucker together again.  We had considered the possibility of bonding Nora back w/ Lacey & Simba because she has excellent litter box habits as well BUT we were concerned about the stress of being separated and put w/ another group AGAIN.  I’m not sure I would be willing to risk her feeling stressed and upset by taking her away from the Tans who have become her support system through all of this.   So w/ all that being said – does anyone else have thoughts/ideas on the situation?  Positive/negative comments, anything really? 

        Next question – we have decided to redo the floor in the bedroom of the condo due to the Tans poor litter box habits.  Does anyone have anything they would recommend that is affordable but good at not becoming destroyed from rabbit urine?  Any ideas are welcome!  

        AND NOW THE BEST PART:  Pictures of my group while I was away!

        First picture is Simba & his crazy boy hairz – second picture is Tucker w/ daddy eating an apple!  Tucker became really aggressive towards my boyfriend & it took forever for me to figure out that he was being aggressive towards him only when he would come in the bedroom (which Tucker has apparently claimed as his territory).  He doesn’t mind me in there but I’m assuming this is because I’ve always been a variable in there from day one so he doesn’t seem me as a threat, maybe?  He actually bit my boyfriend bad enough to the point of almost needing stitches when he went in to feed him while I was gone for my birthday weekend! 


        Third picture is beautiful Lacey, of course.  And the fourth is all the Terrible Tans munching away! 



      • tanlover14
        3617 posts Send Private Message

          My previous post (and this one) keeps crashing whenever I upload photos so I’m doing them in smaller batches!  

          This next one is Tucker-Wuckers!   (Errrr, I mean MANNY?!)  And the following one is Simba & Lacey while I was bun-sitting them while he was away on vacation or business travel, I can’t remember which one.  


        • tanlover14
          3617 posts Send Private Message

            Next one is beautiful Nora girl hanging out on my lap; followed by Simber Bun snuggling w/ momma one of the times daddy was away also!  (Take note of the bunny ring! 


            Me and my Sweets in the next one!  She is such a great bunny!  Another one of Tucker follows! 


          • tanlover14
            3617 posts Send Private Message

              Okay, these are the last ones!  I promise! 

              First, we have Tanger destroying the $60 carrier I bought them that is one of the very few carriers that will hold everyone… thanks, Tang.   And then we have Tucker in his new bed that he LOVES! 


              And then last but not least…. we have Simba & Lacey again! 


              Now I feel bad because I have so few of the Tans!  But they’re so active, it’s hard to ever get good pictures of them that aren’t blurry!  I’ll have to work on that and post them in next months photo chat! 

            • LongEaredLions
              4482 posts Send Private Message

                OH TL! I missed you so much and your bunny buns!
                So glad you and your BF have decided that you want to continue your lives together. Sometimes fall-outs happen, but it makes me so happy that you are getting back up, dusting yourselves off, and trying to fix what is between you so you can both be happy. I hope the trips are enjoyable and good for you both.
                As far as the bunnies, I would love to see them all together again. However, in your situation, I know that may not be the best thing. Gosh, I have no idea….
                The tans should not be separated, correct?

              • LongEaredLions
                4482 posts Send Private Message

                  And all the photos…. SQUEEEEE!

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    Ummm TL – how many times do I have to tell you – his name is MANNY! Lol!

                    Honestly, as you know, I can’t comment on the bun’s, I have no idea! But I am a huge fan, especially since you got Manny and am genuinely interested in what you end up deciding on. I can’t imagine being in your position – before and now. I found it very distressing for you. Not that this would compare cause dog’s are different (?) but when the hubby and I broke up years ago I found myself in a simular position. Trying to decide who gets who and why…. just awful!

                    So, I thought I’d post on you and the BF. I am SO happy for YOU! I was literally sick reading about your break up months ago. Not including the bunnies, just YOUR break up. I could imagine how you were feeling and my heart broke for you. As I said above, I left my hubby (years and years ago) and as much as I had to do it, we weren’t good together and neither was prepared to compromise it was the most devastating time of my life. How do you leave someone you are desperately in love with? We ended up being the same, exactly how you described. We ended up talking on the phone for hours, dating, to spending weekends together while keeping our own places. We looked forward to seeing each other and not loathing each other. Even when we decided to live together again we still had our issues to the point where I often regretted us getting back together – thinking I may have been over the heartbreak by now? and maybe moved on (not with anyone else, just with life). But I can say it’s been about 8 years since then and in the last 4 we have become not so much husband and wife but great friends. We do everything together (except working on cars! Lol!), but yer, we talk about serious stuff and a lot of crap, we laugh, and include each other – never thought I’d see that day. I wish this for you. Not the crappy stuff in between, but the happily ever after. When you love someone that much, it shouldn’t be crappy all the time – it should be a pleasure, a joy.
                    Once you have all that worked out, the bun’s will pick up on your energy and will feel more at peace.
                    One of my dog’s slept on my pillow above my head while I was enduring my sad time, like she knew. When the hubby came back on the scene she was always close to me. The last few years… I barely see her, she’s a daddy’s girl. Lol!

                    Wishing you everything wonderful T/L – I really struggled through your distress.

                  • Bam
                    16901 posts Send Private Message

                      I too missed you, Tanlover. I’ve been thinking about how you might be doing during your absence. I hope you and the bf will work things out. Good relationships need a lot of work, honestly.

                      The bunny pics are GREAT. Tucker (Manny) in his new bed is just too adorable. He must feel related to it since they’re the same color =)

                    • jerseygirl
                      22345 posts Send Private Message

                        Welcome back! Also missed hearing from you. Lots of upheaval going on but glad to hear you’re taking it slow.
                        Sometimes couples need to be apart to figure out what they want.
                        It’s funny, my eldest sister was with her husband for 7 years before they got married. She said they broke up multiple times & feels like in doing that, they worked through a lot of stuff before marriage.

                        If either you or the BF have acess to counsellors through work, do consider going together. Might be helpful to have an objective, non emotional third party to talk with. You could think of them as a Bonder.

                        Wow! We got spoilt with pictures! So happy to see your fur babies again.
                        To your qu’s… Mmmm…
                        My feeling is just work out who goes with who after you’ve moved back together? Take your time. The buns might indicate their preferences.
                        One concern is Simba & Lacey given she had some stasis and Simba has a history. I’m leaning toward those 2 being left as a pair BUT you know your bunnies best. I can only go on what you’ve related here.
                        Once you’re back living together, they’re going to be aware of the others anyway. It’ll be interesting to see how those 2 react. Whether they’ll seek the others out or be more territorial about their own space.
                        I’m a “play it by ear” kinda girl so that’s what I’m advising. Lol

                        Flooring: K&K used rubber flooring in her former home. Provides good traction and washable. I’m not certain how easy it would be to mop but it would be very durable. Also don’t know about cost.
                        There’s always textured vinyl but it can get affected by urine stains. A scale develops where pee puddles have been, takes a bit of work to get it off. It really depends on quality if the vinyl. One of my rooms has old style linoleum that cleans up well enough. It has a bit of a gloss but also a textured pattern. It’s not ideal traction wise but does provide some. I use large cotton mats on it also.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                          eg. rubber flooring

                           photo image_zps4a1fe252.jpg

                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            That’s great that you got back together – relationships can be challenging for sure.

                            As for the buns, why don’t you just wait and see and kind of go with the flow when you get moved back in – there is no rush for you to make any kind of decision really at this point. It’s just more added stress that you don’t need :~)

                            Those garage floor mats sound interesting and worth looking into.

                          • JackRabbit
                            5451 posts Send Private Message

                              Glad to see you back! See, I told you, Jerry McGuire!

                              Lets see . . . Any way you could re-bond them so that they can all have play time, dinnertime, etc together but have the tans (and maybe Nora) have a separate “living” area? That way the tans can’t pee on the bed but the others still have free roam, and you get the best of both worlds? Until we did our bunny room, Marlee and Moshi had separate xl dog crates but came out for everything together and they did fine (never broke the bond) — it also gave Marlee a break from Moshi’s antics (sometimes a girl just needs a little “me” time!). My only other suggestion would be bunny diapers for the tans!

                              Flooring is always the big question. Rubberized flooring is a good idea. Unless you can get it in a room-sized sheet, you would need to make sure it can be put down in a way that urine couldn’t get in the seems. The emergency vet we took our dog to had rubberized flooring in the rooms and it was shaped like large puzzle pieces (much sturdier and harder than play mat puzzle pieces) and was slip resistant. No one around here carried it and shipping was pretty high and we wanted a wood look so we went with a floating luxury vinyl plank flooring when we did our bunny room. With Moshi being a digger, I went around with a quarter and tried to scratch the samples (with the store’s permission!) in deciding. The one we chose was environmentally friendly, no smell, some texture, snap together & waterproof (we tested it by letting water sit on the seem), and looks like real wood. Not real cheap though — we had 3 flooring stores “bidding” against one another and still spent a bit over $1000 for a 12×14 room plus closet, and my hubby installed it (that price included extra boxes since hubby had never done this before). We love it, but Marlee is just now considering tip toeing out onto it (we had to cover the bunnies’s area with fleece for her highness who seems to require plush flooring to please her!).

                            • jerseygirl
                              22345 posts Send Private Message

                                The vinyl plank flooring is so durable and looks good! We have it at work and it gets a lot of traffic.

                                it also gave Marlee a break from Moshi’s antics (sometimes a girl just needs a little “me” time!).

                                Haha. I’ve been doing this for Ailís lately. Rumball comes into living room with me and she gets some alone time. Or vice versa.

                                @Andi, I missed the whole Manny thing. I’ve seen the name referred to enough to figure it was many BB-ers preference? Maybe if TL knew what Tucker means here she might change it to Manny for you?
                                Though I have to say, Tucker is a cute name for him.

                              • LBJ10
                                16943 posts Send Private Message

                                  There’s my sweet little Manny! Aww!
                                  So glad things are looking up for you TL! Perhaps all you guys really needed was a little break from each other so you both could get some perspective. And Hawaii?! I seriously want to go back some day!

                                  I don’t have a ton to time to post at the moment, so I will come back later.

                                • JackRabbit
                                  5451 posts Send Private Message

                                    Jersey – since you like the name Tucker (which therefore would have put you on team Tucker), I guess that makes it my responsibility to tell you that, when it comes to Tucker vs Manny, you don’t even want to go there! LOL! Someone who shall not be named (hint – AH) suggested the name Manny for TL’s new bunny. TL and her bf came up with the handsome and fitting name Tucker. Well, to make a long story short, we divided into teams (team Tucker and team Manny) in naming OUR new bunny! Compromises were offered, but she who shall not be named is very stubborn and competitive (and I love her to death all the same!)! So, there are still some BBers (poor souls) from team Manny who still insist on referring to Tucker as “Manny”. TL absolutely knows about all of this, and even started calling him Mucker as a compromise! We did get a little carried away and tormented TL (I believe we were down to letting Tucker choose his name by which fruit he preferred and each team chose their own fruit!) but it was all in fun! Poor TL! So any time you see a new member start a thread asking for help naming a new bunny, RUN as fast as you can!

                                  • Stickerbunny
                                    4128 posts Send Private Message

                                      TL – Welcome back ! I am glad you two got back together.

                                      No idea about the bonding, but a nice cheap waterproof flooring option is some bathroom / kitchen style linoleum (make sure it says waterproof!) fitted properly it doesn’t have edges that the buns could grab to chew and it’s waterproof, so just have to wipe urine off it (I am lazy, so I use swiffer mops with a microfiber towel I cut to size for our bathroom/kitchen). Vinyl doesn’t stain like plastic does and it doesn’t absorb like wood or carpeting. A vinyl backed throw rug (they sell them for like $20 at walmart for huge ones, two would do a smaller bedroom, four for a large) over it can stop the slip&slide or lava issues and the vinyl backing of them makes them leak-proof, you can just take them out and hose them off outside and let them dry in the sun. Mine have horrid litter habits as well and I use the vinyl backed throw rug on my hardwood to protect it, it works, but some gets over the edges so next house I am going to put down the linoleum under them for the corner leakage. I didn’t realize how bad it would be on the floors before it was too late, so the wood is already ruined, no point throwing the linoleum over at this point.

                                      I would avoid tiles and go for one large piece of flooring, so are no gaps for urine to slip between. You certainly don’t want anything that has to be grouted, that stuff is a PAIN to clean urine out of.

                                    • Sindri
                                      1515 posts Send Private Message

                                        Welcome back. I am glad to hear things between you and your boyfriend have improved and things are looking up.

                                        I have to agree with Stickerbunny about the grout. My dogs sometimes have to use piddle pads but when they do sometimes they have missed and even though I sealed my grout it has discolored it. No matter how I clean it or with what it still stained from their urine. I just got done trying to make a flooring decision myself for our bunny room and I ended up just getting a low pile carpet cut from Home Depot. They have rolls of vinyl too. You could get the textured vinyl they sell it looks like wood. Then you could get some of those $20 rugs that they sell as Wal Mart. They are by Mainstay. I think they are 5×8. I was going to do that myself but husband said lets just get carpet if it gets all stained up we can just get more. We got a 12×13 room size carpet cut it was like $51 if I remember right. We left the carpet tacks that were there with our previous flooring and tucked the carpet under the baseboards. I went around the room where the carpet tacks were and hammered the carpet in place, not sure if it helped.

                                        I wish I had some ideas of what to do about the rabbits but I don’t have any advice being I have only bonded my 2 rabbits and that was really hard.

                                        Anyways we are all glad you are doing good and its great to hear from you and see all the lovely pics of the bunnies!

                                      • Hazel
                                        2587 posts Send Private Message

                                          Welcome back tanlover!! We missed you and your wonderful bunnies! (I’m sure Tanger didn’t mean to destroy the carrier, you know he wouldn’t do that deliberately…)

                                          I’m sorry you had to go through this whole mess but I’m glad you an the boyfriend are working things out! I wish you guys all the best!

                                          Loved all the pictures too, you have such a great bunch of bunnies!

                                        • JackRabbit
                                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                                            Soon after you got Tucker, he had some health concerns (weight loss, bloodwork issues). Is that all resolved now? He looks great!

                                          • LBJ10
                                            16943 posts Send Private Message

                                              Yes, Manny does look great!

                                            • litheandgraphic
                                              608 posts Send Private Message

                                                Your bunnies are SO GORGEOUS!!!

                                                Welcome back! I wasn’t here before, as I’m a newbie, but hello! I also can’t help you with your bonding questions as I only have the one rabbit. 

                                                BUT WELCOME BACK!

                                              • manic_muncher
                                                1061 posts Send Private Message

                                                  I’ve been thinking of you TL!! I’m so glad to hear your good news. Glad to see you back!

                                                • Deleted User
                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Ummm Jersey (you started this! LOL!) take note of my avatar (I noticed your siggy!)….. Ha ha ha ha!

                                                    Now, lets get the story straight – TL was trying to think of a name for ‘Manny’ and while doing so referred to him as her ‘little man’, how I came up with the suggestion of Manny. TL liked it but the BF didn’t (and you wonder why I don’t like BOYS! Ha ha ha!). So that’s how Manny got the title of Tucker.
                                                    Well, quite a few of us BBer’s (and not that I want to throw around any big names like a couple of F/Ler’s – LBJ & LEL!) weren’t happy with naming OUR bunny this. So the polite disagreement (HUGE nasty argument) began.

                                                    I can see who’s side you’ve taken Jersey….. not happy JR! (I love you too – but NOT happy!) LOL!

                                                    PS – I didn’t have the heart to tell anyone what ‘Tucker’ means in Aussie language??? Ha ha ha ha…….
                                                    Maybe I should have? Doh! Lol!

                                                  • BrunosMama
                                                    1485 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Ok, now I HAVE to know AH- what does Tucker mean in Aussie?

                                                    • JackRabbit
                                                      5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                        AH — You did not pull the avatar move!! (tuckertuckertucker)

                                                        See Jersey, I told you someone was stubborn!!

                                                        OK AH, now I have to know what it means in Aussie ….. (you know that th e curiosity will drive me crazy!)

                                                      • Deleted User
                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Did any of you notice Jersey’s new siggy???

                                                          Serious…. do you really want to know what Tucker means in Aussie??? You won’t like it….

                                                        • JackRabbit
                                                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I LOVE JERSEY’S SIGGY!!!!!

                                                          • LBJ10
                                                            16943 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Tell us Andi! It’s okay, his name isn’t Tucker anyway. TL knows his TRUE name is Manny.

                                                            • JackRabbit
                                                              5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                My post disappeared . . . I looked it up in my handy dandy Aussies dictionary . . . . It means he *likes* food and not that he is food! Besides, Manny is an old dude who sells tires! We simply cannot put our bunny to work selling tires.

                                                              • Deleted User
                                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Tucker means dinner! Some examples in Aussie language include….

                                                                  I’m eating my tucker…
                                                                  What’s for tucker….
                                                                  My tucker was really yummy….
                                                                  What do you have for tucker….

                                                                  Tucker means a meal, food – lunch/dinner.

                                                                  Good thing his name IS Manny, otherwise, that would be one really worried bunny!

                                                                  Edit to ADD – Tucker doesn’t mean you like food, Tucker is the food! Don’t believe me??? Ask Jersey and Roberta. Ever heard the saying tucker box? We call them lunch boxes now, be we used to refer to them as tucker boxes…..

                                                                • LBJ10
                                                                  16943 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    No, Manny is a man who swims with alligators. That sounds like a very brave bunny. And I know Manny is! =D

                                                                    Andi – Yep, it’s a good thing!

                                                                  • Deleted User
                                                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      My oath! I pulled the ‘avatar’ card! That’ll teach Jersey!

                                                                      Ha ha ha ha……

                                                                    • JackRabbit
                                                                      5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I can play that game . . .

                                                                        What’s that toy? Is it for Tucker …

                                                                        My Tucker’s kisses are are so yummy .

                                                                        What do you have for Tucker . . A new willow ring! . . .

                                                                        Is that meal/food for Tucker?

                                                                        Manny, I need a new set of tires . . .

                                                                        Now tell me which is a better name for our bunny!

                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Hey, I appreciate a good safe tyre! Just like swimming with alligator’s, Manny may save my life one day with a good set of safe tyres on my car!

                                                                          I’d go a Manny any day over a Tucker……. and remember Manny really means ‘little man’!


                                                                        • JackRabbit
                                                                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            I doubt seriously that TL will ever let him drive, and I’m confident that she’ll never let him swim with alligators. However, it is not uncommon for people to be named after food or related . . . Apple (Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter), Candy (short for Candace), Meatloaf (we all know who he is), Bread (band), Ice T (rapper and actor who apparently couldn’t spell – should be Iced Tea!), etc, etc. Oh, and Henry (short for O’Henry, a candy bar)!

                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Hey!!! When my son Denny went to America last Chrissy, I didn’t (LUCKILY) expect a souvenir, but I was DESPERATE for him to have his picture taken under a Denny’s restaurant sign! Do you know my disappointment when he didn’t??? He promised when he visit’s next that he will!
                                                                              That will be a picture I will frame and put on my wall! How cool to have Den’s picture taken with his name above him in lights!

                                                                              And for FREE!!!

                                                                              PS – I never heard of Denny’s restaurants till about 10 years ago…. so NO! I didn’t name him after a restaurant. I actually thought I was being original till then…. bugga!

                                                                            • Deleted User
                                                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                PS – and I KNOW who Meatloaf is!!! Just like you do JR, ha ha ha! And I still watch Ice T in Law and Order SVU (that’s the ice T your talking about??? Ooops if your not – how stupid will I look???) LOL!

                                                                                And no no no no! Henry was named after an Octopus (Wiggle’s)! Ha ha ha ha…….

                                                                              • LBJ10
                                                                                16943 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  Wasn’t he being sued by Conan? Haha, nah, Conan probably laughed it off.

                                                                                • tanlover14
                                                                                  3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    YOU ALL ARE HYSTERICAL. Also, I hate to break it to you….but no one calls him Tucker OR Manny anymore. We call him Wuck Wucks, LMAO. No idea how that stuck…. but it did! I mean… his official name we can still argue over… but he comes barreling if you yell Wuck Wucks or Wuckers! Tucker means dinner…. lmao, my boyfriend will get a kick out of that one…

                                                                                    LEL, no separating the Tans for sure! They are the bunch I refuse to separate!

                                                                                    AndHenry, thank you for all the kind words and encouragement! We are really trying and so far it’s going great so that’s what I keep telling myself… maybe this was for the best. Gotta get through the rain before you can see the rainbow kind of thing?

                                                                                    Bam, he LOVES it! I sometimes don’t even see him there!

                                                                                    Jersey, thank you! Yes, I think maybe play it by ear may be a good way to go. I have a whole month and a half at the very least to consider different options. I like the rubber flooring idea, wonder if I could get the boyfriend on board w/ that. Even if we only used it in the Tans area (?)…. Hmmm, I am using a textured vinyl for them right now that I put down on slabs of board, so they have their own flooring but the urine has been going through the seams, good thing I’m moving back soon! I’ve been vinegaring the heck out of it and so far it hasn’t stained the hardwood underneath or created a smell but the “flooring” in their area definitely won’t last a long time which is why I was a little concerned about using vinyl tiles. Not sure how it would work though as an actual floor since mine is just tiles that I put down myself on a board.

                                                                                    Sarita, thank you so much! Relationships can DEFINITELY be challenging but I guess it’s all about finding the one worth the challenge! Garage floor mats, now you may be onto something! Adding that to my list of items to check out…

                                                                                    LBJ, I missed your posts! You’re always so vocal and I’m not losing it I don’t think – did you BECOME A FORUM LEADER?!?!? CONGRATS!

                                                                                    Stickerbunny, I had the same concern with the tiling! Since it’s happened on my flooring I currently have the Tans on now! DANG, I wish they would work on their litter habits but it’s been 2 years… no idea why I’m still trying!

                                                                                    Sindronia, thank you! I’m going to add the grout thing to my list just in case the boyfriend had any ideas concerning that. Better to be safe than sorry!

                                                                                    Hazel, thank you! I missed seeing pics of your crazy ferret (his name is slipping my mind!)! Has he injured himself lately again??? *Fingers crossed no!*

                                                                                    Thank you, FLR! Your Dutchie is the cutest!

                                                                                    Manic_Muncher, thank you as well!

                                                                                    Now for Muckers health issues. So I believe we left off w/ him doing antibiotics… To map it out it’s gone like this:
                                                                                    – Tucker had blood taken due to loss of weight and his liver enzymes (ALT) were at 176 and should have been at less than 50.
                                                                                    – 2 weeks of Baytril & up’ed pellets to 1/2 cup a day.
                                                                                    – Retested liver enzymes and his count was 110.
                                                                                    – 2 more weeks of Baytril, continued pellet amt.
                                                                                    – Retested liver enzymes and his count had gone up to 126.

                                                                                    At this point, we have discussed the many options… We could let it go 6 months and retest. We could do an ultrasound and go from there. OR we could take the rest of his liver enzyme levels in the hopes that *maybe* this is just the normal liver count for him. My concern has been the weight loss. He has needed a pretty consistent 1/2 daily cup of pellets (which seems like so much for his size!) or he begins losing weight again. We finally made the decision to wait out the 6 months and retest in December to see what his levels are then. Getting blood out of him was becoming very difficult so my vet was pushing more towards, let’s wait this out for a bit and see if there’s a change while also giving his veins a break – his veins were all ‘rerouting’ was the term she used so it was becoming near impossible to get blood out of either of his back legs. 2 nights ago, I kind of thought he was looking a little heftier though so we weighed him and his weight is now 3.8. His starting weight at the humane society was 3.4, when I noticed the weight loss he was 2.7. My vet said she would continue to feed him the increased amt for awhile as long as it’s not creating any GI issues and he doesn’t gain TOO much weight. So *hopefully* this means MAYBE his levels are leveling out. We will know more about how to proceed in December when the next round of test results comes back though! Sooooo to be continued….

                                                                                  • Deleted User
                                                                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Well….. didn’t TL put an end to that fun!

                                                                                      Wucker’s? What were you thinking???

                                                                                      tsk tsk tsk…… (is that how you spell it???) ha ha ha!

                                                                                      Soooo, I take it the war is over….. sigh.
                                                                                      Going back to JR’s thread – how many BB member’s can we fit in Roberta’s bath tub???


                                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                        And you KNOW I’m joking TL??? You better!
                                                                                        Have a wonderful time away – YOU deserve it!

                                                                                      • jerseygirl
                                                                                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                          Oh Andi, I was just razzing you. :p I’m not really taking sides.
                                                                                          I was thinking today id put a Lindt bunny as my siggy. ie. Its Swiss and Switzerland is neutral.

                                                                                          Turns out…Wucker Stuck!

                                                                                          TL, what’s going in with those enzymes?! How frustrating. : (
                                                                                          I just had bloods done for Rumball (who looks pretty similar to Wucky btw) and his were slightly elevated. I’m still waiting on getting the printout so I can look at things myself. Ill be interested if he’s somewhere around 50.
                                                                                          With the blood already been taken, could they run the EC test anyway? Or your vet not have much faith in it?
                                                                                          Did he have any stasis around time bloods were taken? I do remember reading that their liver enzymes rise then.

                                                                                        • LBJ10
                                                                                          16943 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                            NEVER SAY NEVER!!! GO TEAM MANNY!!!

                                                                                            Why yes TL, so nice of you to notice. =p

                                                                                            LOL, I’m kidding. Yes, I was promoted a little while ago. Apparently someone thought I was super spiffy.
                                                                                            Poor Manny, Sometimes vets will offer to do the wait and see approach if the bunny doesn’t seem to be in immediate danger and “endless” testing seems to be causing too much stress.

                                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                              OH Jersey – I know!!! And I ‘loved’ it! When I saw your siggy, I literally cracked up (ask my hubby) – it was the funniest thing ever on BB! And a few of us had so much fun with it, I wasn’t the only one to change my avatar – we all appreciated and enjoyed the fun we stretched out of this, thank you! And I know TL loved the fun we are having with Manny’s name – he’ll always be forever known, how cool is that. And you know me Kate, I love a good razzing! And trust you to pull a Switzerland! Ha ha ha ha!!! Gosh your good! (Love it!).

                                                                                            • justwildbeat
                                                                                              257 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                First off I’m happy to hear that how everything is working out for you. I enjoy travelling with my bf, it’s a good way to get away from everything and focus on each other. Sorry that I don’t have any suggestion on flooring or anything lol. Lastly I love how silky and fluffy Simba and Lacey’s coats are. I bet Fabio would be jealous of them lol.

                                                                                              • MissGabbster
                                                                                                718 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                  I’m so glad that the bunnies are doing well! It’s really great that you’re working things out with the BF, it sounded like you had a lot of history together so it would be a shame to let that all go. I’m so jealous of all the trips you’ll be going on!! It sounds like a ton of fun! ~WUCK WUCKS~ I love it!!!! He’s going to be Sir Wucky Boo to me now.

                                                                                                  TEAM WUCK WUCKS

                                                                                                • tanlover14
                                                                                                  3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                    LMAO, I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE WUCK WUCKS MISSGABB!

                                                                                                    I have no idea how that one stuck…. but it did! When we picked him up from the bunny sitters today Aaron yelled WUCKERS! & I knew it REALLY REALLY has stuck now… LOL. Oops!

                                                                                                    Thank you so much, justwildbeat! We do have a lot of history – LOTS of history. Despite only dating three years, we have been through a ton together. He lost his mom and brother, we went through a miscarriage together, I battled depression and getting over a lot of baggage from my mom and stepdad and years of abuse as well as making the hard decision to cut my mom out of my life forever. We have been through an incredible amount together. Which is why when we broke up, it was incredibly hard. He’s always been a great boyfriend to me – even when we fought or didn’t see eye to eye. And I’ve always felt like I’ve been a good girlfriend to him as well – making dinner, taking care of things around the house. I think we just got to that point where you stop appreciating the little things they do, so when we broke up, I think we both had to realize how much we really took each other for granted (on both sides!). But the hard part for me was I had asked him a ton of times if this is really what he wanted & whether he was sure… so I really had to force myself to move on. So when he told me he made a huge mistake, I was pretty angry and hurt and confused. But we have seemed to have worked through a lot of the issues and are understanding each other a lot better

                                                                                                    We had a GREAT time in San Joses! I’m cleaning my apt and trying to get some things done before bed so I’ll pop in a little later & post some of the pictures – we also went to this really nice restaurant in San Francisco!

                                                                                                  • LBJ10
                                                                                                    16943 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                      That’s what I meant earlier about getting some perspective. I know it hurt, but perhaps your separation was what you two really needed. It gave you enough time to realize how much was being taken for granted (on both sides) and how much you two really mean to each other.

                                                                                                    • JackRabbit
                                                                                                      5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                        Glad you had a great time on your trip!

                                                                                                        So have we all agreed on Wuck Wucks being the clear winner here and Team Wuck Wucks (formerly Team Tucker) being the grand champion (so that I can change my avatar location to something else to torment AH with?!)?

                                                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                          Go for it JR! Hey, have you seen Jersey’s NEW siggy??? Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

                                                                                                        • JackRabbit
                                                                                                          5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                            Yeah, saw it a earlier (she changed it after I was so nice and praised her previous one). I’m taking my time on the avatar change and when you Aussie’s least expect it (except for sweet bathtub sharing Roberta) . . He he he (said in really evil tone)!

                                                                                                          • LBJ10
                                                                                                            16943 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                            • JackRabbit
                                                                                                              5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                There always has to be one diehard. I’m surprised LBJ, I did not expect you to be “THE ONE”! Bet you’ll never guess who I expected it to be . . .!

                                                                                                              • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                  There always has to be one diehard. I’m surprised LBJ, I did not expect you to be “THE ONE”! Bet you’ll never guess who I expected it to be . . .!

                                                                                                                • Deleted User
                                                                                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                    You may ‘think’ you won the battle JR, but us Manny supporter’s (there’s still at least *5 of us! Lol!) know, and will always know his real name is MANNY!
                                                                                                                    Wuck Wucks/Wucker is just his knick name…..

                                                                                                                    * Edit – I reckon bunnytowne is still with us!

                                                                                                                  • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                    5451 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                      OK, 5 diehards … .

                                                                                                                    • LBJ10
                                                                                                                      16943 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                        Go team Manny! Go team Manny! Go team Manny!

                                                                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                                        • JackRabbit
                                                                                                                          5451 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                              Sorry! I had to do an edit to add the ‘poking out the tongue’……
                                                                                                                              I wasn’t quick enough!  LOL!

                                                                                                                            • Hazel
                                                                                                                              2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                Posted By tanlover14 on 10/02/2014 2:57 AM

                                                                                                                                Hazel, thank you! I missed seeing pics of your crazy ferret (his name is slipping my mind!)! Has he injured himself lately again??? *Fingers crossed no!*

                                                                                                                                Bubbles is doing great, thanks for asking! His leg healed up perfectly, although now I’m thinking it might have been a fracture after all, because it took at least 2 months to heal. He hasn’t hurt himself since, but not for lack of trying! I’ve covered the legs of our cat tree with cardboard so he can’t get up there anymore but now he has started to climb his NIC cage. I’m waiting on an Amazon order so I have enough cardboard to fix this problem. You can never have too much cardboard…

                                                                                                                                I’m glad you had a nice time on your trip! And I hope Wuckers’ test results in December will be good news! By the way, I LOVE the name Wuckers! Of course I was on Team Tucker to begin with, so I guess the transition to Wuckers is easier for me than for Team Manny!

                                                                                                                              • Deleted User
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                                                                                                                                • Hazel
                                                                                                                                  2587 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                                                                    Sorry AndHenry! How about this: once I get us that snuggle bunny you can call him Manny (at least when he’s at your house…)!

                                                                                                                                  • Deleted User
                                                                                                                                    22064 posts Send Private Message


                                                                                                                                       ha ha ha ha!

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                                                                                                                                  Forum THE LOUNGE I MISSED EVERYONE! (Also, questions!)