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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A bladder sludge. :(

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    • Luna Rose
      116 posts Send Private Message

        So my bunny apparently has bladder sludge. I thought it at was weird that there was more white appearing in her cage from her pee but thought it was normal so didn’t pay attention to it any more. Well she peed last night on my blanket. First I thought it was diarrhea but checked her bum. It was pee. It was a pastie brown color and I knew it was sludge. I looked this morning at what it looked like dried. It hasn’t dried. It’s still wet on the blanket but is white now. I don’t have a washer and dryer in my apartment or else I would have thrown it in the wash right away but it was 1am so I am washing it today when I get home.

        I am already taking her in Tuesday to get her teeth filed down. I was gonna bring her last Tuesday for that but things happened and I couldn’t.

        How long can a bunny have sludge untreated before it starts to really harm them? I have 300 dollars I can use. I can use 350 if need be. But is the only way to treat this is by flushing her bladder out? He might not be able to do the procedure Tuesday and if he cannot is it okay to wait til a week from Tuesday to get her in? I ask because the vet doesn’t work wed and he is the cheapest for me to go to. And the other days other than tuesday I work. I can try to switch shifts if need be.

        What can I do in the meantime to get rid of the sludge? She won’t eat veggies. Could be because of her dental issues. I thought she was doing so much better but here she is with sludge. She has probably had it for a week now. That’s when I first noticed the white in her bedding from her pee but thought it was normal but I was seeing it more than normal.

      • Luna Rose
        116 posts Send Private Message

          I get paid again on the 8th.. I will probably have 600 dollars then that I can use for her. Right now I have 300 and could bring it up to 350 if need be.

          If I cannot afford to get the sludge taken care of til around the 12th of January, will that be bad? Or would she still be okay by then?

          Having anxiety. Hopefully 300 is enough. To spay her at that vet is 270 so you would think they could flush her bladder for that much. But then they will probably need to do xrays to see the sludge? And if I have to do xrays then I cannot afford to do the bladder thing if it costs more than 150. Not until I get paid again. She had an xray in November but she was good then. But obviously not any more. What do I do? I am stressed.

        • Sr. Melangell
          1708 posts Send Private Message

            This happened to Olly when he came here on his first night, I was advised to give him cabbage, but if your bun bun won’t eat veg is she drinking? Is it from a bowl or bottle?

          • MoxieMeadows
            5375 posts Send Private Message

              Cabbage isn’t advised for sensitive stomached buns, because cabbage can cause gas.
              How old is she?
              What is her diet like? It should consist of PLENTY of water, hay and greens, and some pellets. Try and make sure she drinks plenty of water.

              You can call and get a price quote from your vet.

            • Sr. Melangell
              1708 posts Send Private Message

                Some buns prefer a bowl of water, so if you want to try and flush her out, you could try a water bowl instead of a bottle, she might be interested in it and drink a lot, it may flush some out but remember to tell the vet, I’m just going by experience here with Olly and 2 other rabbits I had with that problem.

              • Luna Rose
                116 posts Send Private Message

                  She drinks from a water bottle. She is having dental issues and they are gonna be ground down with that special tool they use.

                  She eats pellets. Which has been her main diet. Reason being is because the people who had her before never have her hay so she didn’t know what it was. She eats more now but not a normal amount. I will sprinkle this dried bunny salad on top of it so she eats it. Lately she was having stomach issues and had a low appetite so I was trying to feed her anything I could so she still ate. So could the sludge be from this? And can it go away on its own if I change her diet? Unfortunately I have given her bananas a couple days this week because of it being Christmas and all. And then when she had the tummy issue I put a whole bunch of alfalfa in her cage so she would eat it because she likes that a lot and at that point I wanted to get her to eat anything. As long as she ate.

                  She use to eat more veggies but doesn’t like them any more and won’t eat them. Not even carrots. so maybe it’s dental related.

                  Will she be okay?

                  Can sludge go away on its own?

                  If not, if I need to wait, would she be okay til Jan 12th if I have to wait that long to be able to cover all of it?

                  Someone hurt me today and told me I may have to put her to sleep because she’s too expensive. I was mad. She is my pet and my obligation. You wouldn’t put down a kid for being sick. You wouldn’t kill a human for being sick. I love her. She is not a ‘pet’. She is my friend. My family. stupid people. You shouldn’t have a pet if you aren’t willing to do what needs to be done when it comes to caring for it. I hate people who are like this. Hurts a lot when people are so mean about it.

                • Luna Rose
                  116 posts Send Private Message

                    Should I add some juice to her water? I have let her occasionally drink some Apple juice. But just a tiny amount and she liked it. Do I need to get her some Pedialyte? And I will try the bowl.

                    So it is possible to flush out sludge on your own?

                    You guys are the best on here. It’s just nice to talk to people who actually care about animals and their pets too. I hardly know anyone in person who does. pretty sad.

                  • Sr. Melangell
                    1708 posts Send Private Message

                      I would say just water because there is a lot of sugar in apple juice, Olly had sludge it cleared after a lot of water and greens, how old is bunny? Because Olly was 2 years old when I got him and he had Alfa hay, the vet said he needed Timothy hay, sludge is a build up of calcium, is there a lot of calcium in her food? To make her want to drink a lot of water she needs a lot of exercise so she will be thirsty, I’m in the UK and never heard of pedialyte, it is best to check with a vet before giving a rabbit any meds, also whoever said to put her down is stupid, no vet will put a rabbit down that can be saved, maybe bunny is too old for Alfa foods and it maybe the cause, how old is she?

                    • Luna Rose
                      116 posts Send Private Message

                        She is one year and 4 months old. The vet said it was okay to out a handful of alfalfa hay on top of the Timothy so she would eat it but recently I put a whole bunch in her cage and she ate it all and this was before I saw any sludge symptoms so maybe this is the cause. I put a lot of alfalfa in there on it because she was having GI issues. And I was trying to get her to eat anything that she would eat because I felt she wasn’t eating much at all. so I feel this created the sludge issue. :'( which sucks.

                        So there is a way to get the sludge to clear on its own?

                        She may be not eating veggies any more because of her teeth issues. Which will be getting taken care of.

                        And Pedialyte is just stuff you can give to animals and children to keep them hydrated.

                      • Sr. Melangell
                        1708 posts Send Private Message

                          Sometimes it can go, sometimes it can’t, it depends how bad it is, Olly had GSI he nearly died, I was trying to feed him everything he usually ate, but the Pedialyte I just wouldn’t, if any animal I have had doesn’t drink its a vet job, better to be safe than sorry, I don’t know anything about the re hydration stuff, can you call a vet and ask?

                        • Luna Rose
                          116 posts Send Private Message

                            Yeah. I will call the er vet tonight and ask their opinion and then call the normal vet Monday. I tried to call today but they were closed since yesterday was Christmas.

                          • Sr. Melangell
                            1708 posts Send Private Message

                              It all happens when they are closed, hope to hear good news soon.

                            • Luna Rose
                              116 posts Send Private Message

                                Thank you so much.

                                This sucks too and I hope it won’t be too much because I was planning on getting her spayed in a couple weeks but Can not do that for a while if she has to have a costly procedure.

                                That sludge stuff is so gross. I swear I thought it was diarrhea. But no. It looked like it. Poor girl. Is it painful for them to go through this?

                              • Sr. Melangell
                                1708 posts Send Private Message

                                  Olly pulled a face when he was using his corner when he had this so I think it hurt, he’s not had it since, yeah its messy, like custard.

                                • vanessa
                                  2212 posts Send Private Message

                                    I’d look around for a less costly spay procedure… I had mine done for 75/girl, and 50/boy, at a low-cost spay clinic. My vet would have charged 450.

                                  • Luna Rose
                                    116 posts Send Private Message

                                      Holy crap!!!!! Th at is so much.

                                    • Sr. Melangell
                                      1708 posts Send Private Message

                                        That’s about £400 in our money, some animal welfare places do it cheaper in the UK but not sure about where you are, can you save some money somewhere towards her spay and get her better first? It is important to get her spayed, luckily Olly was neutered when I got him, if he wasn’t neutered and was ill, I would sort that out first and not worry about the neutering until he was well again.

                                      • Luna Rose
                                        116 posts Send Private Message

                                          Yes don’t worry, I won’t get her spayed til she is better. her health comes first before that. thank you.

                                          Hey so this morning she jumped up on the couch to see me. Well I got up for a couple minutes and she peed on the couch when I was gone. I came back. So… the pee was normal again… except normally it takes a while for the white part to show up in the middle of the pee but this time it showed up literally RIGHT after she peed. However the rest of the peer wasn’t pastie like before. It was just normal pee. So does this mean she is getting better on her own???????

                                          If so this is amazing. Whenever something is wrong with her I always pray to Saint Francis and he always answers my prayers and she has always been okay and gotten better. I prayed to him yesterday that the sludge would go away… So I am kind of shocked if this means its starting to go away.

                                        • Sr. Melangell
                                          1708 posts Send Private Message

                                            Prayer can help in a lot of cases, make sure she has plenty of water, mention it all on the day you see the vet, talk to the vet about if she should have Alfa or Timothy hay and check and see how much calcium is in her food.

                                          • Luna Rose
                                            116 posts Send Private Message

                                              Okay thAnk you. I will be calling the vet in the morning. And her appointment is Tuesday.

                                              To you, does that sound like it’s starting to go away?

                                            • Sr. Melangell
                                              1708 posts Send Private Message

                                                Well it could be, but its the same as for us, it clears and may come back, I hope it doesn’t, good luck with it all, I hope to hear good news soon.

                                              • Luna Rose
                                                116 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Sorry I am now just replying. Before new years I took Luna in and she didn’t have sludge but he said to watch her diet. So no sludge. However the xray showed her back teeth and they need to be done asap or she won’t be able to eat anymore. So I am taking her to wsu to the vet teaching school and I got a ride!!!!! Yay.

                                                • Luna Rose
                                                  116 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I was having a really hard time finding a ride and I don’t drive but I found a girl who has rescued many bunnies and is invoked witH a bunny sanctuary in my town and she is bringing me. Yay

                                                  • Bam
                                                    16889 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I’m so happy to hear that you’ve found a person like that to take you. I’ve been thinking about you and Luna. ((((((Luna))))) and hugs for you!

                                                    • Luna Rose
                                                      116 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Thank you so much bam!!!

                                                        I am glad I am taking her Monday morning.

                                                        Luna was just eating a banana and she took some bites but licked it mostly. Is this a sign that it’s already getting harder for her to eat? She is still eating normal. She has hard treats I give her and she eats and then she still eats her pellets and those are hard so maybe the banana thing means nothing. Idk

                                                      • Luna Rose
                                                        116 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Hope you are doing well bam.

                                                        • Bam
                                                          16889 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I don’t think you can draw much of a conclusion from a bunny just licking her piece of banana, you’ll have to keep watching her. It’s good that she’s interested in food, When my Yohio had a molar-problem, he’d come running for food, and sometimes take a bit and then drop it immediately, no licking, just dropped it in disgust like it was disgusting. If she does stop eating, you will have to syringe her food (Critical care, pellet mash etc). It’s not much fun, but can be done and it does get easier with practice.

                                                            I’m doing well and so are my buns, thank you =)

                                                          • Luna Rose
                                                            116 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Just want to let you and everyone who has read my threads in the past that Luna is so much better. Got her back teeth done. They didn’t grind her front incisors when they did her back teeth and don’t understand why so I had to bring her a couple weeks ago to get her front teeth done. Ever since then she has been so good. She eats hay more. She is like a normal bunny now. All her problems are fixed for the most part. She Just needs to get spayed. But she doesn’t whine anymore. Only does when she is in heat and that’s becAuse she is whining cause she wants to mate. but in the past she would whine even when she wasn’t in heat but she hasn’t done that in a long time. Yay.

                                                              I have an xpen for her so she is never in a cage anymore when I am at work. I would cage her anytime I went to work or left my house but always made sure she was out of her cage when I was home and it’s always been this way. But now I have an xpen thanks to my friend letting me borrow it til I can buy my own. Yay.

                                                              I hope you are well bam. And I hope everyone else on here is doing okay.

                                                            • Bam
                                                              16889 posts Send Private Message

                                                                This is wonderful news! Thank you for the update! I’ve been thinking about you two.

                                                                I’m well and so are my buns, thank you

                                                              • Luna Rose
                                                                116 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Thank you bam! I am glad you and your buns are well!

                                                                  Happy valentines to you and your buns.

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                                                              Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A bladder sludge. :(