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Forum DIET & CARE Neutered Male or female?

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    • Elliriyanna
      588 posts Send Private Message

        This may seem like a silly question. But is this rabbit a neutered male or a female? 

      • Sr. Melangell
        1708 posts Send Private Message

          I think that is a boy bunny, I think that is his Tinkler, if it was female it would be flat.

        • Elliriyanna
          588 posts Send Private Message

            I am thinking so too but I would always rather be safe than sorry. The bun should be examined by a vet for confirmation I would imagine though.

          • Bam
            16901 posts Send Private Message

              A girl’s tinkler does protrude a little bit. So my question is, is it a slit or a hole in it?  This is what a girl looks like:
              This is a boy:

            • Elliriyanna
              588 posts Send Private Message

                That link doesn’t work for me and its seems to be a hole not a slit.

              • Bam
                16901 posts Send Private Message

                • Elliriyanna
                  588 posts Send Private Message

                    I tried googling it to compare first and found that article, I am just not sure.

                  • Eepster
                    1236 posts Send Private Message

                      You aren’t pushing hard enough in that photo to tell. The way I was taught to sex a bunny was to place my fingers on either side of the genitals and push hard enough to make the the penis pop out, but not so hard to hurt the bunny.

                      Not seeing the scrotum means nothing. Rabbits when can pull their testes so far up inside themselves when they think they might get injured that they are totally invisible. So seeing no balls on rabbit could still be an intact male capable of repopulating the world.

                      Here’s a youtube video.

                    • Sarita
                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                        It’s difficult to tell in the photo – it looks more like a slit to me which would be female…but then again, pictures are difficult so just have the vet confirm if you aren’t sure.

                      • Elliriyanna
                        588 posts Send Private Message

                          I was told that he was a male and they had him neutered. I am not randomly assuming its a neutered male, I will try again this afternoon.

                        • emm_renn
                          309 posts Send Private Message

                            To me it looks like a male

                          • Sarita
                            18851 posts Send Private Message

                              Can they get the paperwork confirming this from their vet?

                            • Elliriyanna
                              588 posts Send Private Message

                                I called the vet and they are working on getting the information to confirm it.

                              • Elliriyanna
                                588 posts Send Private Message

                                  Well I called the vet and gave them the womans name as well as the name he currently has and a rabbit his size, with his name was neutered August last year. So am I safe in assuming I was given correct information and he is a neutered male?

                                • Beka27
                                  16016 posts Send Private Message

                                    Can you bring the bunny into that vet for confirmation that this was the one he fixed? He should have a checkup anyways as he’s new to your home. If not that vet, I would have him seen by your vet.

                                  • Elliriyanna
                                    588 posts Send Private Message

                                      I am already planning to have the rabbit seen by my vet. But I doubt a vet who fixes so many rabbits would remember a specific rabbit especially if thats the only time they had seen them.

                                    • Elliriyanna
                                      588 posts Send Private Message

                                        I can not get his penis to come out but its definitely a hole not a slit. I have never had so much trouble with an animal. He is cooperative but still so much fur is hiding everything.

                                      • The Law Bun
                                        182 posts Send Private Message

                                          I just want to quickly point two things out, given your past posts regarding Monty.

                                          1) from the photos (and its hard to tell exactly from them), but that bunny seems to have longer thicker fur. I know you complained a lot about Monty’s shedding so IF this. Bunny is one of the fuzzier makes and models :p I highly suggest you think about letting him find a more suitable forever home. Those fuzzier breeds are definitely a lot of shedding haha!!

                                          2) if he is being difficult I again think you may want to forgo this bunny choice. You said multiple times before that you didn’t have time nor patience to really try and work with a difficult bunny, so you may. Want to wait for one whose personality is really suited to what you are looking for in animal.

                                          3) guess I have 3 things actually lol. If definitely looks like a male to me. Given that, and that your other rabbit is also male, are you ready for a potentially very difficult bonding process. To my knowledge bonding same sex pairs CAN BE quite a bit more difficult and requires a lot more time and investment.

                                          I really don’t want to see you fall into the same trap , but yea a vet check should solve the gender issue good luck!

                                        • Elliriyanna
                                          588 posts Send Private Message

                                             he is a short haired bun, he is not difficult he is very patient. No rabbit likes being flipped over for you to check gender etc.

                                            He is a 3.5 lb dutch mix we think .

                                            I just don’t trust anyone.

                                            I know male to male bonding is very difficult.

                                            I know what I am getting myself into , and I really don’t appreciate being treated like a child. 

                                            I said I could not handle TWO difficult buns at once, and I won’t tolerate someone making it sound like I gave up a rabbit because I didn’t like him being slow to come around. Monty was not thriving here. and it was not fair to keep him in a home unsuitable to him. yes I did have some sinus issues with his wooly coat, yes I had issues trying to bond Tenzin and monty. This is why I am not open with anyone. Thanks for throwing it in my face. 

                                            Not sure I will be back. So enjoy his welcome post. 

                                          • Elliriyanna
                                            588 posts Send Private Message

                                              New Pics I got Today. 

                                              I was told he may be a male with a split penis. 

                                            • LBJ10
                                              16942 posts Send Private Message

                                                Looks like a boy to me. Look at it from the side. A girl will be shaped like a pyramid.

                                              • Elliriyanna
                                                588 posts Send Private Message

                                                  That’s way easier said than done. Even getting pictures from the side is hard. Let alone holding him close to my face to see …

                                                • LBJ10
                                                  16942 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Can someone assist you in taking the picture? Really though, he looks like a boy to me in those pictures.

                                                  • LBJ10
                                                    16942 posts Send Private Message

                                                      This has some good pictures to compare with:

                                                    • Elliriyanna
                                                      588 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I have looked at that article. The first thing I did was google it hoping I wouldn’t have to ask and that it would be clear

                                                      • jerseygirl
                                                        22345 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I think it’s a boy also.

                                                          Not sure if this will help but here’s some more photos for comparison.

                                                          I’ve marked out the anus with arrow as that’s another clue. The space between anus & genitals is very short in girls. There is slightly more distance in boys. It’s hard to see this unless you’re doing a side by side comparison.

                                                           photo image_zpshlwaqavy.jpg

                                                           photo image_zpsgklvwsgl.jpg

                                                          You can see that again here in these 7wk old rabbits.
                                                           photo 331C63D8-0441-4AE2-9051-C8953B2E54C4-2660-0000035DA1088FA9_zps9f64de94.jpg
                                                          Photo from rabbitrehome dot org dot uk

                                                        • Elliriyanna
                                                          588 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I swear I have never had so much trouble sexing an animal …2 week old hamsters, kittens .. No problem but give me a bunny and I am lost

                                                          • LBJ10
                                                            16942 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Those are good pics too. Thanks JG!

                                                            • tanlover14
                                                              3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                I would highly suggest just waiting for a vet visit to sex him. You’re likely going to cause unnecessary stress if you keep trying to look.

                                                                I’m also a little worried that you are going to rehome a rabbit due to sex. If you are using a rabbit-savvy vet, they should have no problems with spaying females. I have had 4 done w/out any problems. 2 of my females even recovered faster than my boys. Animals are a life time commitment. It may be much better, in the future, to look at rescues to adopt from. You’ll know exactly what the bunny is like – personality, age, sex, etc. before bringing them home.

                                                              • Elliriyanna
                                                                588 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  I looked at rescues first … I always do. But thanks for the advice. 

                                                                  And No the Hard decision is whether to go through with a surgery that can be fairly risky, or Just let him be.

                                                                  You really don’t know me so please do not make assumptions.

                                                                  I have looked TWICE btw … I am not constantly checking.

                                                                  Sidenote .. I started this thread because my Tenzin is newly neutered and I did not want a female in the room with him stressing him while he heals. SORRY for asking the advice of experienced keepers to try to prevent undue stress on him. 

                                                                • BB Administrator
                                                                  392 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Reminder – Please be careful with tones here –This is a no snarky zone.

                                                                    Elliriyanna – I do believe members are really trying to help – I understand advice can sometimes be misread as criticism, especially in a written setting — you can’t hear how people are talking, and if you are already feeling a bit anxious or concerned about the situation, you may be more vulnerable to taking offense to intentions that have no ill-will.

                                                                    Regarding whether this is male or female — Looks like a male to me. And it looks like you have some verification via paperwork, but if you are still unsure or unsettled about it then it will be educational for us to find out when you have an expert actually look at your bunny in person. Let us know the final verdict when and if that happens.


                                                                  • MissGabbster
                                                                    718 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Looks like a boy to me.

                                                                    • Elliriyanna
                                                                      588 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        I can’t go to the vet until next week. And I figured that since I had some new and better pictures I would post them. The last ones weren’t clear, But those pictures come from the only two times I have even looked, Mostly I just play with him, feed him, make sure he is cared for.

                                                                        Yes I am sensitive but not about the gender … I had to rehome one rabbit which noone even has all the facts about and now it seems everyone thinks I should or will get rid of anything I adopt. Thats hardly fair.

                                                                      • Bam
                                                                        16901 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          I think he’s a boy, the majority of facts point to that – and if he’s a girl, I’m sure you’ll deal with that too, even if the situation is not what you wanted. For now, please try not to worry too much, (I know this is difficult when you are a person that likes to be prepared). If Oreo should turn out to be a girl, let’s discuss your options then!

                                                                        • Elliriyanna
                                                                          588 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            well it will be about a week … and for now … The important thing is both buns are happy and healthy. Noone is stressed, Heck they only realized each other exist yesterday and they still didn’t really care.

                                                                            There actually is something I can do in the meantime And i am going to do that now.

                                                                          • Bam
                                                                            16901 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              I’m so glad to hear it =) Good fur-babies =)

                                                                            • Elliriyanna
                                                                              588 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                Well the paperwork and a few breeders have confirmed male, so I am feeling much better.

                                                                              • LBJ10
                                                                                16942 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                  If I’m reading the first part of TL’s response correctly, I think she was referring to you being stressed. You are really worried about it and I know, at least for me, that stressing over something and trying to figure it out on your own just leads to more freaking out because you start second guessing what you’re seeing. Believe me, googling symptoms and the hypochondriac in me do not pair well together.

                                                                                  Anyway, my point is that you should try to not stress yourself out too much. Just trust that all of the evidence points to this being a neutered male and the vet will confirm this. And if he turns out to be a girl, then you will deal with it then. And we can help you if you want. We really do just want to help.

                                                                                • Elliriyanna
                                                                                  588 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                    I may have taken that the wrong way … I thought they meant stressing my bun by constantly sexing him. But I would never do that. I only even sexed him the second time to try to get better pictures and hoping that things would be clearer. But I certainly won’t do it again. It’s not like repeatedly looking is going to get us anywhere

                                                                                  • tanlover14
                                                                                    3617 posts Send Private Message

                                                                                      Thanks, LBJ, for clearing that up! I haven’t been on in a few days and am just reading the thread responses!

                                                                                      I am sorry you are feeling attacked or offended, Elliriyanna. I agree w/ BB that it can be difficult to know tones on written responses and to clearly get all your points across in the right way that is correctly understood! I only mentioned rescue (I read through the post but did not see anything about previous ones being rescued. Just assumed since both were unaltered, they were not rescues and maybe you hadn’t looked!). I know everyone gets caught up in the baby phase but man can those be some hard phases. That’s why I suggested the rescues first. You know EXACTLY what you are getting. My three Tans that came from a breeder all have the most unexpected personalities. I love them all so much but it has taken us a lot of time and patience to develop very good relationships with them all! They are a very hyper breed & their teeth seem to be their main form of playing! Urgh! With horrible litter box habits! LOL. Every rabbit is so different but the older they are the more “set in their ways and behaviors” they seem to be!

                                                                                      I can’t wait to find out what he/she is ACTUALLY! When the vet is able to confirm! I hope it’s a boy!

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                                                                                  Forum DIET & CARE Neutered Male or female?